reincarnated in to my novel(3)

teacher: yea i would like to know what Dakota did, but before that there's something i need to tell you children.

Lucas: and what is it that you would like to tell us teacher.

teacher: remember the loud noise from before, yeah the one who caused that noise was that organization.

Dakota: wait when you said that organization do you mean them, the most dangerous organization in all of history.

teacher: yes it was the blazers organization.

Dakota: ah so it was them huh the most dangerous organization i created in my novel.

the blazers organization is the most dangerous and most powerful organization, and that's because their leader is blazer the strongest devil in all of history. and he was the most feared too and his nickname is the king of the red flames, and they Call him that nickname is because he uses red flames which is known as the most powerful flame and the most powerful power in all of existence.

and the 2nd most dangerous organization is the fiamma organization, and she is the 2nd most strongest and her nickname is the queen of red flames and the reason for her nickname is the same as blazers.

but why did blazers organization attack the children's academy, for what reason did they attack us well so far i don't know maybe i will find out in the future.

Dakota: do you know why they attacked us teacher.

teacher: no i don't know why they attacked us but, we did manage to stop their attack and defeat them.

Dakota: oh that's good.

teacher: yeah i know but class would you tell me what Dakota did i am kind of interested.

class: ok we'll tell you teacher.

so the class explaining to the teacher on how i managed to defeat Andy and save them.

teacher: wow that's incredible Dakota, i didn't know you were that strong.

Dakota: thank you teacher.

teacher: yes no problem, but students since somebody decided to attack us the rest of the classes are canceled so you can go home now, and the academy should be going on a one month brake so i hope you enjoy the break.

class: whoa a 1 month break already this is awesome i am definitely gonna enjoy this.

teacher: ok now goodbye class.

class: goodbye teacher.

so all the students started leaving the academy, but me and my friends stayed behind to talk.

Lucas: so what are you guys going to do on the break.

Liam: well i am definitely going to train so i can awaken my magic.

ava&mia: me too.

Lucas: hm so we all want to train to awaken our magic so we can be as strong as Dakota.

Dakota: hm so you want to be as strong as me, then you all better train real hard.

then all of the three said " yes we will".

so after we were done talking i headed home and when i arrived my mother and father was sprinting towards me and hugged me. 

Dakota: mother father what's wrong why do you look so worried.

mother: because we saw on the news that the blazers organization attacked you're academy, so we were worried that something bad happened to you.

Dakota: well don't worry mother nothing happened to me, but i did beat someone up.

father: huh wait you beat someone up!.

Dakota: hm yes i did father and the person i beat up was named Andy.

mother: wait when you said Andy do you mean As Andy the child genius.

Dakota: yes.

father: ha what did i tell you baby i did say our child was the true child genius.

mother: hm i guess he really is one then huh.

Dakota: of course i am a genius mother since dad did train me ever since i was 3 years old.

Mother: that's true you're father did train you, but i am really proud of you son for saving you're classmates.

Dakota: well mother of course i was gonna save my classmates since you did raise and always told me to save people.

mother: hm i know, but you're dirty from fighting so go take a bath and then come and eat dinner.

Dakota: ok.

i go up stairs and in to the shower and go in the bath.

Dakota: wow what a crazy day first my academy was attacked by the most dangerous organization and then i fought with another child genius like me and won.

Dakota: and now that i think about it the start of this academy isn't to much different from when i first entered school, the only difference is that in my school we didn't have magic power.

Dakota: so far my life in this new world is going good, and i have some plans prepared for the future too.

Dakota: hmm i will have to face a lot of trouble in the future that's for sure.

Dakota: but no matter what kid of trouble lies ahead i will always overcome them just like in my previous life.

Dakota: but ok I'm done bathing its time to go eat dinner.

and then 1 month goes bye and its time to go back to the academy.

Dakota: mother father i am leaving now.

Mother: ok Dakota be safe.

Dakota: i will.

so i once again run until i arrive at the academy.

Dakota: oh hey guys.

i saw my friends and said that to them.

Lucas: oh hey Dakota you're here.

Dakota: yes i am, and why do you all look so happy.

ava: that's because we all awakened our magic.

Dakota: what! really you guys did.

Mia: yep we did.

Dakota: wow so we can finally train together.

Liam: that's right, but why don't we start right now.

Dakota: huh but isn't there only 5 minuets left until the bell rings.

Liam: so what come on Dakota fight me one on one right here right now.

Dakota: hm you know what fine, lets do this.