she's been kidnapped(1)

After 4 hours, the academy is done and it's time to go home.

Dakota: well this was unexpectedly fun.

Dakota: i wasn't expecting to spar with Lucas, well it was more of a battel than a spar but still.

Dakota: oh i have already arrived at home, i didn't even notice.

Dakota: mother father, I'm home.

Mother: welcome back Dakota, was the academy good.

Dakota: yeah it was great, i got to spar with Lucas.

Father: oh you spared with Lucas, you two haven't spared since you entered the academy.

Dakota: yeah i know, i was surprised when he asked to spar with me.

Father: but you did win right.

Dakota: hm of course i did.

Dakota said that, with a proud tone.

Father: yeah i should have known.

Dakota: oh i also spared with lima, but you can't really call that a spar, it was more of a beatdown than a spar.

mother: i really feel bad for Liam, always getting his ass kicked by my son.

Dakota: haha yeah.

mother: but how is Mia and ava doing.

Dakota: oh, they are doing fine.

Mother: ok, but Dakota did you finally develop a crush on a girl.

Dakota: huh?, where did that come from.

Mother: oh i just want to know.

Dakota: no i have not.

mother: you still have not huh, i do wonder if i am ever going to have grandkids.

Dakota: yeah you probably wont mother.

Mother: wait are you serious.

Dakota: i mean, i am not really interested in getting a girlfriend.

Mother: what about ava.

Dakota: huh?, wait, wait, wait, there's no way that she's going to be my girlfriend.

Mother: oh and why not.

Dakota: well that's because, first she's always hitting me, second she always teases me, and third... i won't revel that.

the third reason actually is, because she is too young, Dakota may be in a body of a 15 year old, but he died when he was 20 in his past life. so currently Dakota is mentally 35 years old.

that's basically the same age as his father who is 38 years old.

Mother: why won't you revel the third reason.

Dakota: because it's a secret.

Mother: you know Dakota, you have a lot of secrets for someone you're age.

Dakota: yeah i know that, but it's not my fault that i have a lot of secrets.

Father: actually, it kind of of is.

Dakota: oh whatever, i am going up to my room to wash.

Mother: yeah ok.

Dakota went up to his room and is taking a bath.

Mother: hey honey, why dose our son have secrets that we don't know about.

Father: i don't know honey, it confuses me too.

mother: yeah how could we as his parents who raised him, not know his secrets.

Mother: and not only that, sometimes our son doesn't act his age, and act like a middle aged man.

father: yeah i noticed that too.

mother: so what do you think his secrete is.

Father: ...maybe, he is a returner or a reincarnated person.

mother: what?, there is no way our son is neither of them.

Father: that's what i like to believe too, but it only makes sense as to why he's acting like that.

mother: then is our son truly a reincarnated person or a returner.

father: i don't know...

Dakota: mother father, i am sorry for hiding so much secretes from you.

!! both father and mother were surprised to see me there.

mother: since where were you there Dakota.

Dakota: since the beginning of the conversation.

father: but i thought you were in the bath.

Dakota: i was about to go in, but then i noticed that i left the shampoo downstairs.

Mother: oh... we can explain Dakota.

Dakota: no you don't have to explain, it's my fault for having so much secretes.

Mother:... but still, i am sorry for talking like this about you.

Dakota: don't worry, i don't mind.

Dakota: but father mother, there will be a day when i will tell you all my secretes. 

mother; really, is that true.

Dakota: yes it is true, i already promised my friends that i will tell them when the time is right.

father: do you know when that time will be.

Dakota: no, even i don't know.

mother: so looks like the only choice we have, is to wait.

Dakota: yeah sorry about that.

mother: don't worry about that, i promise you that whatever your secrete is, even if it's the fact that you're a returner or a reincarnated person, i will still love you.

Dakota: ... thank you mother.

mother: yeah no problem, now go wash yourself. 

Dakota: okay.

Dakota: i do wonder if she will keep that promise when i tell her, that i am actually a reincarnated person.

Dakota: *sighs*, when the day comes to tell all my secretes, it will be a painful day for sure.

the next day came, and it was time to go to the academy.

Dakota: yesterday was really a crazy day, i finally spared with Lucas, and my parents are starting to suspect me.

Dakota: my life really is getting crazier.

Dakota: wonder what crazy shit is gonna happen today.

as soon as Dakota entered the academy, he could tell that the students were shocked and worried at something.

Dakota: huh did something happen.

Lucas: ah, you're finally here Dakota.

Dakota: yes i am?, did something happen.

Lucas: well it seems like, she's been kidnaped.

Dakota: wait who is "she".

Lucas: it's ava, ava has been kidnaped.

Dakota: what?, ava has been kidnaped...

Mia: yeah she has, we still don't know who kidnaped her or where she is.

Dakota: oh god dammit, what's up with these 3 back to back to back crazy shit happening.

Dakota: i really can't catch a break huh.

Dakota: ok don't worry, there is now way they have already killed ava, since she is one of the top student's at the academy.

Dakota: so let's go find her before she dose die.