illusion trap(1)

Dakota and Henry were current laying in the ground, resting and waiting for their mana to come back.

Dakota: you feeling better?

Henry: yes I am, can't wait to get out of here.

Dakota: yeah me too.

They chatted for a an hour, and it was time to leave.

Dakota: before we leave, we should mine this crystal, I mean they're too valuable to leave.

Henry: yeah you're right, let's get to mining... We don't have a pickaxe though.

Dakota: well, we will just mine it, with our hands.

Henry: with our hands huh... This is gonna hurt.

Dakota: yes It will, but when we sell it, it's so gonna be worth it.

Henry: aren't you already, extremely rich.

Dakota: so? It can't hurt to get Richer right.

Henry: oh whatever, let's just get this over with.

So they started mining the crystals... With their hands.

And finally they finish mining the crystald, and they got 20 crystals, 10 for Dakota and 10 for Henry.

Dakota: okay, now it's actually time to leave.

Henry: finally, we can get the hell out of here.

Dakota: let's go.

Dakota and Henry started leaving the cave, and they approach the exit of the cave.

Dakota: there is the exit, let's leave.

Dakota and Henry had finally exited the cave.

Henry: hell yeah, we finally left this cave, and we're Alive too.

Dakota: yes indeed we are Alive, and we have left this god-damned cave, now let's leave the mountain.

Henry: yeah, let's go.

They have started going down the mountain, and after 2 hour's, they still haven't got anywhere near close to the ground.

Dakota: the hell is happening? we should have left the mountain right now, so why are we still on the mountain?

Henry: I don't Know, but let's just keep going down, and see what happens.

So that's what they kept doing, they kept going down the mountain, for hours. But they still couldn't leave.

Dakota: ah... I'm fucking tierd, I may have gotten all my mana back, but I'm still tierd of walking.

Henry: what the hell is happening? After about 4 hours, we still haven't gotten of this mountain, are we trapped in here?

Dakota: hmm... No I don't think we're trapped, but I think we are in an illusion trap.

Hernry: an illusion trap? Are we really trapped in an illusion.

Dakota: I think we are, this would explain why we couldn't get of the mountain, even after hours of walking.

Henry: ah I guess you're right... But how do we break out of the illusion.

Dakota: that I don't know... We need to find some clues, on how to break out of the illusion.

Henry: then should we start walking again, and see if we could find some clues.

Dakota: yeah, we should do that.

Both Dakota and hernry got of the ground, and started walking to see if they could, find some clues on how to escape. And after an hour, they still couldn't find anything.

Dakota: fuck... This is some Bull shit, 5 hour's in this illusion, and we still can't find any clues, on how to get out.

Henry: yeah we need to do something... But I don't know what to do.

Dakota: and neither do I... I thought after we killed the Djinns, that this was finally over with, but no. Now we're trapped in an illusion, on a mountain.

Dakota: what do we do...

Henry: should we start walking again.

Dakota: nah, we should sleep.

Henry: oh okay.

So Dakota and hernry had gone to sleep, and there was someone watching them sleep.

???: you will pay, for killing my friends.


The a new day came, and it was time for them to start walking again.

Dakota: ah, I wonder when we will finish this.

Henry: don't worry, we will finish this soon enough, we have some food and water left.

Dakota: that should last us about two days max, but after that, if we still don't escape, then we might starve to death. Or die of thirst, we need to get out of here quick.

Henry: yeah you're right, we need to get out of here fast.

Dakota: let's go Henry, this might have been out last mission ever.

Hernry: hey! Don't jinx us.

Dakota: haha, sorry.

Dakota and Henry started laughing, but after a Long time, they stopped laughing.

Dakota: how much time has passed, I wonder.

Henry: I think, a full day has passed.

Dakota and Henry, were sitting on a big rock.

Dakota: a full day huh... When are we gonna get out of here.

Hernry: I don't know, but I do know that it's time to sleep.

Dakota: yeah okay, let's sleep, and hopefully we find some clues tomorrow.

Henry: yeah hopefully, goodnight Dakota.

Dakota: yeah, goodnight Henry.

And with that, they fell asleep, and the creature watching them said.

???: they're really desperate for some clues huh... Then why don't I give them one.

And then both Henry and Dakota woke up, and they yawned and stretched, and ate their food and drank their water.

Dakota: we don't have a lot of food and water left, we need to somehow break out of this illusion today.

Henry: yeah, we have to break out today, now let's get going.

Dakota: okay, let's go.

Dakota and Henry started walking down once again, in hope of finding some clues, to get out of this illusion.

Dakota: what do you want to do, when we get out of this illusion.

Henry: waht do I want to do huh... I will first go and see my family, then our group, and then eat some delicious food, how about you?

Dakota: I will do the same, we should eat at the same restaurant too.

Henry: okay, that's a promise.

Dakota: yeah, but first we have to get out of this illusion... Wait is that a text... YES, a clue finally.

Henry: oh hell yes, what dose it say.

Dakota: it says, "if you want to break out of this illusion then, You will have to kill me.

Dakota: huh kill me? How do we kil him, when we don't even know here he is.

Dakota: this turned in to, a real pain in the ass.