she's been kidnapped(2)

Dakota: ok where was ava last seen.

Mia: she was last seen going in to the forest.

Dakota: which forest.

Lucas: it was the evil forest.

Dakota: what!, what was she doing there.

Dakota: and how do we know that, she's been kidnapped.

Lucas: well there was security cameras in the forest, and before the cameras were shut down, somebody caught her and tide her up.

Dakota: ah shit, this is bad.

Dakota: that forest is large, it's gonna be really difficult to find her.

Lucas: yeah, that's true. And not only is it large. it's also dangerous.

Dakota: yeah that too, but how do we find her, It's not like we can keep searching the forest until we find her.

Dakota: we need some sort of pla-.

Henry: hey guys, look at this.

Henry interrupting Dakota, and yelling those words.

Dakota: oh Henry, what is it?.

Henry: Ava's kidnapper has left us a note.

Dakota !!! What, he did.

Henry: yes, and it also has the location where ava is.

Dakota: really!, wait how do we know the location is real and not fake.

Henry: well there is a picture of ava also.

Dakota: wait really, show me.

The person in the picture was indeed ava, and she was tide up In a chair unconscious.

Dakota: that fucking bitch, how dare he do this to ava.

Lucas: I will definitely kill that fucker.

Lima: I haven't felt this angry in a long time.

Mia: I will rip that bitch, limb from limb.

Dakota: yeah, let's all kill that fucker.

???: well hello there, long time no see.

Dakota: oh, long time no see indeed Franklin.

Franklin: yeah nice to see you again Dakota.

Franklin is Ava's Father, and Is also one of the 10 legendary heroes, just like my father.

Franklin: I heard that my daughter has been kidnapped, is that true.

Dakota: yes it is, and here is the proof.

Franklin after looking at the picture of his daughter, became enraged.

Franklin: how dare that mother fucker, kidnapped my daughter and son.

Dakota: wait, son?.

Franklin: yeah he also kidnapped my son, the reason ava gone it to the Forest, was to save her brother.

Dakota: ah, so that's why she gone in to the forest, now it all makes sense.

Dakota: so are you gonna be helping us Franklin.

Franklin: yes I am, and I'm not the only one helping.

Dakota: oh?, is there another one.

Franklin: yes It is, and it's my wife Sophia.

Sophia: nice to see you all again.

And all of us said " nice to see you again too".

Dakota: so you will be helping us Miss Sophia.

Sophia: yes I will, since I want to help save my daughter and son.

Franklin: hey Dakota, why are you being respectful with my wife and not me.

Dakota: because you're wife is beautiful and your not.

Franklin: wha-.

Sophia: oh my, thank you Dakota.

Dakota: yes no problem miss.

Franklin: oh whatever, let's go save our children.

Dakota: yeah, let's do this.

Dakota: ok we have arrived at the location, and it seems we are at a mansion.

Dakota: why is there a mansion, in the evil forest.

Lucas: i don't know.

Dakota: oh well, let's go in and save ava and her little brother.

Mia: yeah.

and with that, we have entered the mansion.

Dakota: this place definitely hasn't been cleaned in a while.

Jack: yeah this place is really dirty.

Amelia: let's just get this over with.

Dakota: so which team will be saving ava, and which team will be saving her brother.

Franklin: i will be on the team to save ava.

Sophia: and i will be on the team to save my son.

Dakota: ok let's do it like this, my group will be saving ava, and henrys group will be saving her brother.

Henry: ok, we will save ava's brother.

Dakota: ok then it's decided, now let's go save them.

so both of the groups split up, and we were exploring when suddenly, a Djinn appeared in front of us.

and it wasn't any normal Djinn, it was a high-ranked Djinn.

Djinn: well hello there, welcome to my mansion.

Dakota: so this is you're mansion, are you also the one who kidnappee ava and her brother.

Djinn: yes indeed that was me.

Franklin: so you're the one who kidnaped my daughter and son, i am going to fucking kill you.

Djinn: well you would definitely kill me if i was alone, but I'm not so...

then 4 other high-ranked Djinns came out of nowhere.

franklin: do you seriously think 5 high-ranked Djinns, will be enough to kill me.

Djinn: no, but since you are protecting those kids, i think we have a chance of killing you.

Dakota: ah shit, he's right we can't do anything against those high-ranked Djinns.

franklin: is my daughter up those stairs behind you.

Djinn: yes she is, and we have a mid-ranked Djinn guarding her too.

franklin: well that's good to know.

Franklin: hey you guys, while i keep those 5 Djinns busy, do you think you all can sneak past them.

Dakota: as long as you keep them busy, i think we can.

franklin: and can you kill a mid-ranked Djinn, even though you aren't with the full group.

Dakota: yeah the last time we killed a mid-ranked Djinn, it was with the help of those guys.

Dakota: but since then, we have gotten a lot stronger, so we can definitely kill that mid-ranked Djinn.

franklin: i like that confidence of yours's, then i will keep them busy so you can sneak past them.

franking: then started fighting the 5 Djinns, and we actually managed to sneak past them, we went up the stairs and saw a single room. so we diced to enter, and we found ava tied up in a chair.

Dakota: ah ava, there you are.

Djinn: whoa, not so fast human.

Dakota: ah shit, i forgot there was a mid-ranked Djinn here.

Djinn: yeah i am here, and there is no way you can kill me with only you guys here and not the full group.

Dakota: are you sure about that, why don't we see on how stronger we got since we fought that mid-ranked Djinn.