
???: hello there ladies and gentlemen, the auction will begin in 1 minute.

Dakota: so it's finally starting.

henry: yeah it is, let's hope nothing goes wrong, and we complete our mission.

Dakota: yeah but, i doubt things will be peaceful.

Lucas: and why, do you think that.

Dakota: just because i have a felling.

Ava: oh, then it must be true.

Amelia: what must be true.

Ava: whenever Dakota has some sort of felling, that felling always turns out to be true.

Amelia: really, he's always right.

Liam: yes he is, it's like he is a prophet.

Dakota: i am not a prophet.

Mia: you sure seem like one though.

Dakota: oh whatever, just pay attention to the auction, it's about to begin.

Lucca: once again hello ladies and gentlemen, my name is Lucca and i am you're auctioneer.

Lucca: so the first thing we have today is, a magic bracelet which enhances you're light magic by 5 precent.

Amelia: oh i would love to have that bracelet.

Dakota: don't you already have the light armor.

Amelia: so, i can't have anymore light magic related stuff.

Dakota: no you can have more, it just seems like your greedy.

Amelia: did you just call me greedy.

Dakota: i am just saying you look like one.

???: i will pay 10k for that bracelet.

Lucca: okay first bid for 10K.

???: i will pay 50K.

???: then i will do 100K.

???: 150K.

???: 200K.

???: 250K.

Lucca: okay 250K, going for 1... 2.. 3 *BAM*, the light magic bracelet enhancer is yours.

Lucca: okay now we have...

and 20 minutes go by, and so far nothing happened.

Dakota: okay so far nothings happening.

Ava: could it be that your felling is wrong Dakota.

Dakota: no it is not, just wait something will happen.

Lucca: ok and now this is the most valuable item w have today, this white crystal which will grant you any wish yo want, as long as you meet its requirements.

Dakota: oh finally it's that crystal, the reason i came me here for.

???: oh i am definitely getting that crystal.

???: i will pay 1 million for that crystal.

???: then i will pay 2 million.

???: i will pay 5 million.

???: 10 million.

???: 50 million.

???: 100 million.

but the a huge sound suddenly was erupted.

???: oh my god, there was an explosion outside.

Dakota: and there we go, it's time for shit to go down.

then somebody tried to steal the crystal, but security stopped him and unmasked him.

and he turned out to be a Djinn.

???: Djinn, there's a Djinn here.

when the security guard yelled that, everyone started to panic or become worried.

and every masked person, took their masks off and started killing everyone.

henry: holy shit, this is fucking insane, what the actual fuck is happening.

Dakota: well it looks like, some crazy shit is happening, and since we are security we should go stop those Djinns.

so all of us started killing the Djinns, and anyone trying to steal the crystal.

Dakota: hmm i wonder how do i steal this crystal.

Dakota: i got to think of an idea, on how to steal it.

Dakota: wait, i think this could work.

Dakota: hey auctioneer.

Lucca: oh your the top student at the American academy, what do you want.

Dakota: i think i should take this crystal, you know to keep it safe.

Lucca: sorry but, this crystal is to valuable to give to you.

Dakota: i know but, somebody will steal this crystal without you even realizing it.

Lucca: still i can't give it to you.

then a Djinn quickly tried to steal the crystal, but of course i killed it before it could steal it.

Dakota: look at the chaos that is currently happening, are you sure the crystal will be safe.

Lucca: yes, because we will be taking it back to our secret safe.

Dakota: then would you mind if i take it to the safe.

Lucca: no, i will have someone else take it.

Dakota: ok then, i will follow that person to make sure that the crystal will be safe.

Lucca: why do you want to protect the crystal so bad.

Dakota: because i was planning on buying it.

Lucca: hm i guess that is a good reason to protect it, fine follow that man and make sure the crystal will be okay.

Dakota: okay.

then me and some guy headed towards the safe, but in front the safe was a Djinn.

Dakota: oh a Djinn huh< what are you doing here.

Djinn: oh i just want to steal that crystal.

Dakota: sorry but, i am protecting this crystal, so i can't give it to you.

Djinn: then i will have to forcefully take it.

Dakota: you think a low-ranked Djinn like you, can kill me.

Djinn: yes i do.

the Djinn came rushing at the crystal, i could have easily blocked him but, i decide to pretend he was to fast for me and hoped that he will knock that guy out.

and The Djinn did knock the guy out, without breaking the crystal too.

Djinn: okay i got the crystal, now all i have to do is to kill yo-.

before the Djinn could finish his sentence, Dakota quickly cut his head off and caught the crystal.

Dakota: yes, i managed to get the crystal.

Dakota: and now, to not get caught stealing the crystal.

Dakota: i will put it in this invisible bag, that can not get detected by magic.

Dakota: and i am pretty sure because of this chaos, the cameras are off, so i don't have to worry about that.

Dakota: ok let's now go back and tell him some High-ranked Djinn attacked us and stole the crystal, i think that will trick him.

Dakota: let's hope my lie will be successful. 

so i return to the auction area, and the chaos was still ongoing.

Lucca: hey Dakota, what happened to the crystal and the guy that was with you.

Dakota: oh yeah, about that.