a good fight to end the first year at the academy(1)

So we told them about us fighting the 4 Djinn, and getting trapped in an illusion for 3 days, and fighting and killing the guy who trapped us.

Ava: ...wow you guys have gone through some terrible things.

Lucas: truly, I can't believe that happened to you guys.

Mother: oh I feel so bad, for not doing anything.

Father: no honey there was nothing we could do, they didn't even tell us where they were going.

Jack: you went through some nasty shit, Henry.

Amelia: I can't believe you managed to not break, I would have broken on the second day, and went insane.

Henry: ... trust me, there will be much more worse things in the future, so you better all prepare yourself.

Amelia: ... okay... I will.

???: I'm just glad you're alive Henry.

???: yes, we are truly glad and proud of you Henry.

Henry: thanks mother, father.

Henry's mother's name is lilly, and his father's name is Michael.

Dakota: so yeah, that's what happened the pas 3 days, but luckily we lived, and I think we deserve a long break. To get over this trauma.

Ava: ...I doubt you're actually traumatized.

Dakota: ... damn you got me, I'm not actually traumatized, i just wanted a long break.

Lucas: yep that's seems just like you.

The whole table laughed, and Dakota looked at Henry and asked.

Dakota: are you traumatized Henry... You know... When you killed the guy, that was your first time killing a human...

Henry: ...no not really, I know I have to kill a lot more Humans in the future, so I got to prepare myself mentally.

Dakota: ...good, now should we all go home.

Ava: but there's still time, before the academy ends.

Dakota: oh so what, the principal would understand why we left early, now let's go and... Do something?

Ava: you don't even know, what you want to do right.

Dakota: yeah, but you can come up with something right.

Ava: sure I can, we can go to the shopping mal-

Dakota: no! Don't finish that sentence, somebody else please think of something else.

Hernry: how about we party over at my house.

Dakota: oh! That sounds like a good idea, let's do it... Can we come over and party at you're house, miss Lily and Mr Michael.

Lily: of course you can.

Michael: yeah, now let's go, we will take you all, can we take Dakota to our house, Maria and duke.

Maria: of course you can, we don't mind Dakota going to our Friends house.

Duke: yeah of course you can.

Dakota: wait, the four of you are friends?

Duke: yes we are, did I not tell you.

Dakota: no I don't think so... Or I might have just not listened.

Duke: ...you brat, that's why I tell you to, always listen to me.

Dakota: yeah okay, can we go to Henry's house now.

Henry: yes we can, let's go guys.

And then everyone left the academy, and our group went straight to Henry's house, and it was a mansion of course. he is my main character, So of course I had to give him a mansion.

Hernry: well this is my house, so what do you think?

Dakota: yeah it just as I expected, a pretty nice house.

Lucas: it is very nice.

Ava: one of the best I've seen.

Mia: pretty good.

Liam: yeah it's great.

Henry: thanks, now let's go party.


And a few months go by, and it the last day of the academy first year, and the group has gotten a lot strong, and the group is going to do their last mission too.

Edward: this award ceremony is to congratulate this group, the strongest and best group in this academy's history.

Edward: be proud, because you're group has made history.

The entire crowd was chanting their name's, and the group was standing there... Really nervous.

Dakota: I have never done this before.

Ava: neither have I.

Hernry: yeah this is my first time doing this.

And after an hour the ceremony was done.

Edward; I guess this goodbye... For 3 months of course, I hope you all enjoy you're summer break.

Dakota: thanks principal, I hope you have a nice summer too.

Edward: thank you, now it's time for you're missing, so don't be late. And make sure to complete it.

Dakota: don't worry, we will complete it.

Edward: haa you kid's... Will definitely make history for sure.

Then the group went to the mission site, and their mission was to kill some mid-ranked Djinns in the evil forest.

Dakota: ok this mission seems simple... But I have a bad feeling, that something bad is going to happen.

Ava: don't worry Dakota, this is our last mission, what could go wrong.

Dakota: ... well great, you have now jinxed us, now something is definitely going to happen.

Lucas: you're just really paranoid Dakota, you have Been paranoid this past few months, and nothing happened.

Dakota: yeah that's because, that it was waiting for this moment, when we don't expect anything, something bad will happen.

Jack: stop being so paranoid idiot, now let's go kill those Djinns.

So the group went in to the forest, and killed all the mid-ranked Djinns.

Dakota: ... okay this was a lot easier than I thought, but still I'm sure something will happen.

Liam: no It will not, stop jinxing us.

Dakota: ...ava already did, so it won't matter if I do too.

Amelia: nothing will happen.

Henry: ... actually I agree with Dakota, I feel like something will happen too.

Ava: what! Not you too Henry, have you got infected by Dakota.

Hernry: ... What of course not... Maybe, but still I think something will happen, I mean when has Dakota been wrong about this stuff.

Ava: he was saying this a few months ago too, and nothing happened.

Henry: but still, this time I feel it too, something dangerous will appear.

Ava: no It will not.

Dakota: ...shit, I told you...

Ava: huh? What do you mea-

Before ava could finish her sentence, a stranger Djinn appeared... And he has horns. And only high-ranked Djinns had horn's.

Dakota: ah fuck... What the hell did I tell you.

Ava: oh shit!? So Dakota's feeling was right, and we have to fight a high-ranked Djinn!?

Dakota: haa how funny, we have to fight a high-ranked Djinn as our last mission, well it's a good fight to end the first year of the academy, for sure.