returning after 3 days of struggling

With Dakota and hernry killing the guy, who trapped them in the illusion, they were going down the mountain again. And this time they actually made it down, but it took them 5 hour's to get down.

Dakota: on god I'm tierd, we should sleep and go back to the city tomorrow, what do you think?

Henry: yeah I also think we should do that, but let's find a good spot to sleep first.

Dakota: okay.

Dakota and hernry begin finding a good spot to sleep, and they found an abandoned house, and decide to enter.

Dakota: this house is dirty, and dangerous to sleep in, if It wasn't for our barrier's, we should sleep here, right Henry?

Henry: yeah this looks like a good place to sleep, well good night Dakota.

Dakota: good night Henry.

And with that, both Dakota and Henry fell asleep, and then a new day came. And it was time for them to return after 3 days of struggling, so they both got up and got ready to return to the city. And reunite with their family and friends.

Dakota: oh I can't wait, until we see our family and friends again, you're excited too right Henry.

Henry: of course I am, i haven't seen them for 3 Days, can't wait to see them.

Dakota: yeah, me too... Let's hope nothing goes wrong.

Henry: ... don't worry it won't, nothing will go wrong. We have been suffering for 3 days straight, I don't think we will suffer anymore... At least not today.

Dakota: haha, yeah I don't think we will suffer... For today.

Dakota and hernry both laughed, and started sprinting towards the city, and after a few hours, they had finally arrived.

Dakota: finally! We have arrived!

Henry: we have indeed, let's go see our friends and family again.

Henry couldn't wait to see his family and friends again... But Dakota had something else in mind.

Dakota: actually Henry... We should go eat in a restaurant first.

Henry: ...huh? Are you kidding me, after 3 days of not seeing our friends and family, you want to eat at a restaurant first...?

Dakota: come on Henry, I don't want to reunite them with a hungry stomach, and I know you're very hungry too.

Henry: that you mentioned it, I am very hungry... Fine let's go eat in a restaurant first.

Dakota: yes! Let's go.

With a happy expression in Dakota's face, they both want to the best restaurants in America.

And Dakota order fires chocolate ice cream and a burger, meanwhile Henry order a steak well done, and also a milkshake and a pizza.

And after 20 minutes of waiting, all of their food have finally arrived.

Dakota: oh this looks so delicious, I can't wait to eat them.

Henry: I can't wait to eat them too, you were right on coming here first, before reuniting with our friends and family.

Dakota: see, I told you that this was a good idea, now let's eat.

Both Dakota and Henry started eating their food, and it tasted like heaven to them, I mean of course it did, they hadn't eaten something this delicious in 3 days, so of course it was going to taste like heaven.

Dakota: this is the best thing I have tasted in my entire life... Behind my mother's cooking of course.

Henry: haha, I agree with that, my mother's cooking is the best.

Dakota: haha, agreed.

Both of them laughed, and started eating again, and after 15 minutes they were done eating, and it was time for them to reunite with their friends and family.

Dakota: you know I'm kind of nervous to reunite with them, are you nervous too?

Henry: to be honest with you, I am really nervous, I mean we haven't contacted them in 3 days. And they don't even know if we are alive.

Dakota: you're right, we should have brought our phones... But it's too late to regret things, we should be happy that we are alive.

Henry: yeah we should, I'm gladly we survived that mission, it was the craziest mission I have ever been on.

Dakota: yeah well... The future missions are going to be even more crazier that that one, that won't even compare with the future missions.

Henry: ...yeah that's true, the future is going to be crazy.

Dakota: haha yeah.

They were laughing again, and then they had Arrived at the academy, which all of their friends were in, they bothe entered the academy. And a lot of people were surprised to see them, they walked up to them and asked questions, like "are you okay" or "what happened". But they Said they will answer that later and asked where their friends were.

The students told them they were in the cafeteria all alone, and that they were very worried about us.

And Dakota and Henry walked to the cafeteria, and Saw their friends there, and their friends were talking about something. They didn't even notice Dakota and Henry were there, so Dakota and Henry wnet up to them and said. "Did you miss us".

Their friends turned around, and their expression were display that they were shocked, but then both Amelia and ava jumped into Dakota and Henry's chest.

Amelia: you idiot, where have you been!?

Ava: you dumbass, where have you been after all this time, fo you know how worried we were.

Dakota: uh... I'm sorry okay, we just go caught up in some trouble.

Ava: you better have a good explanation for this.

Dakota: don't worry, I do.

Then the rest of Henry and Dakota's friends hugged them.

Lucas: I missed you Dakota, welcome back.

Jack: where have you been, I wanted to spare with you, but then you suddenly disappeared.

Lima: I'm very glad you're back Dakota.

Mia: me too, welcome back.

Luna: I have missed you Henry.

Henry; I have missed you guys also.

Dakota: me too, I am glad to be back... Can you let me go now, I can barley breath.

Ava: ah okay, I'm sorry, now can you explain what happened.

Dakota: we will, but first let's bring me and Henry's parents here first, then we will explain.

The parents of Dakota and Henry had arrived, and immediately hugged their children.

Mother: oh where have you been, I missed you so much.

Father: you had us really worried Dakota.

Dakota: ... sorry father mother.

???: oh Henry my child, I'm glad you're Alive.

???: me too, I am so glad you're that you're alive.

Henry: thanks mother, father, but let's go to the cafeteria, so we can tell you what happened.