battle test(2)

Dakota: ahh man I don't want to do this test.

Lucas: why don't you want to do it Dakota.

Dakota: well, I guess I'm just too lazy to do it.

Ava: you're too lazy to do anything.

Liam: you still have no choice, but to do it

Dakota: yeah I know.

Dakota: man I wish I can just somehow skip it, and let the others take care of it.

Dakota: when is it going to begin.

Mia: in an hour.

Dakota: ah ok.

Dakota: let's hope this goes well.

And then a hour goes bye, and it's time for the test.

Edward: okay students, it's now time for the test.

Dakota: so it's finally time.

Edward: let the first test of the academy begin.

And then 2 hours goes bye, and it's Mia's turn.

Mia: let's do this.

Mia begins by killing the robots, and then she then grabs a bow and shot at the multiple targets.

Mia: too easy.

She then goes and faces the final boss, a big ass org.

Mia: let's do this.

Mia shots water ball's at him, and it dose some damage, but not enough damage.

Then Mia uses water spike, like Luca's ice Spike.

She heavily damaged the org, and to finish it off, she used water fist and blew his head off.

Announcer: mia Lopez, has completed the test in 3 and a half minutes.

Mia: yes, i did Good.

Announcer: now it's ava Marley's turn.

Ava: ok it's the princess turn.

Ava then finished in 2 minutes.

Dakota: good job ava, that was fast.

Ava: yeah I know.

Announcer: now it's Liam Hayes turn.

Lima: this is gonna be easy.

Liam completed it in 2 and a half minutes.

Liam: ah 30 seconds later than ava, I will take it.

And now it's Luca's turn.

Lucas: this looks easy.

It indeed was easy, well at least for him, he completed it in 1 minute.

Announcer: and now it's Henry banks turn, but this time it will be a bit different.

Henry: huh? Different how.

Announcer: the test will be harder for you.

Henry: huh? Why.

Announcer: because you are too strong for the test, and the same whill happen to Dakota.

Henry: you know what fine, it would be more fun, so why not.

Announcer: then are you ready.

Henry: yes I am.

Announcer: then begin.

Henry: ok, let's do this.

Then Henry had to fight 10 robots instead of 5, and the bow shooting, he had to hit much more targets than before. And he also had to face 15 goblins before he faced the 2 orgs.

Henry: really it's only 10 goblins? That's not gonna be enough.

Henry quickly killed all 10 goblins.

And 30 seconds have gone bye.

And now it's time to face the 2 orgs.

Henry: this is too easy.

Henry used flame boost and killed the 2 orgs in mere seconds.

Announcer: Henry bank's has finished, in 35 seconds.

Henry: this was kind fun, but I like sparing with Dakota more.

And the whole crowd watching, was very impressed.

Announcer: ok now it's time for the final student to take the test, and that student is Dakota leal.

Announcer: and Dakota Leal's test will be harder than henry bank's test.

Dakota: ok, I'm guessing that when I finish my test, those motherfuckers are going to start attacking.

Announcer: are you ready, Dakota leal.

Dakota: yes I am.

Announcer: then start.

Dakota killed the 15 robots in seconds, quickly hit all the 30 targets with the bow, then killed 20 goblins. And quickly killed the 3 orcs.

And it took him only 30 seconds to complete the test.

And the whole crowd went insane, and started cheering his name.

Crowd: Dakota! Dakota! Dakota!.

But the cheering was interrupted with a explosion.

Henry: what the hell was that sound.

Ava: did something happen.

Then Dakota came out of nowhere, and yelled at his friends.

Dakota: hey guys, we have to immediately get out of here!!.

Lucas: what's happening Dakota.

Dakota: I will explain later, first we have to get ou-.

But before Dakota could finish his sentence, something exploded in front of them.

Dakota: fuck, we are too late.

???: hello there students, what a lovely day we are having right.

Dakota: it was lovely, at least until you appeared.

???: well I guues I'm sorry for ruining you're day, but I am going to have to kill you.

And then the mysterious guy speed up, and as he was about to kill Dakota, Edward came out of nowhere and blocked his attack.

Edward: you will not be killing any students on my watch, Lance.

Lance: well If it isn't my old friend Edward, what have you been doing since we last met.

Edward: that is none of you're business, Lance.

Lance: ohh, as you're old friend that hurt's you know.

Edward: why Did you break in here, Lance.

Lance: oh just because the fianna organization, hired us to do so.

Dakota: what!, why would that damn bitch, try and kill us.

Dakota: wait, Didn't the blazer organization, try and kill us too, when we were children.

Dakota: what a pain in the ass, both of the strongest organization's, are trying to kill us for some reason.

Dakota: wait could It possible be, because they know that I and Henry are reincarnated people... Nah no way.

Edward: why would Fianna's organization attack the academy.

Lance: I don't know, but I need to get my mission done, so get out of my way Edward.

Edward: sorry but no can do, my duty as the principal is, that I give this student education and protect them.

Lance: I can't believe the cocky Edward, is now protecting his students, how funny.

Edward: yes I know, I was a fool back when I was younger, but now I am no longer a fool.

Lance: you may no longer be a fool, but are you still stronger than me.

Edward: why don't we find out, old friend.

Lance: yes why don't we, I have been waiting for this moment for a long time, old friend.