Trial By Seven

(Third Person POV)

Baelon drew his sword, "Traitors all around...." He muttered as he glared at Ser Arryk, "Explain yourself, Arryk!" 

Arryk sighed, "You would not understand, My Prince..." He said, "You simply would not." 

"After all we have done for you." Baelon said seriously, "You dare betray us? You dare betray your brothers?! How fucking dare you!!!" 

"Baelon." Viserys stood up, "Calm yourself." 

"No." Baelon said as he stared the Kingsguard down, "I will not have this...all of this...!!" 

Trevor began to chuckle, "Oh, Prince...." He said, "Things will not go as you plan." 

Otto looked at Viserys, "What should we do?" He asked, "Should we call it off? This is not something we can just overlook. Perhaps we should detain all of them...." 

"You cannot ignore the will of the gods!" Trevor said, "Doing so will be like spitting in their faces! This Trial will go through!" 

Viserys scowled, "Y-You..." He said, "You have some fucking balls, do spit in the face of my Family by bringing me these.....traitors....." 

"Shall we get this over with, Your Grace?" Trevor asked, "I have grown rather impatient." 

"You and me both." Baelon said, "Where are the others, Father?" 

As Baelon said this, the rest of House Targaryen's champions walked inside the courtyard, followed by the rest of the Royal Family who had decided to spectate. Among them were Rhaenyra and Aemma, who had serious looks on their faces. They were being accompanied by Daeron and Aegon who stuck close to the two. The two princes had their hands tightly gripped on the handles of their swords, looking around in alarm. 

The Princes Aemond and Daemon Targaryen walked over to where Baelon stood, they were wearing their armor as Ser Laenor Velaryon followed them behind. All of them were clad in armor, whether light or heavy, all but Baelon himself. The Heir was wearing his casual clothes as he held Blackfyre in his hand, staring Trevor down. 

Daemon saw that Arryk was walking over to where Trevor was, "What is the meaning of this?" He asked, "What is going on, Baelon?" 

"He betrayed us." Baelon said, "He's with them." 

"That fucking little shitstain..." Daemon said seriously, "He dares? Which one is he? Arryk or Erryk?" 

"Arryk..." Baelon replied, "Is that all of us?" 

Baelon saw that it was only the five of them; Himself, Daemon, Aemond, Laenor, and Gwayne. They were all readied up and holding their weapons as the Heir looked around. 

Daemon looked around as well, "I think so..." He said, "Did they not say a bastard was fighting alongside us?" 

Trevor smiled at this, "Trouble finding more men?" He asked, "How interesting...." 

Daemon scowled, "Speak for yourself." He said, "Where's the rest of your men? All I see is some cunts." 

Daemon was referring to the fact that only Trevor, Eryn, Daron, and Arryk were there. The Rogue Prince was right, they were missing three unlike House Targaryen, who were missing two.

Trevor looked around and merely shrugged, "I would not worry about that." He said with a slight chuckle, "Trust me, I have it under control." 

Then, from one of the courtyards, Harwin Strong was seen walking, being followed by two men. Ser Laenor immediately recognized one of the men and widened his eyes in shock. 

"W-What?" He said, "Qarl?!" 

Ser Qarl Correy was walking next to Harwin Strong and to another man with white hair but had blue eyes instead. This piqued everyone's interest, especially Viserys, who was beginning to wonder why there were many men with white hair that resembled them; the Targaryens. 

Baelon looked at Laenor, "Are you serious?" He said, "Your former lover, Qarl?"

Laenor clenched his fist, "This cannot be..." he said, "I heard he died at sea! I mourned him!!" 

Trevor could not help but chuckle, "Well...." He said, "Here are our Seven.....where are yours?" 

Otto cleared his throat, "Is that so?" He said, "The unnamed men with white hair; state your names! We are already aware of the Traitors..." 

Daron stepped forth, "I am Daron...." He said with a slight smirk, "These here are my cousins, Eryn and Lynn. We are from Essos, as you probably guessed." 

"Dumbest fucking names...." Daemon said, "You look Valyrian...I take it you are also Targaryen Bastards...." 

"Quite perceptive, Prince Daemon." Daron said with a smirk, "We are cousins, you and I." 

