
And after partying the whole day, the entire group was tired.

Dakota: damn I am really tired.

Henry: yeah me to, since we did party a lot.

Dakota: oh and tomorrow we should be getting our reward, for killing the Djinn

Ava: yeah, I can't wait for tomorrow.

So we all went to our House, and went to sleep immediately.

Then the morning came, and it was time for me to Wake up.

And I got ready, and went to the academy.

Then I arrived and saw the group waiting for me.

Dakota: hey there guys, sorry that I'm late.

Henry: don't worry about that, now let's go in.

So we went in the academy, but then a bunch of people came up to us and started asking a lot of questions.

Random: hey did you guys actually defeat a mid-ranked Djinn.

Dakota: umm yeah.

Then everyone got suddenly very excited hearing that we killed a mid-ranked Djinn.

I mean I guess killing a mid-ranked Djinn while not being hero's is very impressive.

Then everyone got suddenly very excited hearing that we killed a mid-ranked Djinn.

I mean I guess killing a mid-ranked Djinn while not being hero's is very impressive.

random: i can't believe i am witnessing history being created right now.

random: and did you guys really from a group together.

Dakota: yes we did.

Random: oh my god, so it is true, hey post it on social media right this instant.

random: and can you tell us how you guys killed the Djinn.

Lucas: sorry but we just arrived, so can you let us go and we can answer your questions later.

then everyone went silent and let us through.

Dakota: wow Lucas you really just mad all of them stop, how did you do that.

Lucas: i actually don't know, i wasn't expecting them all to actually stop.

Dakota: ha i see.

and this guy really reminds me of him, on of my childhood friend's from my past life.

so we then go in the principals office, since the principal told us to come.

then we arrived at the office and entered.

Edward: hell students, i am the principle of this academy Edward pierce, and i am going to give you the rewards for killing the Djinn.

Dakota: all right, now this is what i am talking about.

Edward: ok now students, here are all the rewards so come and choose them.

all of us were amazed at the rewards.

Henry: ok then, Dakota you go first.

Dakota: huh? why me.

Henry: you were the one that killed the Djinn right, so it's only natural for you to choose first.

Lucas: yeah he's right Dakota, now go choose.

Dakota: ok fine.

so i went to the table, full of amazing rewards.

Edward: so which one do you want to choose.

Dakota: there was a bunch of stuff to choose, like the magic amplification bracelet, and the magic armor, and the elixir etc.

But there was one thing that was better than all of them combined, and that was the random mysteries box.

Dakota: i would like to choose the random mysteries box.

Edward: huh? the mysteries box, really that box is the worst one here.

Dakota: yeah but i still want to choose that.

Edward: ok if you say so.

henry: what Dakota choose the box, the worst one there.

Lucas: yeah why did he choose the box.

Ava: there was much better things Thant that box, so why did he choose it.

the thing they didn't know, was that this box has a certain ability that is much better then the stuff here.

even though it is extremely hard to get from that box, i know a way to get it.

Dakota: ok then guys you can choose your rearwards now. 

henry: um Dakota are you sure that you are gonna choose that.

Dakota: yes i am sure.

so the all of them chose their rewards, and we all went in my room to see the things we chose.

Dakota: so what did you guys choose.

henry: i chose the magic amplification bracelet.

Lucas: i chose the elixir.

ava: i chose the flame magic scroll.

Liam: i chose the magic armor.

Jack: i chose the lightning scroll.

Mia: i chose the bracelet that makes my water magic stronger.

Amelia: i chose the light armor. 

Luan: i chose the water magic scroll.

Dakota: ok that was some pretty good items you got there guys.

Henry: but Dakota i am wondering, why did you choose the random mysteries box out of all things.

Dakota: there is a reason why i chose this box, but i won't tell you.

Lucas: huh and why not.

Dakota: because it's a secret.

ava: oh another secret huh.

Dakota: wait what do you mean by "another secret".

Ava: oh it's just that, you are always full of secrets i don't know about.

Dakota: well don't worry, because i will tell you all of my secretes.

ava: and when is that gonna be.

Dakota: when the time is right.

ava: i wonder when that time is gonna be.

Dakota: even i don't know, maybe in 10 years, or maybe in 1 year, or maybe in 1 month, or maybe it can be even tomorrow.

Ava: just what are you trying to get at.

Dakota: i am just saying i will tell you when the time is right.

Ava: fine.

Henry: and will you tell us too Dakota.

Dakota: hmm i guess we will see.

henry: when the time is right, right.

Dakota: yeah, when the time is right indeed.

so then we all talked for an hour or so, and then we all went home.

Dakota: mother father i am home.

Mother: welcome back Dakota.

father: yeah welcome back, and by the way what reward did you choose.

Dakota: i chose the random mysteries box.

father: huh why did you choose that.

Dakota: trust me father this box is much better than you think.

father: oh and how do you know that.

Dakota: i just do.

Father: ah fine, i know you won't tell me the answer anyway.

Mother: ok now Dakota come and eat dinner.

Dakota: ok mother I'm coming.