In a universe where divine powers and mythical creatures coexist, Eryx, a young man reincarnated with the power of the Void, is thrust into an extraordinary mission. Reincarnated by Ophis, the Dragon Goddess of Infinity from High School DxD, who sacrificed part of her own power to save him, Eryx finds himself in the world of Leveling With The Gods.
To help Ophis regain her lost powers and restore balance to their world, Eryx and Ophis must ascend a colossal tower together. Each floor of this tower presents formidable challenges and powerful foes. This ascent is more than a mere physical trial; it's a journey of emotional and spiritual growth where their bond strengthens with every victory.
Though Eryx appears cold and distant to the outside world, he reveals a deep vulnerability in Ophis's presence. Meanwhile, Ophis, despite her diminished powers, uses her intelligence and experience to guide and protect Eryx. Their complex relationship and genuine love become crucial assets in overcoming the tower's obstacles.
On each floor, they uncover hidden secrets, face powerful adversaries, and deepen their connection. Together, they must confront physical and emotional trials while battling mystical forces and dark plots that threaten to tear them apart. Their climb up the tower is not only a quest to restore Ophis’s powers but also a test of their love and resolve.
It's an AU in case you are thinking to that.
First question of the day do you know who Ophis is? do you what infinite is? if we subtract 1 septillion from infinity what is the answer= infinite. I like what you have done with the skill Void but the way you're using it is just like any energy based skill. A void means a lack of something if he lacks something how is he using energy attacks? can he just make his enemies lack life, organs,skills e.t.c, you lack imagination if you truly want to improve on what you're writing envision the outcome of the skills you want to give the MC.