the battle between old friends(1)

Edward: do you really think you will beat me, Lance.

Lance: yes I do, I have been training my ass off, just to beat you.

Edward: I am not in my prime anymore, but you still won't defeat me.

Lance: I see that you still are cocky, but that cockiness is gonna lead you, to you're defeat.

Edward: well then why don't we find out, let's start this battle.

And as soon as Edward finished his sentence, Lance appeared in front of him and attacked him, but Edward managed to block his attack.

Edward: too slow.

Edward counterattacked with his fist, and punched Lance in his face, which knocked him back.

But Lance still landed on his feet, and activated shadow control.

Shadow control, is a technique that let's you control shadows.

Lance then disappeared in to the shadows, and appeared behind Edward.

Edward: did you seriously think that trick will work on me, I've seen it may time's, it's not going to work.

Edward was right, because he once again blocked Lance, but then something stabbed Edward in the back.

Edward: ahhh, what the hell happened, wait how are you...

Lance: surprised to see me behind you Edward, yes the one you blocked was my shadow clone, you fell for my trick Edward.

Edward: shit, this is bad.

Dakota: principal, are you okay, do you need help.

Edward: no I don't, you students should go help the teachers and the students, that are killing the Djinns.

Dakota: you sure you don't need any help.

Edward: yes I'm sure, now go and help the students.

Dakota: ... okay fine, let's go guys, let's help the teachers and students.

Henry: are you sure he doesn't need any help.

Dakota: nah trust me, he doesn't need any help.

Dakota: Because the principal is, one of the 10 legendary heroes, he will definitely defeat that bastard.

Dakota: plus, I am the creator of this universe, I know who will win and who will not.

Dakota: okay, let's go clear this mission.


Edward: you managed to trick me, you have gotten not only strong, but smarter.

Lance: of course I did, I had to get smarter to defeat you Edward.

Edward: well I am honored to hear that, you training so hard to defeat me.

Lance: I mean of course, you are the only one I truly Respect Edward.

Edward: you Respect me even now?

Lance: yes I do, I always respected you Edward, ever since we were children.

Edward: ... what, you really have respected me for that long?

Lance: yes I did, since you were always stronger and smarter than me Edward, I was always in your shadow.

Edward: in my shadow? Since when did you start thinking like that.

Lance: ever since we were teenager's.

Edward: Lance you were famous and incredible too, so how could you be in my shadow.

Lance: it's pretty simple Edward, you were just more famous and more incredible than me, so that's why I was always in your shadow.


Edward: hey there Lance, how are you feeling today.

Lance: I'm feeling good.

Edward: you ready for the mission.

Lance: yes I am, we have to kill a high-ranked Djinn right.

Edward: yep, oh and there is our team.

???: oh Edward Lance, you're here.

Edward: yes we are, are you guys ready for the mission.

???: we are, let's hope this high-ranked Djinn is not that strong.

Edward: don't worry, I don't think the guild would have sent 6 20 year olds, to kill a very strong Djinn.

Lance: yeah you're right, I don't think the guild would have sent us on a dangerous mission.

Edward: well then, we should get going.

???: yeah let's do this.

So they entered a b rank labyrinth.

Edward: watch out for the goblins and orgs.

The team quickly cleared the first 15 floors, and now they have only 5 floors left to clear.

Edward: so far, this is surprisingly easy.

Lance: yeah I know right, I thought it would be more harder.

After some time, they had arrived to the boss room.

Edward: so this is where the high-ranked Djinn is.

Lance: yes he's here, I hope that non of us die.

Edward: don't worry, with me here there's no way any of us are dying.

Lance: ha, yeah you're right.

Edward: now let's go in.

They all opens the door's to the boss room, and they found the high-ranked Djinn waiting there.

Edward: so you're the high-ranked Djinn.

Djinn: indeed I am, and you are the hero's who were sent to kill me right.

Edward: yes you are right, how did you know anyway.

Djinn: Because there were many heroes who tried to kill me, but lf course none of them succeeded.

Edward: ah so that's how you know, but we are not like other teams, we are pretty special.

Djinn: oh you are, then why don't you show me, just how special you are.

Edward: let's do this.

With Edward's scream, the team all started attacking the Djinn with spell's.

Edward used flame transformation, and Lance used shadow rain.

Edward managed to hit the Djinn, and Lance's rain hit the Djinn too.

And the other 4 hit them with their spells too.

Edward: how was that Djinn.

Djinn: wow that was amazing, you're definitely the strongest group I have ever faced, but it's still not enough to defeat me.

Edward: you really are cocky huh, there's no way that you alone can defeat u-

But before Edward finished his sentence, the Djinn speed blitzed him and put a hole in the girls chest.

Then the Djinn killed the 3 other members of the group, and now only Edward and Lance was left.

Both Lance and Edward were very shocked, since the Djinn killed all there friends in mere seconds.

Lance: ....what, how is this possible, did all of our friends really die.

And then Lance heard a scream full of anger.

Edward: AHHH, YOU MOTHER FUCKING DJINN!!! I will fucking kill you!!.

And with his friends dying, Edward went through an awaking, and that awaking made him one of the 10 legendary heroes.