duo mission(3)

Djinn1: so you can already use flame transformation huh, what a strong child.

Dakota: thank you I guess? But why don't we begin.

Djinn2: yeah, let's begin.

The Djinns attack Dakota in 2 different directions, one on the left, and one on the right. But Dakota jumped and dodged them, then he used flame fist, and flames burst out of his fists. And the flame's hit both of them.

Djinn1: shit this burns.

Djinn2: how did he even, Dodge that.

Dakota: you two are really slow.

The Djinns were still on the ground, and In pain, the Djinns were looking at Dakota, with rage and killing intent.

Dakota: did I make you mad? Oh I'm so sorry, but not sorry.

The Djinn were even more angry now, and used flame bomb, and the attack landed on Dakota. But Dakota manged to activate his shield.

Dakota: phew, that was a close one.

Dakota used flame boost, and attacked the Djinns, but both of the Djinns increased their speed. And dodged Dakota, and Djinn1 went behind Dakota, while djinn2 went in front.

Dakota: oh shit.

Dakota was panicking on how to get out of this situation, the Djinns were closing in, Dakota didn't have much time left, so he crouched, but Djinn 1 knew he would do that. So he attack downwards.

Dakota: ah shit, he knew I would crouch, I need to do something quick.

Dakota used flame eruption, and the ground erupted in flame, and the Djinns were both knocked away. and Dakota flew up from the ground.

Dakota: ok I manged to survive, but the battle hasn't ended yet.

The Djinns quickly got up, and went to attack Dakota, Dakota the increase his speed. Which caught the Djinns off guard, Wich he used as his advantage, and cut of both of the Djinns arm, but only 1 of their arms.

Dakota: yes, I manged to cut of their arms, now it's going to be easier to defeat them.

But instead of looking defeated, both of the Djinns smiled, and laughed.

Djinn2: hahaha, I haven't had this much fun in a long time.

Djinn1: haha that's true, you really are an amazing human.

Dakota: what the hell? Have you two gone insane.

Djinn1: insane? We were insane the moment we became Djinns.

Djinn2: we we're insane for a long time, and we were starving for a Good battle, and you are giving us that battle we wanted.

Then the other 2 Djinns fighting Henry, suddenly started laughing.

Djinn1: oh, It looks like their, enjoying their battle too.

Djinn2: I'm glad we four have finally got the battle we wanted.

The 4 djinn were laughing maniacally.

Dakota: you four are fucking insane, but not as insane as other's met, and created.

Djinn1: really, who could that be.

The Djinns were still laughing, but the stopped laughing when they heard Dakota say.

Dakota: blazer.

Blazer, the strongest Devil in existence, when. The Djinn herd that name, they froze and we're in fear.

Djinn1: ho- how could, a mere human dare to say his name!?

Djinn2: you deserve to get ripped apart, for saying our lord's name, when you're only a mere human.

Dakota: I may be a mere human now, but In the future, I Will be the one to kill Blazer. That dame transcendent.

Djinn1: you? Killing our lord... Hahaha.

The 4 Djinns started laughing, and they genuinely found what Dakota said funny.

Djinn1: oh, oh, I haven't heard something that funny in forever.

Djinn2: you are the funniest human I have ever met.

Djinn3: what a funny bitch.

Djinn4: you're even more funny than this guy.

Djinn1: before you can even think about killing our lord, you should kill us first.

Dakota: I know, but I already knew that I can kill you, i actually knew from the start.

Djinn1: huh you knew? Did you really think you can kill us.

Dakota: yes I do, is there something worng with that.

Djinn2:yes there is, it's because you're wrong.

Dakota: am I now, let's see if I am.

Dakota went full speed, and so did the Djinns, and their fist's clashed, and created a powerful explosion.

The Djinn were bloodied and there clothes were ripped, and the same was for Dakota, the Djinns and Dakota were very injured.

But Dakota manged to stand up first, before the Djinns.

Dakota: fuck, I'm still not used to this pain, and I don't think I ever will get used to it.

Dakota: anyway, how are the two of you doing.

The Djinns stood up, and said.

Djinn1: not great, as you can see.

Djinn2: and you don't look like, you're in good shape too.

Dakota: yeah well, we're both in the same shape, really injured and tierd, and soon going to run out of mana.

Djinn1: yeah that's true.

Djinn2: we should finish this fight quickly then.

Dakota: we should indeed, let's get this over with.

Both Dakota and the Djinns prepare for the final attack, and Dakota chose to do the fireball, and the Djinns chose the flame bomb.

And both Dakota and the Djinns use their spells, and the spells hit each other, the Djinn were damage even more from the explosion.

Djinn1: ahhh, fuck, you okay.

Djinn2: not really, but I still have a little bit of mana left.

Djinn1: that's good, but you think the human survived.

Djinn2: I think he did, if we did, then so did he.

Djinn1: yeah, you're right, we should hear him calling us out soon.

But that soon never came, and the Djinns started wondering, If Dakota really died.

Djinn2: he's not saying anything, is he really dead.

Djinn1: what no way he can die that easily, he must be doing something.

Djinn2: If he is really doing something, then we should get up before he dose.

As the Djinn were getting up, something spoke behind them.

Dakota: too fucking late.

The Djinns got scared so much, that this was the most fear they have ever felt. And Dakota said.

Dakota: explosion.

Dakota used explosion, and the Djinns got evaporated, and died.

Dakota: see I told you, from the start, that I would win.