she's been kidnapped(4)

Ava: I know you said you were okay, but are you really okay.

Dakota: ok I may have been lying, I am not really that okay, but compared to them I am fine.

Ava: we should definitely get them to a hospital.

Dakota: we should, but let's first see if you're father killed the 5 high-ranking Djinns, and if Henry's group with you're mother rescued you're brother.

Ava: what!, my parents are here.

Dakota: yes they are, they were here to help rescue you and your brother.

Ava: well we should definitely check, to see if they are okay.

Dakota: I'm pretty sure they are going to be fine.

Ava: why are you so sure.

Dakota: well first of all, you're father is the 2nd strongest hero, and Henry's group has you're mother.

Dakota: and Henry is the main character, so no way he's group is dying.

Ava: ok let's go carry our friends.

Dakota: okay.

So both Dakota and ava started carrying their friends, Dakota carried Lucas and ava carried Liam and Mia.

And then they went downstairs, and saw Ava's Father Franklin.

Franklin: ava, you're finally here.

Franklin said that as he hugged ava.

Ava: yes I'm here father, but can you let me go.

Franklin: ah okay, and Dakota what happened to you and you're friends.

Dakota: we may have fought the strongest mid-ranked Djinn.

Franklin: what!!, you fought the strongest mid-ranked Djinn and won!.

Dakota: yep, we're amazing right.

Franklin: amazing?, you're beyond amazing.

Dakota: well thanks for the compliment, but can you carry my friend, my back hurts a lot.

Franklin: ah okay, and ava give me those children too, I will carry all of them.

Ava: okay.

So Franklin started carrying all my friends, and we left the mansion, and we saw Henry's group there waiting for us.

Henry: oh!, you're finally back Dakota.

Dakota: yes I am, did you rescue Andy.

Andy is Ava's younger brother.

Henry: yes we did, he is right here.

Andy: Dakota!, I haven't seen you in a long time, I missed you.

Andy then leaped forward, and hugged Dakota.

Dakota: I have missed you too Andy.

Andy: ah sister, you're here too.

Ava: why did you sound so happy when you saw Dakota, but when you saw me you weren't happy at all.

Andy: well sister, I haven't seen Dakota in a long time, and I see you every day. And most importantly I like Dakota more.

Ava: how do you like him more than you're older sister.

Andy: because I just do.

Ava: I should have never went to rescue you.

Sophia: hey now ava, don't be so mean to you're brother.

Ava: but he likes Dakota more than me.

Sophia: well Dakota dose treat him nicer than you do.

Ava: still he should like his sister more, than someone who isn't even apart of the family.

Dakota: oh, I'm not apart of the family?.

Ava: yes of course you're not, why do you sound so confused.

Dakota: well miss Sophia, told me that I am.

Ava: mother you did what.

Sophia: I mean, he was visiting our house so much, and we liked him a lot, so I consider him apart of our family.

Ava: but he's not.

Sophia: well if you marry him, then he will be apart of the family.

Ava: wha-, what are you saying mother.

Ava was blushing while saying that.

Franklin: hey, if Dakota wants to marry my daughter, then he will have to suppress me first.

Ava: damnit father, stop embarrassing me

Dakota: so far I have no intention of marrying ava.

Ava: wait you don't.

Dakota: why do you sound and look so sad.

Ava was wearing a sad face.

Ava: so you don't want to marry me.

Dakota: well I don't know.

Ava: hmph, I see okay then.

Dakota: wait, are you angry at me

Ava: yes I am.

Dakota: why?.

Ava: because you said that you don't want to marry me.

Dakota: you looked really angry when you're mother said about us marrying, so I thought you didn't want to marry me.

Ava: oh, um well, I don't know if I want to marry you.

Sophia: oh trust me Dakota, she definitely dose.

Ava: ah mother!, please just shut up.

Ava was blushing like crazy.

Dakota: okay more importantly, we should get our friends to the hospital.

Henry: yeah we should, my friends are injured too.

Dakota: ok, let's go to he hospital.

After a while, they arrived at the hospital, and the injured we're getting treated.

Dakota: this rescue mission was really good and bad.

Franklin: what was the good part?

Dakota: that would be, that we killed the strongest mid-ranked Djinn.

Franklin: I guess that was good indeed.

Dakota: so, how much time did it take you to kill those 5 Djinn.

Franklin: about 3 minutes.

Dakota: woha it took you only 3 minute to kill all those Djinns, that's very impressive.

Franklin: of course it is, I am the 2nd strongest after all.

Dakota: yeah that is true, my father is still stronger tho.

Franklin: oh shut up, if me and duke fight right now, I could definitely beat him.

Dakota: don't you always lose to my father.

Franklin: I beat him once before.

Dakota: oh, when.

Franklin: it was 20 years ago, I beat him in a eating competition.

Dakota: beat him in a eating competition, is that supposed to be impressive.

Franklin: I mean, I did beat the world number 1 in something.

Dakota: well I guess that's true, still not impressive though.

Franklin: oh whatever, what have you done that's considered impressive.

Dakota: becoming number 1 student in the academy, killing a mid-ranked Djinn at the age of 15, and helping killing the strongest mid-ranked Djinn.

Franklin: ...well damn, you got me.

Dakota: yeah I know, and by the way, I am going to suppress you one day. You know that right.

Franklin: do you really think you will suppress me.

Dakota: yes I do, you think so too right.

Franklin: hmm, I don't know, I guess we will see in the future.