Daemon scowled, "You are no cousin of mine." He spat, "Mind that tongue before I cut it off." 

Eryn returned the scowl, "How about you mind your tongue." He said, "You stupid fucking idiot." 

Viserys stood up, "Cousins, you say?" He said, "Whose son are you?" 

Daron tilted his head, "I am the son of Vaegon, son of Jaehaerys.." He said, "Not very believable, I am sure....but that is the truth." 

There was a slight gasp in the crowd of spectators that had gathered. Princess Rhaenys shifted uncomfortably as the others were murmuring among themselves. 

"Vaegon?" Viserys scowled, "Archmaester Vaegon was celibate, he had no children and I am sure he would not break his vows." 

Daron smiled, "I said it was unbelievable." 

"Lies." Daemon said, "And let me guess, the other two....whose sons do you claim to be?" 

Eryn smirked slightly, "How about you worry about someone else, Daemon Targaryen." He said, "Worry about your life." 

"Enough." Baelon said, "It matters not who they are. They will not make it out alive today." 

"Is that so?" Trevor said, "Seems to me that the odds are in our favor." 

As he said that, a tall knight walked inside the courtyard, making his way towards the King with such haste. Baelon saw this and recognized the sigil that was on the man's armor; it was from House Royce. 

"Your Grace...." he said as he reached the King and knelt down, "I, Ser Yohn Royce, bring dire news. The young Knight, Garlin Flowers, was found dead just about an hour ago. He was murdered, a knife through his back." 

Otto scowled, "What?" He said, "That cannot be...!" 

The Royce Knight stood up, "I am one of Lady Rhea's chosen to be one of your Champions, Your Grace." He said, "I will fight alongside your son, should you allow me to. Forgive me my lateness." 

Viserys waved him off, "It is fine, thank you Ser Yohn." He said before looking at the rest, "One more....this is not something I had expected...." 

Baelon pointed at Ser Erryk, who was staring daggers at his twin brother, "You." He said, "Join us." 

Ser Erryk then looked at him with surprise, "W-What?" 

"Fight your brother." Baelon said, "Do you not feel betrayed? All those emotions dwelling inside, take them out right now." 

"But His Grace did not allow for any of the Kingsguar-" Ser Erryk started

"Your Brother broke that vow. The King will make an exception here." Daemon said, "Even if we lose two Kingsguard, fine men will replace you. You know that." 

Ser Erryk looked at Viserys and knelt down, "Y-Your Grace...." 

Viserys gave him a nod, "Do it." He said, "You have served me well, Ser Erryk. I hope that you are fortunate enough to survive." 

Ser Erryk nodded, "Thank you, Your Grace." He said as he stood up and walked over to where Baelon was, "I will not fail you....." 

Baelon then drew his dagger, the Valyrian Steel blade that his uncle gifted him, "Here." He said as he handed it to Erryk, "Cut your hair short." 

Erryk stopped, "W-what?" 

"To distinguish you from your brother." Baelon said, "Keep your cloak on too. We don't want anyone to accidentally cut you." 

The Kingsguard took the blade and nodded, "As you wish, My Prince." He said, "I apologize for the disgrace he has brought us." 

"I would ask what the hell happened but right now is not the time for that." Baelon said, "There is so many questions but they will have to wait. After I end this..." 

Erryk Cargylle took the blade and cut his hair, the locks of black hair dropping to the ground as his hair was left short. He then handed him the blade back and the Prince sheathed it back into its scabbard. 

Baelon looked at the other warriors, "That is all of us?" 

Daemon nodded, "Yes." 

"Well, enough waiting around." Baelon said before jumping over the wooden barrier and landing inside the arena, cracking his neck as he held Blackfyre in his hand, "Let's do this." 

Trevor looked around, "Is anyone going to give me a sword?" 

Harwin Strong had a sheathed sword in his hand and handed it to him, "There." 

Trevor took it and looked over at Baelon who stood on the opposite side of the arena, "Good..." He said, "Are you ready, Prince?" 

Baelon glared at him, "I was ready for a long time." He said seriously, "Bring it on...." 

"I'm going to cut you all down."