
Dakota: so are you guys ready for the mission.

henry: yes we are.

Dakota: okay then let's go to the auction.

we then arrive at the auction, after 2 hours driving.

Dakota: well we finally arrived at the auction.

Henry: yep, and the this house is big too.

Dakota: yeah well of course it's gonna be big.

Dakota: ok then, let's go in.

random: hello there, are you the students from the hero academy.

Dakota: yes we are.

random: would you mind showing me you're student ID.

Dakota: ah yes here.

random: okay this looks real, you can go in.

Dakota: thank you.

so we all enter the auction.

Dakota: oh wow look at how many people who are wearing masks.

henry: well looks like a lot of people, wants to hide their identity.

Dakota: yeah i wonder why.

Dakota: i mean its pretty obvious why, its because those masked people, are either Djinns or humans that are trying to steal something.

henry: so when is the auction going to start.

Lucas: i think it's gonna start, in about half an hour.

Henry: so what do we do for a half an hour before the auction starts.

Dakota: i don't know.

???: well hello there, you are students from the academy right.

Dakota: um yes we are, but who might you be.

Miko: ah sorry i should have introduced myself first, i am Miko the guild leader of the blue wolves.

henry: oh the guild leader of the blue wolves, the number two guild in America.

henry: what business do you have with us.

Miko: well me and my sister are interested in all of you, and would love for you to join our guilds.

Jack: oh so you are, trying to recruit us.

Miko: i guess so yeah.

mako: oh there you are Miko, what were you doing her-.

mako: wait is that, the top students from the academy.

Miko: yes indeed its them older sister.

and all of us greeted the guild leader of the red thieves, oh and we also greeted the blue wolves leader before too.

Mako: hey henry would you mind if i ask you a question.

henry: no i don't mind, go ahead and ask your question ma'am.

mako: oh wow how respectful, and in the future which guild will you join.

Henry: oh witch guild i will join, well i don't know yet.

mako: well you can join my anytime you want.

Henry: wow really.

mako: yes really.

Miko: and you Dakota Leal, can join my guild anytime you want.

Dakota: i apricate the offer.

Miko: and all of you are welcome to join mu guild too.

mako: and mine too.

and all of them said "thank you".

Miko: why are all of you here anyway.

Dakota: we are here, because of a mission we accepted.

mako: oh you have a mission, what kind of mission do you have.

Dakota: our mission is that, we have to protect the stuff so the Djinns or the humans don't steal it.

Miko: oh that's kind of a dangerous mission you accepted.

Dakota: yeah i know, but there aren't many here who could defeat us all.

Mako: you sure have a lot of confidence.

Dakota: of course i do, since i killed a mid-ranked Djinn, or should i say we killed the mid-ranked Djinn.

Miko: well that is true, and congratulations for killing a mid-ranked Djinn while not even being heroes.

Dakota: thank you.

Miko: yeah no problem.

mako: but it looks like the auction is going to start soon, so goodbye for now.

Dakota: yeah bye.

Dakota: okay so how many minutes do we have left, before the auction starts.

ava: we still have about 15 minutes left.

Dakota: okay then, i am going to eat the food over there, while i wait for the 15 minutes to go bye.

Ava: yeah i am going to do the same.

so all of us start eating the delicious food, and 12 minutes have gone bye.

Dakota: oh that was some delicious food.

Liam: yeah it sure was.

Amelia: Italy really has one of the best food i ever tasted.

Mia: i agree.

Dakota: so how much time is left now.

Luna: about 3 minutes until it starts.

Dakota: okay.

???: oh well would you look at who it is, it's the American students.

Dakota: huh, and who the hell are you.

Leonardo: my name is Leonardo, and i am the top student at the Italy hero's academy.

Dakota: and what do you want.

Leonardo: oh i just wanted to know, that if you really killed a mid-ranked Djinn.

Dakota: yes we did, there you happy now.

Leonardo: nah nor really, because i know that you're lying.

Dakota: huh? excuse me, why would i lie

Leonardo: obviously to get famous, you tricked the world in to thinking that you actually killed a mid-ranked Djinn while not even being a hero< which is impossible.

Dakota: and how do you know that i didn't kill him.

Leonardo: oh i just do, since all you Americans do is lie.

Dakota: oh the only thin we do is lie huh, then why don't i prove to you on just how i killed the Djinn.

Leonardo: oh yes pleas, show me how you did it.

Dakota: you fucking bitch.

just as Dakota was about to punch him, henry stopped him before Dakota could hit him.

Henry: Dakota don't do it, he is obviously baiting you in to hitting him, so he could make is seem like you punched him for no reason.

Leonardo: ah so you figured it out huh, well since you did then i am leaving, bye.

Dakota: tch that fucking baster was so annoying.

Henry: Dakota, you really need to get a hold of your emotions better.

Dakota: yeah don't worry, this won't happen again... maybe.

henry: this definitely will happen again wont it.

ava: trust me, it will.

???: okay ladies and gentlemen, the auction is about to start.

Dakota: oh look, it's starting.