
So first we decide to go to a restaurant, and we found a 5 star restaurant and entered.

Waiter: hello there, and how many of there are you.

Dakota: there's 9 of us.

Waiter: ok then if you don't mind waiting, then we will get you a table of 9.

Dakota: ok we don't mind waiting.

So after 10 minutes of waiting, the waiter finally managed to get a table for 9 people.

And then we arrived at the table, and took our seats.

Waiter: here's the menu.

Dakota: thanks.

So we all checked the menu, to see if there's anything we like.

Dakota: I would like to order the pepperoni pizza.

Henry: me too.

Waiter: ok so 2 pepperoni pizza.

Ava: i would like the steak well done.

Amelia: me too.

Waiter: ok so 2 steaks well done.

And the rest ordere fries and Burgers.

Dakota: ok while we wait, we should talk about what mission we are going to do.

Henry: if I am not wrong, there is an auction at the museum.

Dakota: oh there is.

Dakota: I mean of course there's an auction, since I wrote it.

Ava: so is the mission related to that auction.

Henry: yes, we have to protect the auction.

Liam: protect it from who.

Henry: Djinns of course, and some Human who will probably try to steal something.

Jack: how much will we get.

Henry: if we do it perfectly, then we Will get 100K each.

Mia: oh 100K each, that's good we should take the mission.

Dakota: yeah we should take the mission.

Dakota: since I am going to steal that, I might as well protect it before I steal it of course.

Henry's: okay then in 2 days is the auction, so let's enjoy Rome before we do the mission.

And all of them said" of course".

So we finished eating at the restaurant, and decide to go to the zoo for today and the water park tomorrow.

Dakota: oh I am so excited for the zoo, are you guys excited too.

Henry: oh yes I am.

Lucas: I am very excited.

Liam: I can't wait.

Jack: I am not really that excited for it.

Dakota: oh why not.

Jack: because I don't like animals.

Dakota: well that's a lie, because I know that you have a soft spot for animals.

Dakota: yeah whatever, ok are you all ready to go.

All of them said"yes".

Dakota: ok then let's go.

Then we arrived at the zoo, and enterd.

Dakota: oh wow, look at that chimpanzee, so cool.

Henry: yeah it is cool, oh look the chimp's are fighting.

Mia: haha.

Mia laughed while watching the chimp's fight.

Then we went to see a different animal, and that animal was a lion.

Dakota: oh hell yes, I finally get to see a lion.

Lucas: do you love Lions Dakota.

Dakota: yeah I love basically every animal.

Amelia: well that's kind of surprising.

Dakota: hm? It's surprising that I love animals.

Amelia: yeah, you really don't seem like the type of person to love animals.

Dakota: well I am that type of person.

Henry: ok guy's let's go see the next one.

Then we arrived at the tigers section.

Dakota: oh shit, it's a white one and not an orange one.

Liam: wow I wasn't expecting to see a white tiger today.

Luna: ah they look so cute.

Dakota: yeah I guess they do.

But then the 2 tigers suddenly walk to each other, and they started humping each other... Wow.

Dakota: oh their humping each other, I should take a video of this.

Ava: why do you want to take a video of tiger's humping each other.

Dakota: well it's not like you see tigers humping each other every day.

Henry: I mean that is true.

Henry: oh jack your actually smiling!.

Jack: huh?, I wasn't smiling.

Henry: no I definitely saw you smiling.

Jack: I said, that I wasn't smiling.

Dakota: I saw you smiling too.

Luna: hmm how cute.

Jack: huh, what did you just say.

Luna: what, I was talking about the tigers.

Jack: oh you were, okay then.

Dakota: ok guy's let's go we don't have a lot of time left.

Henry: yeah your right, let's go guys.

So after exploring the zoo for 2 hours, we finished and left the zoo.

Dakota: oh wow that was amazing.

Lucas: yeah it sure was.

Henry: so we are going to the water park tomorrow right.

Dakota: yes we are, why do you ask.

Henry: oh I was just making sure we won't forget.

Dakota: why would we forget.

Henry: I don't know.

Dakota: oh whatever.

Ava: so what should we do now.

Dakota: I don't know, think of something.

Ava: ok then, you will have to wait.

And then ava decided that, we should go to a shopping mall, Which Dakota hated but was forced to come anyway.

Dakota: oh I absolutely don't want to be here.

Henry: yeah me too, but what can we do.

Lucas: the only thing we can do, is wait.

So after an hour, ava called Dakota to come here.

Dakota: so what do you want ava.

Ava: oh I just wanted to see if this dress is good on me.

The dress that ava is wearing is like a wedding dress.

Dakota: ava why are you wearing a wedding dress.

Ava: oh this was a wedding dress, I didn't even realize.

Dakota: yeah sure you didn't realize.

Dakota: and she really reminds me of my girlfriend from my past life, and not only that all of them ( the irregulars) remind me of my former friend in my past life.

Dakota: is this really just a coincidence, or is it...

Ava: hey Dakota would you mind to stop staring at me, it's really creepy.

Dakota: oh I am sorry, I didn't even realize.

Ava: don't worry it's okay.

Dakota: ah it is, thanks.

Ava: yeah no problem.

So the girls continue shopping for another 2 hours, and they finally finished.

Dakota: oh okay I am tierd, I'm going home.

Ava: okay then goodbye.

Dakota: yeah see you at the apartment.

So I went to the apartment, and immediately fell asleep on my bed.