let's do a mission together(1)

so we all went to the training grounds to have a rematch.

Dakota: ok are all of you ready.

 everybody said "yeah we are ready".

Dakota: ok let's begin.

then everybody got in to their positions and was ready to fight.

Jack: let's do this, bitch. 

Liam: you sure talk a lot for a guy that lost.

Luna: this time i am not going to lose.

Mia: yeah that's what they all say.

Amelia: let's do this.

ava: yeah.

Dakota: you ready to get defeated again Henry.

Henry: no not really.

so all of them begin fighting, and the fighting was done and the Irregulars all won.

Dakota: see i told you, that you're group can't win against ours.

henry: yeah ok i admit that you're group is stronger than ours as of currently, but in the future we will become stronger.

Dakota: ha i would like to see you try.

Henry: oh and by the way i have a question to ask you.

Dakota: and what would you like to ask me.

Henry: why don't we all do a mission together.

And them everyone was shocked when they heard Henry ask that question except Dakota.

Dakota: you know what why not, let's do it.

Liam: huh why Dakota, why should we team up with them.

Jack: yeah henry why should we team up with those idiots.

Dakota: look here both of you, me and Henry are the strongest of our groups so it is natural that the strongest decides what to do.

jack: tch i guess you're right.

Lima: fine i will team up with them, but only because you wanted to Dakota since you did help me with my training after all.

Henry: good then that means both our groups teemed up right.

Dakota: yes both our groups teemed up, so what mission should we do.

Henry: actually i don't know.

ava: huh you don't know, then why did you ask us to team up.

Henry: um that's because i thought after we teemed up we could decide the mission afterwards.

Amelia: wow you're a dumbass.

Dakota: haha that's so like you, ok let's go find a mission to do together.

Henry: ok let's goo.


so then we decided to go and ask the teacher to give us a mission.

teacher: huh you want a mission.

Henry: yeah we decided to team up and complete a mission.

teacher: huh a mission for the strongest students at the academy, hmm okay i know what kind of mission i could give you guys.

Henry: oh what is it.

teacher: can you go and clear a labyrinth.

Dakota: wow a Labyrinth really.

teacher: yeah there was a recently discovered labyrinth that is c rank, and it will be you're first time clearing a labyrinth, so a c rank one will be perfect.

Dakota: yes that would be the perfect mission for this party, we will take the mission.

teacher: ok then i will give you the location for the labyrinth, and ask whoever is in charge of the labyrinth to close it and make sure only that you guys can enter.

Dakota: ok thanks teacher.

teacher: yeah no problem, now go home and prepare for the labyrinth tomorrow.

and all of us said "ok".

so i went home and told my parents about the labyrinth mission.

mother: what you're going to clear the labyrinth!, and with the strongest students of the academy too.

Dakota: yeah.

father: wow that's insane son, going to clear a labyrinth at your age is crazy.

Dakota: yeah i know, but its only a c rank one so pleas can i go to the labyrinth.

Mother: haa ok fine, but if it gets dangerous pleas run away.

Dakota: ok thanks mom.

Mother: he is not gonna listen to my advice is he.

father: no he's probably not.

so then tomorrow came, and it was time for the labyrinth.

teacher: ok guys are you all ready.

and all of us said "yes".

teacher: ok then you can enter the labyrinth now, and if it gets too dangerous pleas run away.

Dakota: yeah yeah we know teacher.

teacher: haa fine whatever, just go in all of you.

Dakota: ok guys let's go in to our first labyrinth.

so then we all entered the portal and it sent us to the labyrinths first floor.

henry: ah so were finally inside the labyrinth.

Dakota: yeah and it looks so shiny with all that crystals.

Liam: yeah it sure does look beautiful.

Lucas: ok guys stop admiring the labyrinth, and focus on clearing it.

jack: yeah he's right let's focus on clearing the labyrinth.

Dakota: ok but this labyrinth has 15 floors right.

ava: yeah your right, and the last floor is the boss floor so we should save our energy for that floor.

Dakota: yeah your right, so the you guys fight while me and henry save our energy.

Luna: huh and why should you two save your energy and we fight.

Dakota: because me and henry are the strongest in the group, so it should be natural right.

Luna: tch fine you make a good point.

Lucas: oh look their are goblins there, but don't worry i will take car of them.

so Lucas uses his ice magic and sent ice spikes towards the goblins and killed them all.

Dakota: yeah with Lucas here we should go down to the last floor easily without me and henry using our magic.

Lucas: okay let's goo.

so we fought many monsters and then we finally arrived at the last floor.

Dakota: ok guys are you all ready to fight the boss.

Henry: yes i am.

Mia: you guys may be ready, but look at us we are so tired of fighting these past hour.

Dakota: oh so what me and Henry should be enough for the boss.

jack: oh okay then why don't you show us how powerful you too are.

Dakota: hmm ok, let's do this henry.

henry: yeah lets goo.

so we opened the big door and there was a giant serpent, but it looked like it was dead.

Dakota: wait what is that.

and there was a person eating that serpent.

Dakota: wait don't tell me, is that a Djinn!.