reincarnated in to my novel(2)

Dakota: wait, lets not fight in the classroom we should go outside and fight there.

Andy: hm you're right we should do that, ok lets go. 

after Andy said that me and him go outside.

Dakota: ok now that were here i am going to activate my magical barrier.

a magical barrier is a barrier that whatever you destroy inside of the barrier you can just repair it after the battel ended, and whoever or whatever is outside of the barrier can not get damaged, and if someone wants to enter in the barrier, they have to get permission from the person who created it or you can just destroy parts of the barrier and enter.

Dakota: ok now that i deployed my barrier lets get started.

Andy: yeah lets do this.

i use my magic to create a flame sword, "well lets go you son of a bitch".

me and him start fighting he use fireball but i dodge it and manage to get behind him, and then i try to hit him with the sword but he dodged and kicked me in the stomach and sent me flying in to the ground.

Dakota: dame he is better than i expected looks like i will have to try harder.

so i speed up and hit him in the chest with my flame fist, and that sent him flying.

Andy: fucking hell that hurt, this mother fucker is defiantly faster than me but i think i am physically stronger than him so i will use that as my advantage.

so Andy activated flame fist to and flew towards me.

and then we clash with our fists.

Dakota: well Andy you're stronger than i expected but i will still beat you.

Andy: hm i thought the exact same thing.

our clash ended it was a draw.

but they immediately started fighting again Andy was throwing a bunch of fireballs around and Dakota was dodging all of them looking for an opportunity to counterattack.

and meanwhile all of the students were watching there fight.

Lucas: wow i knew Dakota was strong but i didn't think he was this strong.

ava: yeah me too, but i really hope Dakota will beat Andy.

Liam: yeah me too and Mia who do you think will win Dakota or Andy.

Mia: hm i think Dakota will win.

Liam: and why do you think Dakota will win.

Mia: because Dakota is my friend and as his friend of course i am gonna chose him.

Lucas: hm you're right Mia i thinks so too, but i think Dakota will win because his stronger and not because his my friend.

ava: oh yeah me to i think Dakota will win because he is stronger, and because that's what my heart is telling me.

Dakota: dame him whit his fucking fireballs its fucking annoying as fuck, he keeps spamming it which is really annoying, but if he keeps this up he is going to run out of mana soon.

Dakota: well that's good for me.

as Andy kept shotting his fireballs he said "god dammit how is he so fast he keeps dodging my spells, tch looks like i will have to attack him in a deferent way".

Andy: i will just keep attacking him with the fireballs and then i will teleport behind him and stab him with the flame sword.

as Andy starts creating the flame sword his fireballs start decreasing and getting slower, Dakota notices this and realizes what he is trying to do.

Dakota: ah i see so he is trying to stab me with the flame sword, but i will just keep acting like i don't know what he is planning.

as Andy's fireballs disappeared he quickly teleported behind Dakota and tried to stab him, but Dakota dodged and went behind him and stabbed him in the back.

Andy: what how, did you know what i was planning.

Dakota: yeah i did it was a really basic plan so it was easy to figure it out.

Andy: huh basic why are you talking like you have experienced battel before.

Dakota: that's because i did i always battelled with my father so i have experience in fighting.

and not only that i also have experience fighting in my past life.

Andy: tch god fucking dammit and i thought i was the greatest child genius, but looks like i was wrong it was actually you not me.

Dakota: hm you know i thought you would be really mad when you lost but you're not.

Andy: yeah and that's because i lost fair and square so i am not really that mad, i am still kind of mad though. 


Dakota: well it was still a good fight Andy, for you're age you're pretty strong.

Andy: well thanks for the compliment child genius.

Dakota: yeah no problem, but i still have to detain you and you're going to be in big trouble too.

Andy: yeah i know but i am still 7 so its not like there gonna arrest me.

Dakota: ha you're right i will just leave you here for the teachers goodbye.

Andy: yeah bye.

and that's how my first real battel in this life ended.

Lucas: wow Dakota you were incredible.

Liam: yeah you were stronger than i expected.

Mia: yea you were awesome.]

ava: yeah you were cool strong and then said handsome in a low voice so i couldn't hear what she said.

the class: holy shit Dakota you were so awesome and strong you're truly a genius.

Dakota: thank you everyone for the compliments but we should go and find the teacher to find out what happened.

the calls: yeah okay lets go.

then me and the class go to find the teacher and we saw her and someone yelled "hey teacher".

teacher: oh class there you are, are you okay. 

class: yes teacher were okay and that's because of Dakota.

 teacher: hm? because of Dakota you're all safe?.

class: yes want us to tell you what he did.