coming back from Italy

after a lot of hours, the privet jet has landed in America.

Dakota: and we are finally back.

Henry: yes indeed we are.

Ava: i can't wait to see my parents again.

Lucas: yeah me too.

then we all get our bags from the airport, and we all disbanded, to go to our houses.

Dakota: ah i am back in my house, after 3 days in another country.

Dakota: father mother, i am back.

mother: oh Dakota your finally back!.

my mother said that as she hugged me.

father: so you're finally back son, and we heard the news about the auction, and you were there right.

Dakota: yes i was.

father: then do you mind, telling us more about what happened.

Dakota: yeah i will tell you.

so i told my mother and father about what happened at the auction.

mother: wow i can't believe that happened.

Father: yeah, and i wonder how you keep getting in these crazy situations son.

Dakota: yeah i wonder why.

Dakota: well maybe it's because i am the author, or is it because i am a reincarnation.

father: well you should go wash yourself, and after you do that we are going to spar.

Dakota: oh ok. i accept you're challenge father.

mother: yeah, yeah go wash yourself now Dakota.

Dakota: okay.

so i go up top my room and wash my self, and after i finished i fought my father in a spar battle.

in which i got completely destroyed.

Dakota: damn, i still can't get a good hit on you father.

Father: yeah, you still have a long way to go before, you can get a good hit on me.

Dakota: don't worry, i promise you that before i gradate the academy, i will get a good hit on you.

father: oh you think, you're gonna get a good hit on me before i graduate, me one of the strongest hero's duke Leal.

yes my father duke Leal, is one of the strongest hero's in the entire history of humanity.

Dakota: yes i will.

Duke: hm we will see about that.

oh and my mothers name is maria Leal.

maria: hey you two, dinner is ready so come here.

both me and my father said "okay", as we enter the house and eat dinner.

and after eating dinner, Dakota took a nap and that nap, and he slept for the entire day.

Dakota: oh yesterday i had the best nap ever.

Dakota: well looks like i am back in the academy.

i enter my class and take my seat.

Lucas: hey Dakota, and good morning.

ava: good morning.

Liam: good morning.

Mia: good morning.

Dakota: yeah good morning to you all.

Lucas: do you have any plans on what to do Dakota.

Dakota: hm not really.

Lucas: well why don't we spar.

Dakota: oh, you want to spar with me.

Lucas: yeah we haven't spar in a while.

Dakota: ok then, on lunch brake let's spar.

Lucas: yep i accept.

so lunch brake came, and it was time for the spar.

Dakota: are you ready Lucas.

Lucas: yes i am.

Liam: if both of you are ready then, START.

as soon as Liam said that, both Dakota and Lucas created their swords, and clashed.


their was sounds of swords clashing, and both Dakota and Lucas were moving very fast.

Dakota: come on Lucas, why don't we step it u a bit more.

Lucas: yeah let's do that.

Ava: really, their getting more serious.

Liam: yeah when they spar, they both just turn in to some fighting maniacs.

Lucas: ice spikes.

Lucas threw some ice spike at Dakota, but Dakota broke all of them.

then Dakota threw some fireballs at Lucas, and Lucas froze all of the fireballs.

but Dakota appeared in front of Lucas and kicked him in the stomach.

Lucas: ahh.

Lucas groaned in pain, but immediately stood up and blocked Dakotas attack.

Lucas: you're not gonna beat me that easily, Dakota.

Lucas then casted his spell called, "ice domain".

ice domain is a spell, that surrounds the opponent with ice, which makes the opponent slippery and gives the user an advantage and more power.

Dakota; ah this spell is so hard to deal with.

Lucas then speed blitzed Dakota and punched him in the face, which sent Dakota flying, but Dakota landed on his feet.

Dakota then yelled out, "flame transformation".

Flame transformation, is a spell that allows the user to transform their body in to flames.

Lucas: if you're using that spell then i shall do the same.

so Lucas transforms his entire body in to ice.

Liam: ah i haven't seen those two transform in a long time.

ava: yeah me too.

Mia: but now that they transformed, this means it's the final showdown.

Liam: yes, it is the final showdown in these spar.

Dakota: are you ready for the final attack, Lucas.

Lucas: of course i am.

Dakota: well them, let's do this.

and both Dakota and Lucas prepare for the final attack, and they both go froward and then their was an explosion.

Liam: whoa that was a big explosion.

Mia: yeah it was, but i wonder who won the fight.

Ava: i mean we already know who won.

as the smoke clears out, Lucas says.

Lucas: well shit, it looks like you won again Dakota.

Lucas says that while he exits out of his ice form and falls down to the ground.

and meanwhile Dakota is still standing.

Dakota: oh wow, that was a good spar, it rally woke me up.

Liam: you okay dude.

Dakota: yeah I'm okay, you should check on Lucas though.

Liam: yeah the girls are already doing that.

Dakota: okay that's good.

Liam: oh and by the way Dakota.

Dakota: yeah?.

Liam: can we spar too.

Dakota: oh you wanna get you're ass kicked.

Liam: no because i will beat you.

and they spar, and of course Dakota beat Liam's ass and won.

Dakota: when will you learn that, you can't beat me.