celebration at Dakota's house(2)

And so the celebration begin.

Henry: once again it's nice to meet you, mr Duke.

Father: like I said, stop with the formality just call me duke.

Henry: I can't do that, you are the strongest hero.

Amelia: yeah we can't do that Mr duke, we have to respect the strongest.

Father: ahh fine.

Dakota: mother when is the food going to be ready.

Mother: it will ready soon enough.

Dakota: ok then.

Henry: Mr duke, I have a question for you.

Father: oh a question? What is it.

Henry: how is Dakota so strong?

Father: how is he so strong... well maybe it's because I trained him since he was a child.

Henry: I guess that would make sense, but he's still to strong for our age.

Father: I understand you're confusing, I too wonder how he got this strong.

Henry: even you don't know, when he's you're own son.

Father: yeah, even I don't know, my son has a lot of secrets.

Henry: I agree with the secret part...

Father: my so really has a lot of potential, if he keeps this up, then he will suppress me in a few years.

Henry: really! He will suppress you, the strongest, in only a few years.

Father: If he keeps doing this crazy thing's, then I think he will.

Father: he has a lot of potential, and he's younger sister too has a lot of potential.

Henry: wait? Dakota has a younger sister?

Father: yes he dose... Did he not tell you?

Amelia: no he didn't, I'm surprised that he has a younger sister.

Father: wanna meet her.

Luna: wait, can we.

Father: of course, hey Emma come down here, Dakota's friends has come.

Then a little girl with brown hair and brown eyes, came running down stairs.

Emma: ah there you are ava.

Emma then immediately hugged ava.

Emma: I Missed you ava, it's nice too see you again.

Ava: I Missed you too.

Lucas: why there Emma, it's nice too see you again.

Emma: ah Lucas you're here too, oh looks like the whole group is here.

Father: and the other group is here too, Emma.

Emma: other group? Wait no way, is that the famous Henry banks, and Amelia Ellis.

Henry: oh you know us.

Emma: of course I do, you guys are really famous.

Amelia: you really are a cute child.

Emma: child? I'm 13 years old, I'm a teenager not a child.

Amelia: what, you're only two years younger than me.

Dakota: surprised right, she often gets mistaken for a child, because of her height.

Emma is 150 centimeters by the way.

Emma: oh shut up brother, I'm not that short.

Dakota: really, because you look like it.

Emma: oh whatever.

Emma said with a pout on her face.

Mother: hey children, the food is Ready.

Dakota: oh the food is Ready, let's go eat guys.

The whole group sat down a the table, and started eating the delicious food, that my mother made.

Ava: ah I really missed this cooking, it's so good.

Mother: well thank you ava, and of you want to start learning how to cook, then you can come to me. And I will teach you.

Ava: ah cooking huh, I don't know.

Mother: well if you want to marry my son, then you will have to start cooking like me.

Dakota was drinking water, but when he here what his mother said, he did a spit take.

Dakota: mother! How many timed do I have to Tell you, to stop saying that in front of ava. You're making her uncomfortable.

Ava: well it's not really making me uncomfortable.

Mother: see, she wants to marry you.

Dakota: how did you come to that conclusion.

Then the whole group started laughing.

Henry: Dakota and ava marrying huh, I think they would make a great couple.

Amelia: I agree.

Dakota: speaking of couples, I think you two would make a great one.

Henry: huh! Wha- what are you saying Dakota.

Amelia: yea- yeah, what are you saying.

They both blushed, and Dakota was smirking like a Devil.

Dakota: you sure you don't like each other, I mean you both are blushing.

Amelia: shu- shut up, Dakota.

Dakota: stuttering huh, it's not making it any better.

Emma: my bother and ava marrying, wait if ava marrys my brother, then she will become my sister. Ava you should definitely marry my brother.

Ava: oh please stop, i can't handled this.

Ava face was full red, it was like her face was a tomato.

Dakota: ok that's enough, let's get back to eating.

Henry: agreed.

They all gone back to eating, and after partying for a few hours, it was Time to leave.

Henry: this was a pretty crazy day huh, we stopped an invasion, and then we partied at Dakota's house. What an amazing day.

Dakota: yeah today was pretty crazy, but this is nowhere near close as the craziest thing we will experience in our lives.

Henry: that Is true, our life will get a lot more crazier, as we go on.

Dakota: haha yeah, I hope that you are all prepared, because the future is going to be absolutely crazy.

Henry: why are you taking, like you know the future.

Dakota: I don't know the future, I just fell like it's going to be crazy.

Dakota: that's a lie, of course I know the future, because I wrote it, but I'm not gonna tell them that.

Henry: well it's time to leave, so see you on Monday at the academy.

Dakota: yeah by, see you on Monday.

So they left, and Dakota closed the door.

Dakota: phew this was crazy indeed, I don't think I'm prepared for the future, I need to get a lot strong than I am now. Because In 2 year's form now on, the dungeon will appear, and that dungeon will change the whole world.

Dakota: so I need to get as strong as I can, before that dungeon appears.