battle test

After an hour, ava chose the Nike shorts and the Nike shirt.

Ava: it looks nice on you, don't you think.

Dakota: yeah it does, and I actually like it, so thanks.

Ava: no problem, but it's time for us to head home.

Dakota: yeah it is time.

So they both leave the shopping mall, and ordered a taxi to go home.

Ava: actually Dakota, why don't you come to my house.

Dakota: huh? Why should I.

Ava: because it's gonna be fun.

Dakota: I don't know.

Ava: oh come on, you haven't visited in a long time.

Dakota: ah fine, let's go to you're house.

Ava: yes.

Dakota: I'm gonna call my parents first, and tell them I am coming to you're house.

Ava: okay.

Then after half an hour, the taxi arrived at Ava's mansion.

Ava: we're finally here.

Dakota: yes we are, now let's enter.

We both go in the mansion.

Ava: I'm home.

Sophia: oh ava you're finally home, oh! Dakota you're also here.

Dakota: yes I am, I hope you don't mind me intruding.

Sophia: oh of course I don't mind, future son-in-law.

Ava: ahh mother, I told you to not say that anymore.

Sophia: I know, but I wanted to see you blush.

Ava: ahh mother, I hate you.

Franklin: now don't be too mean to you're mother ava.

Dakota: oh hello there Franklin.

Franklin: again, not treating me with respect.

Dakota: you're the one that told me to drop the honorifics.

Franklin: yeah I know, and I regret saying that.

Ava: anyway Dakota, let's go to my room.

Dakota: okay.

Dakota: we went upstairs, and entered Ava's room.

Dakota: so what do we do now.

Ava: I don't know, you decide.

Dakota: ...huh? You Invited me, and you don't know what to do.

Ava: yeah, I thought you would think of something.

Dakota: really I have to think of something, oh fine, does you're brother have the new sparking zero game.

Ava: oh the new dragon ball game, yeah he dose, why are you asking?.

Dakota: then let's go to you're brother's room, and play the game.

Ava: do we really have to go to his room, you know how excited he gets when he sees you.

Dakota: yeah I know, but still let's go.

Ava: ah fine.

After convinceng ava, they go to Andys room.

Dakota: hey there Andy.

Andy: oh Dakota, you're here!.

Andy was surprised, but then snapped out of it, and hugged Dakota.

Dakota: yes I am here, and do you have the new sparking zero game.

Andy: yes I do, wanna play.

Dakota: yes I do.

And then the three of them played for three hours straight, and it was time for Dakota to leave.

Dakota: today was really fun, but now it's time for me to leave.

Andy: goodbye Dakota, make sure to visit us soon.

Dakota: don't worry, I will.

Sophia: it's a promise then, future son-in-law.

Ava: mother!, what did I tell you about saying that.

While the mother and daughter were fighting, Franklin said goodbye to Dakota.

Franklin: bye Dakota, and the next time you visit, make sure to treat me with respect.

Dakota: we will see Franklin.

Franklin: oh why did I even bother.

Dakota: oh my father came, it's time for me to go, goodbye.

And all of them said "bye".

Father: so was today fun Dakota.

Dakota: yes it was, and I really hope that something bad will not happen tomorrow.

Father: hmm? Will something bad happen tomorrow?.

Dakota: I hope not.

And then 1 month gose by.

Dakota: well would you look at that, 2 month gose by without anything bad happening.

Dakota: this is truly a blessing.

Dakota: and my friend, were all discharge forme the hospital a few weeks ago.

Dakota: I hope nothing bad will happen today.

Dakota: oh hey guys, nice day today huh.

Lucas: yeah it is a nice day.

Liam: it looks like it's a sparing day too.

Dakota: you're going to get you're ass best Liam, clam down.

Liam: yeah you're right.

Liam said with a disappointing voice.

Mia: but what should we do today.

Dakota: I think we should just chill today.

Ava: wow didn't know that, the word chill could come out if you're mouth.

Dakota: yeah well it did, plus I don't want anything bad to happen today, so let's just relax.

Then the principal's voice came out of the announcers microphone.

Edward: hey my dear student, we need you're help for something.

Dakota: oh no, I feel like it's gonna be something bad.

Edward: I will announce it at the cafeteria, so all students should gather there.

Dakota: oh shit, something bad will happen won't it.

So we all went to the cafeteria.

Edward: ok now that all the students have gathered, I will now announce something new.

Dakota: something new? Wait it's January right, then that means that this is the time that they added that.

Edward: we added a thing called " a battle test".

Dakota: so I was right, oh things are going back to being bad again.

Edward: a battle test isa test, Wich will grade a student strength, and all students will have to compete in the test.

Henry: oh it sounds interesting.

Jack: yes it dose, I wonder what kind of test It will be.

Lucas: oh a test huh, it looks like it could be fun.

Liam: yeah it dose.

Dakota: it would have been fun, if it weren't for some bastard Djinn and humans breaking in and running the test.

Dakota: what a pain in the ass, I should have not wrote this arc.

Dakota: oh let's just get this over with.

Edward: the battle test will be tomorrow, so make sure that you will be ready for the test tomorrow.

Edward: okay you may now leave.

All the students then left the cafeteria.

Lucas: what do you think Dakota, is it gonna be fun.

Dakota: yes It will be fun, and it also will be a pain in the ass