illusion trap(2)

Dakota: great, now we have to kill someone, when we don't even know where he is...

Henry: I wonder if he's going to put some more Clues, on this mountain.

Hernry than glanced at Dakota's and asked.

Henry: so what do we do now, Dakota?

Dakota: I guess we keep searching, for clues and, that guy we have to kill.

Henry: okay, let's hope we find him before we die...

Dakota: yeah, we can only hope.

Then Henry and Dakota searched for more Clues, but to their disappointment, they didn't find any. They both got angry, that they didn't find any clues, and they couldn't find the person, they had to kill.

Dakota: oh this pisses me off! What do we do now.

Hernry: I don't know, but tomorrow we need to definitely find him.

Dakota: yeah, that's for sure.

Dakota and Henry started to fall asleep, with angry expression on their face, and then a new day came. Henry and Dakota woke up, and they yawned, and got ready to find some clues, and kill Someone.

Dakota: ok let's go and find some clues, that's if he put any...

Dakota was wearing a worried expression.

Hernry: don't worry Dakota, we will definitely break out of this illusion, there's no way we're dying here.

Henry with his beautiful smile, cheerd up Dakota's worried mood.

Dakota: yeah, thanks Henry, we definitely are not dying here. Let's go Henry.

Henry: yeah.

With a scream, they both went to find some clues with am energized mood, but that mood didn't last long. Because after not finding anything for 56 hours, they are going to give up for today.

Dakota: should we give up for today?

Henry: we shouldn't, we have a little bit of food and water left, tomorrow is our final day with food and water. After that, we won't have food and water.

Dakota: damn it, I wanna kill whoever trapped us in this fucking illusion, I can't wait to find him.

Henry: I can't wait to find him too, I will definitely kill him.

Dakota: ... even if he was a human?

Henry: ...I don't know about that... I probably would have no choice, other than to kill him.

Dakota: well it eoutbe good id it was a human.

Hernry: huh? Why would you say that...?

Dakota: because, in the future, you're going to have to kill some humans.

Henry: huh? Why?

Dakota: there is a lot of evil humans in This world, a lot of greedy and selfish people, they would want to kill you. Because if they do, that they would get famous, and people would do a lot of things to get famous.

Henry: ...I see, looks like I will have no choice but to, kill a human in the future huh...

Dakota: don't worry, you will get used to it.

Hernry: ...why are you taking as If you already killed a human...?

Dakota: ... I may have killed a human, that's why.

Henry: what!? You killed a human Dakota.

Dakota: yes I did, when I was just 12 years old, and in my past life too.

Henry: what...!? When you were only 12!

Dakota: yes, and it wasn't really a good feeling, but I had to kill him.

Henry: why did you have to kill him.

Dakota: to protect my friends, that bitch tried to kill them, and he was strong, so as he was about to kill my friends... I came behind him and stabbed him through his chest, with my sword, which killed him... That was my first time killing a human. Well at least in this life.

Henry: ah so that's why you killed him... I would have too killed him, for the sake of protecting my friends, your made the right choice, Dakota.

Dakota: yeah I know, and if something like that happened again, I will kill the enemy, with no hesitation. What about you?

Henry: I don't know, I would kill him... But I would probably hesitate.

Dakota: let's say if you hesitate, you're friends would die, would you hesitate then?

Henry... No I wouldn't, I would have killed him with no hesitation...

Dakota: Good, now let's go searching for clues.

Hernry: okay.

Henry and Dakota got up form the ground, and Henry was wearing a weird expression, probably thinking about the conservation he just had, with Dakota.

Dakota and Henry searched for about an hour, and decide to give up since they couldn't find any clues, and then a new day came. And Dakota's and Henry's food and water ran out, Theu had to kill the Djinns or human today, or they Will suffer.

Dakota: let's go.

And then after 2 full days of searching, they couldn't find anything, they were on their 3rd Day now.

Dakota: ahhh... I'm so hungry.

Hernry: me too... And I'm thirsty too.

Dakota a d Henry didn't even have the energy to talk, but they had no choice to get up, and search for the creature to kill him.

Dakota: get up Henry, we have to find and kill him.

Hernry: ah fine... Let's go.

They they were going down the mountain, and then they found the clue they were hoping to see, the past two days.

And both Dakota and Henry were very excited.

Dakota: haha finally!

Henry: a clue yes!

The clue said, " what is a creature that flies"

Dakota: huh? "What is a creature that flies"?

Henry: what dose that mean, there are many creature's that fly.

Dakota: what could that mean?

5 hour's gone by, and Dakota and Henry were think about what the clue, and what cloud it mean, and they were very tired. So they could barely think, without falling asleep.

Dakota: ... wait a minute, maybe the creature he's talking about is himself.

Henry: huh?

Dakota: I'm not saying he's an insect that can fly, I'm saying he's either a human or a Djinn that has the ability to fly, that's why he said what creature can fly, he was hinting the fact that he could fly.

Hernry: oh that actually makes sense, so he's in the sky somewhere.

Dakota: yes, but I'm guessing he's on top of the mountain waiting for us so let's go there and kill that bitch.

Henry: what, we have to go up to the top of the mountain! But that's going to take so long.

Dakota: we have no other choice, so let's go, Henry.