chapter 12

and then the all the healers immediately started healing Henry so he doesn't die.

and Dakota left the fighting stage to go meet his friends.

Lucas: hey Dakota i saw you're fight, and it was fucking insane.

Liam: yeah me too, and that technique you did was so powerful it blew my mind.

Mia: yeah you were so amazing out there Dakota.

ava: yeah i actually expected for you to have a secret technique.

Dakota: oh you did ava.

Ava: yeah i did, i just had a felling that you were hiding something.

Dakota: wow she has some good intuition.

Lucas: you were so amazing Dakota, that i want to fight you right now.

Dakota: wow ok but lets do that later i am really tired right now.

Lucas: ok go get some rest and then we can fight.

Dakota: ok i am going to go home so i can rest.

and the four of them said "goodbye".

so i went home and entered, and then my parents immediately came rushing at me.

mother: oh my god son i was watching you're fight and you were incredible.

Father: yeah me too, and i realized that you have some incredible potential.

Dakota: well thanks mom and dad.

mother: yeah I'm just glad that you were okay son.

dad: yeah you should have seen how worried you're mother was.

mother: ahh honey i told you to not tell him that.

so my mother and father began playfully fighting, and it was fun to watch too.

Dakota: ok mother I'm going up to my room to bathe.

Mother: ok then i will start cooking dinner.

Dakota: ok.

soi went up to my room, and turned the bath on and got in it.

Dakota: haa what a stressful day this was, and an amazing day too.

Dakota: all of the fights were amazing to watch, and i completed mu first mission too, and that was to defeat the mc.

Dakota: and i still have some missions left in this academy, but i am not worried since i will complete them all.

Dakota: now i should just rest and enjoy this day.

and then it was the next morning and Dakota woke up and quickly dressed up and arrived at the academy.

Dakota: phew i am glad that i wasn't late.

Dakota then went to find his class and entered.

teacher: oh and look who it is the strongest and most famous person in this academy.

Dakota: huh?, the most strongest and famous.

teacher: yeah have you seen what people have been calling you, their calling you the most promising youngster in all of history.

Dakota: oh wow really, who is calling me that.

teacher: social media especially twitter.

Dakota: ah of course it was twitter.

teacher: then why don't you go take you're seat so we can begin the lesson.

Dakota: ok.

so i went and took my seat next to my friends.

Lucas: hello there MR.strongest in the academy.

Dakota: why are you calling me that.

Lucas: well that is your nickname right.

Liam: yeah and its also the most promising youngster too.

Ava: oh yeah i really like that nickname, it suits him.

Mia; yah me too.

Dakota: ok guys stop calling me by my nickname, and actually call me by my name.

the four said "ok fine".

so the lesson ended and its was lunch break right now, but then someone came up to us, and that someone was henry.

Henry: hey Dakota would you mind to join us to talk about something, i would really like us to be friends.

Dakota: oh ok.

mu friends was kind of shocked when they heard that the person who got defeated wants to be my friend, but i wasn't shocked at all since i knew what kind of person my mc was.

and not only that the main characters group was here too.

jack: hello there you bitch nice to see you again.

Liam: hm yeah nice to see you too.

Dakota: ok now both of you calm down, you both know you cant fight here.

Liam: yeah i know.

henry: ok now why don't we go to the cafeteria and talk over there.

Dakota: yeah that's a good idea.

so we all went to the cafeteria and found an empty table and sat down there.

random person: wow look at that all of the strongest student's are siting at one table.

random person: i bet you all of the students sitting on the table can solo the whole entire academy excluding the teachers.

Dakota: well would you look at that all of the attention is on us.

Amelia: well of course they are on us, since we all are the strongest student's in the academy.

ava: yeah that's true.

Dakota: ok but why did you bring us here henry.

Henry: well like i said, i just want all of us to be friends.

Dakota: yeah i was actually thinking the same thing too.

henry: oh that's good, then why don't we all introduce ourselves again.

Dakota: ok why not.

so we all introduced ourselves again.

jack: ok now that we did the boring stuff, hey bitch why don't we have a rematch.

Liam: oh a rematch you say, are you sure you can win against mu lightning swift.

jack: yeah i admit that the technique is powerful, but the only reason i got defeated is because i was caught off guard so now i wont be caught off guard and win.

Liam: yeah i am not sure about that.

Luna: speaking of rematches, i want a rematch against you Mia.

Mia: oh you want a rematch, ok lets do it then.

Amelia; actually i want a rematch too.

Ava: ok i have been wanting to fight too.

Dakota: wow would you look at that, all of them are itching for a fight how funny.

henry: yeah that is funny, but why don't we have a rematch to. ever since you defeated me i wanted to fight you again.

Dakota: hm okay why not, lets all have a rematch.