duo mission(2)

Dakota: fucking hell, this is disgusting.

Henry: yeah it is, how could those Djinns do that.

Dakota: well it looks like, we met some evil Djinns.

Henry: evil Djinns huh? Haven't we already met evil Djinns.

Henry asked with a confused voice.

Dakota: I meant that, this Djinns are more evil than usual, all the Djinns met we're pretty chill.

Well with us, I don't know about other humans.

Dakota: anyway, let's go find those Djinns, and kill them.

Henry: yeah, let's go.

Dakota and Henry then started looking for the Djinns, and they wondered around the cave, but still couldn't even find a clue about where the Djinns were.

Dakota: shit, after an hour and a half, we still can't find any clues.

Dakota said with a annoyed voice.

Henry: let's just keep Looking, we will find it eventually.

Dakota: fine, let's go.

Dakota and Henry started searching for Clue's again, and theu found two footprints.

Dakota: oh would you look at that, footprints, that's perfect.

Henry: you think those footprints, are the Djinns footprints.

Dakota: probably, let's Justin follow the footprints, and find out.

Henry: okay, lead the way.

Dakota started following the footprints, and Henry follow behind him.

After a few minutes, the footprints stopped showing up, and they were standing in front of a wall.

Dakota: a wall? What's a wall doing here.

Henry: maybe the Djinn created this wall.

Dakota: but why would they do that, do they not want anyone reaching them, or seeing what's behind that wall. Well let's find out.

Dakota used flame fist, and destroyed a part of the wall.

Dakota: okay, let's go in.

Henry: you couldn't think of something better.

Dakota: no I couldn't, did you?

Henry: nah, destroying it was the best choice.

Dakota: haha, yeah.

Dakota and Henry then went in, and they found a cave full of Crystal's, but these Crystal we're much more valuable. That the crystal they saw before.

Dakota: so that's why they set up this Wall, to hide the crystal, and mine them for themselves.

Henry: but where are they.

Dakota: probably somewhere deeper in the cave, this place is really big by the way. How are we gonna get out.

Henry: let's worry about that, after we kill the Djinns.

Dakota: okay, if you say so.

Dakota and Henry started going in deeper in the cave, and they found four Djinns, mining the Crystal's.

Dakota: hello there Djinns, I hope you don't mind us intruding.

Djinn1: huh humans? What are you doing here.

Dakota: isn't that obvious, to kill you.

Djinn2: haha, that's what every human said who came in here, but they all died.

Dakota: well we are not any regular humans, we are much stronger than the one's who died.

Djinn3: oh how arrogant.

Djinn4: there not lying, those two are the strongest student in the academy.

Djinn1: wait they are, oh so those two are the humans, who killed many mid-ranked Djinns like us.

Dakota: oh, so you four are, mid-ranked Djinns.

Djinn2: yes we are, surprised.

Dakota: no not really, this is not gonna be my first time, facing 2 mid-ranked Djinns, at the same time.

Henry: and this is gonna be my first time, facing two mid-ranked Djinns, at the same time.

Dakota: well you better prepare yourself Henry, because this is going to be intense, Because those 4 aren't any regular mid-ranked Djinns. They're far above average mid-ranked Djinns.

Djinn3: so you notice huh, well you're right, we four aren't your regular mid-ranked Djinns.

Dakota: oh well, I did kill a Djinn much stronger than all of you, and contributed in killing the strongest mid-ranked Djinn. So I think I can kill the two of you.

Djinn1: oh how cocky, you two go face him, and you come with me.

Djinn2: okay.

And the other two Djinns are gonna fight Henry.

Dakota: are you ready Henry.

Henry; I'm kind of nervous, but very excited.

Dakota then grinned, and said, "then let's do this".

Both Dakota and Henry start their fight, and Dakota and the two Djinns go at it. they were sword clashing, hitting each other with their fist's, and Dakota was moving so fast. That the Djinns could barely react.

Djinn1: fuck, just how fast is he.

Djinn2: he's way too fast, for a teenager.

Dakota: thanks for the compliment.

Dakota used fireball, and hit the second Djinn,

But the first Djinn dodged, and snuck up behind Dakota. But Dakota moved sideways and dodged, and did a backflip on air with his flame boost, and stabbed the Djinns back.

The Djinn fell to the ground, and groaned in pain.

Djinn: ahhh, it's fucking painful, you damn human, hey help me out here.

The second Djinn used flame boost too, and attacked Dakota, but Dakota blocked his attack. But then the other djinn appeared behind him again, and Dakota tired to Dodge, but the Djinn still managed to stab his side.

Dakota: ahh fuck, this is bad, they managed to stab my side, now I'm injured. And I only injured one of them, the other one is fine, this situation is not looking good.

Dakota: but am I gonna give up... Fuck no, I will never give up, I would rather die than give up.

Dakota: get ready Djinns, because this is going to be, a slaughter festival.

Djinn1: yeah, for you.

Dakota used fireball and attacked the Djinns, both of them Dodged, but Dakota appeared in front of the second one, and punched him with flame fist. And the Djinn want flying in to the wall.

Djinn2: ahhh, dam this hurts.

Djinn1: you damn human.

Djinn1 used flame boost plus flame fist, but Dakota Dodged, and cut his hand off.

Djinn1: AHHH, YOU damn bitch, I'll fucking kill you.

Djinn1 then transformed in to flames, and so did Djinn2.

Djinn1 : with this transformation, we will kill you.

Dakota: oh so we are transforming now, then I will too.

Dakota used flame transformation, and now he's body is covered in flames.

Dakota: you're the one's dying today, you bitch ass Djinns.