
Dakota: oh wow that sure was an intense battle huh.

Henry: yeah it sure was intense, we are Lucky that none of us died.

Lucas: yeah we are really lucky.

Dakota: it's not that we're lucky, it's that we're strong

Liam: yeah we wouldn't have survived if we we're not strong.

Ava: ok now that we killed the Djinn, we should get out of here.

Dakota: yeah your right, let's go.

So we first woke up the people that were knock out, and when they all woke up we left the boss room and now we are going to the exit.

Dakota: well this labyrinth was hared than I expected, but looks like our rewards are about to be 2 times better.

Ava: yeah it better be, since we almost died.

Henry: I do wonder what kind of rewards we're gonna get.

Dakota: well I know it's about to be something good.

So we all arrived at the exit, and went though the portal and we finally left the labyrinth.

Teachers: oh hey finally, wow what the hell happened to you guys.

Teacher: was the boss that difficult.

Dakota: actually the boss was already dead when we arrive at his room.

Teacher: what? Then who did you face to make you look like that.

Dakota: a Djinn.

Teacher: oh yeah a Djinn?, WAIT WHAT a Djinn, how did you fight a Djinn.

Dakota: I think the Djinn sneaked in the labyrinth, and also he killed the boss.

Teacher: ok but what rank was the Djinn.

Dakota: mid-rank.

Teacher: WHAT! You fought a mid-ranked Djinn, and survived.

Dakota: oh we did not only survive, but we killed him.

Teacher: ... Huh, you killed him.

Dakota: yeah, but not only me basically everyone killed him.

Teacher: no way I can't believe that you students killed him.

Dakota: yeah but what are our rewards for killing the Djinn.

Teacher: oh you're rewards huh, well since you killed a Djinn and not the boss, I guess you're rewards are now gonna be 2 times better.

Dakota: ha see I told you guys.

Teacher: ok now I should call all you're parents and tell them what happened.

so then all of our parents arrived, and of course they all we're worried about us.

Mother: Dakota are you okay, i heard you fought a mid-ranked Djinn is that true.

Dakota: yes it's true mother, i even killed him.

Father: whoa you actually managed to kill a mid-ranked Djinn.

Dakota: well i didn't beat him alone, if my friends weren't their to help me i would have definitely died.

mother: but still Dakota, i am just glad that you're alive.

Dakota: yes i am glad too.

henry: hey Dakota would you mind if i talk with you for a second.

Dakota: oh okay.

Dakota: mother can i go talk with my friend.

mother: yes you can Dakota.

Dakota: ok thanks, now let's go henry.

so then me and henry gather our friends and went somewhere kind of far.

Dakota: ok what did you want henry.

Henry: i just wanted for us to celebrate.

Mia: celebrate what.

Dakota: Mia are you dumb, of course he's talking about celebrating killing the Djinn.

Mia: oh yeah, then we should celebrate.

Henry: yeah guys come on we should go rent out restaurant and celebrate.

Dakota: yeah we should.

then everyone agreed and we rented out a restaurant, or should i say our parents rented out the restaurant to so we all can be alone.

Dakota: ok then we should get this party started.

so the party stared, and music started playing and we were eating food.

Dakota: hmm this is really delicious.

Mia: yes this burger is so diecious.

ava: no your wrong it's the fries that are the most delicious.

Mia: no it's the burger.

Ava: no it's the fries.

Mia: burger.

Ava: fries.

Mia: burger.

Ava: fries.

Mia: it's burger.

Dakota: look you're both wrong, it's obviously the spicy ramen.

henry: yeah i agree, it's definitely the ramen.

Lucas: i agree too.

Dakota: see the three strongest agreed on the same thing, so the winner is spicy ramen.

Liam: oh so because you're three are the strongest, that decides what's the best.

Dakota: yes exactly.

jack: no it's not.

Dakota: you're just saying that because you're not apart of the strongest.

jack: huh what are you talking about, i am part of the strongest.

Dakota: i meant the top 3.

jack: ... well i guess you're right then.

Dakota: haha see he gets it.

ava: yeah whatever.

henry: now guys pleas listen to me, i have something to say.

Dakota: and what is that.

Henry: how about we officially combine our groups.

Dakota: oh so you want us to join hands with each other.

Henry: yes that's what i want, i mean we would be the strongest group ever formed in the entire academy's history.

Dakota: yeah you're right about that.

henry: so then what do you say Dakota.

Liam: what hell no, i don't want to be apart of a team with him.

Jack: yeah well me too.

Henry: sorry but i wasn't talking to you two, i was talking to Dakota.

Liam: oh shut up, i know Dakota wont accept you crazy proposal.

Dakota: yeah i will accept.

Liam: see? huh.

Liam: Dakota what the fuck man, why did you accept.

Dakota: because this is a really good deal, i mean we will be the strongest group in the entire academy's history plus we we're strong enough to kill a mid-ranked Djinn together.

Ava: yeah Dakotas right, we should join hands with them.

Liam: what no way, hey Mia Lucas you don't agree with them right.

Lucas: sorry but i agree with Dakota. 

Mia: yeah me too.

Liam: ah for fucks sake.

Henry: hey you guys agree too right.

Amelia: yeah why not.

Luna: i agree too.

Jack: fucking hell fine.

Henry: good then that means, the strongest group in the entire academy's history has been formed.

Dakota: yes indeed it has.