finally I can have a break

Dakota: ok so now that our friends are in the hospital, what should we do.

Henry: I would love to hang out with you guys, but I am going to be busy today, so I can't hang out with you today.

Dakota: ah that's okay, so you're going now.

Henry: yeah I am, goodbye.

Ava: bye.

Dakota: goodbye.

Both of us said goodbye to Henry.

Dakota: ok now that Henry's busy, it looks like we are the only two left. So do you wanna hang out.

Ava: yes I do.

Ava: so what are we gonna do Dakota.

Dakota: oh I thought you were going to decide.

Ava: no, i can't think of anything, so you decide.

Dakota: ahh fine.

After a few minutes, Dakota decided where they could go.

Dakota: let's go to a restaurant.

Ava: oh a restaurant, with only the two of us, a boy and a girl.

Dakota: yeah? Is it wrong for only two of us to go.

Ava: wel- well, it looks like we are going on a date.

Dakota: oh, that's why you were so nervous, don't worry it's not a date.

Ava: it's not? Then what is it.

Dakota: just think of it as two friends going to eat at a restaurant.

Ava: but those two friends, are both boy and girl, and are childhood friends.

Dakota: so what is your point.

Ava: oh it's nothing, let's just go on our date.

Dakota: like I told you, it's not a date.

Ava: yeah, yeah let's go.

So I made a reservation, and when we went in to the restaurant our food was already there.

Ava: all of this food, looks so delicious.

Dakota: yeah that's true.

So me and ava started eating, and enjoying this delicious food.

Dakota: hmm, this food is really good.

Ava: yes It is.

Ava: so you still don't, think of this as a date.

Dakota: no I don't.

Ava: come on Dakota, it obviously looks like we are on a date.

Dakota: why are you trying to convince me that this is a date.

Ava: just because, it looks like one.

Dakota: oh whatever, but finally I can Have a break.

Ava: oh yeah, I forgot you were working really hard these past months.

Dakota: yeah I was, and now I am on my break.

Ava: so when Is you're break going to end.

Dakota: I think In like a week.

Ava: a week? Not even a month.

Dakota: a month? Ha I wish it would be a month, but I doubt nothing will happen in a month.

Ava: oh yeah, what if nothing actually happens.

Dakota: then that would be great.

Dakota: and According to my nove, nothing happens this month, but the future has changed because of us(the irregulars).

Dakota: I wonder if there will be more things, that even I don't know about.

Dakota: I truly hope nothing bad will happen this month.

So me and ava finished eating at the restaurant, and we payed our bill and left.

Dakota: and now it's you're turn to decide on what to do.

Ava: ok then, we should go to a shopping mall.

Dakota: what a shoppin- mal-, no no no, I absolutely hate shopping malls.

Ava: yeah I know, but I love them, so we are going to the shopping mall.

Dakota: no absolutely not, chose something else.

Ava: you can't say no, I Didn't say not when you said that we are going to the restaurant right.

Dakota: that's because you like restaurant's, and I don't like shopping malls, so there is a difference.

Ava: still, you have no choice but to come.

Dakota: oh yeah, and what if I don't.

Ava: then I will call my mother, and tell her that you hit me.

Dakota: ...fuck, ok let's go.

Ava: yay.

Ava was happy, but Dakota was depressed.

And they have arrived at the shopping mall( which is Dakotas nightmare).

Dakota: how long are we gonna be here ava.

Ava: for about a couple of hours.

Dakota: wah-, a couple of hours!, no way that's too long.

Ava: well we have to buy my clothes and you're cloths too.

Dakota: wait why mine, why can't we buy only your's and go.

Ava: because you need clothes too.

Dakota: I do not actually, I have enough.

Ava: you have been wearing the same clothes, for the past few days.

Dakota: so what, I don't need any more.

Ava: do you want me to call my mother.

Dakota: noo, fine we will buy my clothes too.

Ava: ok, but first we should buy mine.

Dakota: ok, let's get this over with.

So they entered the most popular shop.

Dakota: so we are staring of with the most popular huh.

Ava: yeah, oh this looks interesting, I'm going to try it, wait for me Dakota.

Dakota: okay.

So ava went to try the cloths on, and the. Showed it to Dakota.

Ava: so, what do you think.

Dakota: well it looks nice on you.

Ava was wearing a black shirt, and a black skirt.

Ava: oh that's good, now I will go find more.

Dakota: wait, you're going to get more.

Ava: yes I am, did you really this I will chose one and that's it.

Dakota: oh god, I really am going to suffer.

Ava: yes you are, but I am going to be happy.

So ava went tho chose another set of clothes, and Dakota waited for her, as he was suffering.

Ava then shower all her new clothes to Dakota, and Dakota showered her with Praise.

Ava: ok I decided that I will by this one.

The one she decided to buy, was the first one she chose.

Ava: ok Dakota, now it's time to buy Yours.

Dakota: ahh fine.

So they went in to the man's shop, and Dakota chose a back shirts that says fuck you and some shorts that said go to hell.

Dakota: what do you think, it's nice right.

Ava: you're sense of fashion is really messed up.

Dakota: yeah well I don't want to be here.

Ava: ah fine, stay here I will chose something for you.

Dakota: okie dokie.