chapter1:reincarnated in to my novel(1)

Dakota: i was done bathing so i exit the shower and come downstairs, and i saw my mother and father laying on the couch in the living room.

and by the way in my past life i didn't have parents i was adopted, but my adopted parents died when i was 18, so when i got reincarnated i was happy that i had parents again.

mother: oh hey Dakota did you finish bathing.

Dakota: yes i did mother.

mother: well that's good, but could you tell me what happened during you're first day at the academy.

Dakota: ok mother i will tell you

so then i started telling her how i made four new friends and how we played and what i learned.

father: wow Dakota i am glad you made friends at the academy.

mother: yes i am glad too i was worried that you wouldn't make any friends.

Dakota: huh and why would you say that mother.

mother: well since you are a genius i thought you would be cocky and be mean but it looks like i was wrong.

Dakota: what i would never do that, even if i am a genius i still wont be mean to people.

mother: well that's good i hope you don't change and keep thinking like that.

Dakota: don't worry mother i promise i wont change.

mother: good and looks like its now time to train with you're father.

father: lets go outside son its training time.

Dakota: ok father.

and then me and my father go outside and train together, well actually its my father training me, he is helping with my magic training well since my father is one of the strongest mages if you didn't know.

and we trained for like 2-3 hours and then we gone back in to our house and see that mother cooked us some food.

mother: good you came just in time for dinner.

and then me and my father ate the dinner my mother made us and i finished first and went up in my room.

Dakota: ok its getting kind of late now i should sleep.

i went to sleep and then my mother yelled "wake up Dakota or you're gonna be late for the academy again.

and as soon as i heard those words i immediately woke up and got dressed and i ran downstairs.

Dakota: mother father i am going now.

mother: ok Dakota hurry before yore late.

Dakota: ok mother and don't worry i am not gonna be late.

i then exit our house and then went full speed and i arrived at the academy on time, and went in to my class.

and then i saw my friends and said hi to all of them.

and then class started and the teacher started speaking.

teacher: so class can you tell me how we can use magic.

and i raise my hand since know the answer, i mean of course i do since i created this power well not really i just copied it form that planet.

ah i remember when that planet got revealed it shocked the whole entire world, and i do wonder what that guys doing right now since he is the one that saved the earth.

but enough of that i should answer the question .

Dakota: we can use magic by first awakening in it, and then second to use magic you have to have knowledge about magic abilities to use them, and the more knowledge you have the stronger you can get.

teacher: yes you're right Dakota you get 80 points for answering that question.

and btw points are grades and the max points you can get is 100.

teacher: Dakota i know that you already awakened you're magic, so would you mind showing the class you're magic.

Dakota: ok i don't mind.

i get up from my seat and go to the front of the class and i show the my magic, and the magic i used is a simple fireball.

the class: wow so that's magic huh, oh i am so excited to use magic.

the whole class was amazed and excited to use magic.

but then there was a loud noise and the alarm went off.

the class: whoa what was that noise.

teacher: don't worry class i will go and find out what caused that noise.

the teacher then ran out of the classroom leaving us alone.

Lucas: don't worry everyone everything will be okay the teaches will deal with the problem.

ava: yea Lucas is right so don't worry.

the class calmed down after hiring those words, but then suddenly someone kicked the door down and entered the class,

Liam: wait a minuet is that a.

Mia: yeah its a child. and not only that its Andy the genius child who awakened his magic at a young age like Dakota.Dakota: hm so he is like me huh, hey you what the fuck do you think your doing.

Andy: huh who the hell do you think you're talking to.

Dakota: well it seems like i am talking to a bitch.

Andy; huh what the fuck did you say a bitch, you fucking bastard i will fucking kill you.

Dakota: hey aren't you in this academy, so why are you attacking it.

Andy: because i want to, i am the genius child i can do whatever i want.

Dakota: huh you cocky son of a bitch you think just because you're a genius you can do anything you want, well motherfucker i guess its about time you get you're ass kicked.

Andy: hm i would like to see you try, i know who you are Dakota right the kid who is like me.

Dakota: yea i guess, but now we can see whose stronger me or you.

Andy: yeah its time for me to teach you a lesson.

Dakota: hm why don't you shut that cringey mouth of yours and fight.

Andy: ok then lets see who the true genius really is.