
So the next day came, and it was time to go to the water park.

Dakota: so are all of you ready.

Henry: yes we are.

Ava: I am very excited for this.

Lucas: yeah me too.

Dakota: ok then, it's time to go.

So we all got in the car, and the driver was me, since I was the only one that could drive.

It took us about 1 hour to get to the water park.

Dakota: ok we finally arrived, at the Italy water park.

Before they entered the water park, Dakota had to park first.

Dakota found a parking spot, and parked there.

Dakota: ok now that i parked, we can finally go in the water park.

Ava: this is gonna be so much fun.

Henry: yeah I bet you it is.

Dakota: should we buy the fast pass.

Lucas: of course we should.

Dakota: okay then, I guess all of us are getting the fast pass.

Dakota: I mean it is good for me, since I fucking hate waiting.

Ava: Dakota, just how much are you gonna keep cursing.

Dakota: a lot.

Ava: all this time I kept telling you to stop cursing, but you never listen.

Dakota: that's because I like cursing.

Ava: and why do you like it.

Dakota: I don't know, I just do.

Ava: ah fine whatever.

We all entered the water park, and bought the fast pass.

Dakota: so which slide should we go on first.

Henry: let's go on the single water slide over there.

Dakota: oh okay, let's go then.

So we went to the water slide, and of course we rode it.

Henry: wow that was fun.

Dakota: yeah it sure was, and this was one of the least scary rides too, can't wait to ride the scary ones.

Henry: yeah, I want to ride the scary ones too.

Amelia: do we really have to ride the scary ones.

Dakota: yes we do, why are you scared.

Amelia: wh- what, of course I'm not scared.

Dakota: okay then go ride that slide over there.

Amelia: you mean the one that look like it's a 100 feet tall

Dakota: yeah.

Amelia: ok I will do it, to show that I am not scared of water slides.

Dakota: but you are scared of them, since when I created you I made it so you were scared of scary slides or rides.

So Amelia went on the tall slide, and after she went on the slide she screamed so hard that almost the whole entire water park heard it.

Dakota: holy shit, that was the loudest scream I ever heard.

Henry: I wonder if she is okay.

Dakota: oh are you worrying about your girlfriend.

Henry: what?, she's not my girlfriend.

Dakota: yeah not right now, but she is in the future.

Dakota: so your telling me that you don't like her.

Henry: I like her as a friend.

Dakota: yeah we will see if you can say that again in the future.

Amelia: oh my god, that was so scary.

Dakota: so you admit that you are scared of water slide.

Amelia: yes I am.

Dakota: ha I knew it.

Amelia: ok then why don't you go ride one huh.

Dakota: ok I will, I actually will go on the tallest one.

Amelia: oh then you will definitely be screaming your lungs out.

Dakota: we will see about that.

So Dakota went ont the ride and rode it and Dakota screamed, but it wasn't because he was scared, it was because he was excited.

Dakota: oh wow that was awesome, I should go on it again.

Amelia: so your telling me that you didn't get scared.

Dakota: yeah no I didn't, I was pretty excited actually.

Amelia: wow you really are an interesting person.

Dakota: thanks.

Ava: hey Dakota, let's go ride that slide together.

Dakota: huh, oh that the 2 person ride, okay.

So me and ava went to the slide.

"okay the you will be in the front, while the girl will be behind.

Dakota: ah okay.

So I sat at the front while ava sat at the back, and when I layed backwards I accidentally put my head in Ava's breasts.

Dakota: oh I'm sorry ava, I didn't meant it do that.

Dakota was kinda blushing while he said that.

Ava: don't worry about it, actually you should lay your head in my breast.

Dakota: huh? Why.

Ava: oh just because, now do it.

Dakota: okay ma'am.

So that's exactly what Dakota did, he layed his head in to her breasts and they went down the slide too.

Dakota: woohoo, this is fun.

Ava: yeah it sure is.

So the ride finished, and we got off the boat.

Dakota: that was a fun ride, right ava.

Ava: oh yeah It was definitely fun.

Ava said that while smiling like a villain.

Dakota: ava why are you smiling like that.

Ava: oh no reason.

Dakota: ok?.

Then they met up with the group.

Dakota: ok so how were the rides you guys went on.

Lucas: oh it was amazing.

Henry: yeah it was really good.

Liam: it was really fun.

Mia: it sure was fun.

Jack: I guess it was kind of fun.

Amelia: I was too scared to go on a scary one, so I went on a small slide.

Luna: yeah this is an amazing park.

Dakota: well I am glad that all of you are having fun, but remember that tomorrow is the auction so we can't be here for long.

Henry: yeah we know, so we will just be here for another couple of hours and leave.

Dakota: yeah that is good, now go ride mor slides before we leave.

All of them said "okay", and left to go ride the slides.

And a couple of hours go by and it's time to leave.

Dakota: okay guys it's time to leave, did you have fun.

Henry: oh trust me we had a lot of fun.

Dakota: yeah that's good, but now the fun is over since tomorrow is our mission.

Dakota: I wonder if the mission will go as just as I planned.