duo mission(1)

Teacher: okay class today, we are learning about...

Dakota: I don't really care, I already know about it.

Dakota: I wonder what's going to happen today.

Lucas: I don't think anything's going to happen today, Dakota.

Dakota: really? I'm not sure, guess we'll find out.

Then an hour went by, with nothing happening, and it's lunch time.

Dakota's group met up with Henry's group, and they all went to the cafeteria.

Henry: so what are you guys, going to do today.

Lucas: nothing really, I'm just thinking of taking a break.

Jack: yeah me too.

Ava: I will probably go shopping, Wana come along Dakota.

Dakota: I would rather die.

The group laughed at Dakota's joke, even jack chuckled, a little bit.

Amelia: actually I want to go shopping too, so can I come alone with you.

Ava: oh, why not.

Ava was surprised by Amelia's question, so she said yes with an awkward smile.

Amelia: great, I can't wait.

Ava: me too.

Ava: maybe this will not be so bad.

Liam: I'm probably going to train.

Mia: I'll probably eat ramen.

Luna: I will just play some games.

Dakota: and I Will...? I don't know...

Henry: really you don't know? I'm going to go on a mission today, so can you help me complete the mission. Dakota.

Dakota: oh you are, yeah I will help you.

Henry: great, this is going to be awesome.

Dakota: yes indeed.

So after the academy ended, it was time for the mission.

Dakota: so where are we going, Henry.

Henry: we are going to some mountain.

Dakota: a Mountain? Why a mountain.

Henry: because people are saying there are Djinns there, so we have to go check it out, and If we see Djinns there. Then we will have to kill them.

Dakota: ah okay, I get the mission now, let's do this.

Then Dakota called his private butler, and told him to take him and Henry to the mountain.

After about an hour or 2 they had arrived l, but the car couldn't go up the mountain, so they had to walk.

Butler: I'm so sorry sir Dakota, that I had to make you walk.

Dakota: don't worry about it, you did a good job, so you can now leave.

Butler: thank you, then I will take my leave.

The butler gone in to his car, and drove away.

Dakota: ok then, let's go up this mountain.

Henry: yup, this is going to take long.

And after an hour of going up the mountain, they still couldn't find the cave entrance.

Dakota: god damnit, where is this cave entrance.

Henry: according to the map, it's still a long way ahead.

Dakota: what? Are you serious, oh fuck me man.

Then another hour went by, and the finally found the cave entrance.

Dakota: oh finally we found it.

Henry: yes we did, finally.

Both Dakota and Henry were very happy, and they hugged each other two, out of happiness.

Dakota: ok let's go in.

The cave entrance was large, so Dakota and Henry entered easily.

Henry: so now we have to explore this cave, and find out if Djinns are living here.

Dakota: yeah let's go.

They started exploring the cave, and found a spider hatch, a huge one too.

Dakota: holy shit, that's a huge spider hatch.

Henry: yeah it is, but where is the owner of the hatch.

Dakota: you're right? Where is she...

And the Dakota Sensed that something big was coming towards them.

Dakota: Henry, get ready to fight!.

As soon as Henry heard those words, he immediately created his flame sword.

Then a big ass spider came running out of thee darkness, and the spider was much bigger than Dakota and Henry.

Dakota: dame that things big as fuck, still easy to defeat tho.

Dakota attack the spider with his sword, but the spider jumped, and avoided his sword.

Dakota: oh, This one is a fast one.

Henry: I got This.

Henry went to attack the spider as well, but then he go trapped in spider webs.

Henry: ah what the hell is this? Spider webs?

Dakota: ah shit, Henry!

The spider was about to stab Henry with her legs, but Dakota blocked her before she could.

Dakota: you ain't hurting my friend, you big ass spider.

Dakota then spun around, and cut the spider's leg off, he cut only one tho. And he cut the web's holding Henry.

Henry: what a Start to our first duo mission, huh Dakota.

Dakota: ah you're right, this is our first duo mission, let's make sure it's not the last.

Henry: yeah.

The spider was hissing in pain, and Dakota and Henry wasted no time, and cut all the spider's leg off.

Dakota: ha that's what you get, you bitch.

Henry: okay, let's finish her off.

Henry stabbed the spider and killed her, the spider disappear, and drooped her heart.

Dakota: woah! Is that a spider heart, that's so valuable, I'm gonna put it in my bag.

Dakota picked up the spider heart, and put it in his bag.

Dakota: ok we killed the spider, now there are two entrances, which one should we chose.

Henry: both of them are going to be dark, but let's chose the right one.

Dakota: oh the right one, okay then.

Henry: let's go.

They entered the entrance, and it was full of darkness, but both Dakota and Henry created flames in their hands. For light.

And after a few minutes, they entered a new cave.

Dakota: this one has much more light, probably because of the crystal.

Henry: yeah probably because of that, but which what should we go now.

Dakota: let's go left.

Henry: left it is then.

They both gone left, and chatted as they were trying to find something.

Dakota: do you think Djinns are in this cave.

Henry: I think so, we will find out soon anyway.

And as they were wandering around, Dakota found something on the crystal.

Dakota: Henry, I think Djinns are this cave.

Henry: huh why would you think that...

As Henry looked at the crystal, he was horrified.

The crystal was covered in blood, and 3 human heads were on it.

Dakota: this fucking Djinns, they will pay for this.

Dakota said with an angry expression.