Trial By Seven VIII

(Third Person POV)

As Daron straightened up, Baelon narrowed his eyes, "What the hell do you mean?" He asked as he assumed a stance, "Answer me!!" 

Daron chuckled, "It wasn't easy, I'll tell you that." He said, "But after Trevor contacted us, it had to be done." 

Baelon lunged at him, swinging his sword hard but Daron was able to avoid it. The bastard then countered with a riposte but Baelon was able to dodge with ease and tried to slash at him. 

"The Plague? How would you have done it?!" Baelon exclaimed

"Easy." Daron said, "Obtain an afflicted from somewhere else and transport it to the desire location. It wasn't easy due to the risk of being afflicted ourselves but we have connections." 

Baelon parried a strike from Daron as Eryn lunged at him as well, "W-what?" He said, "Why would you...." 

The Prince deflected the consecutive attacks that the two bastards threw at him, the sound of steel clashing resounding through the air. He was beginning to have thoughts fill his head as this sudden reveal took him by surprise. 

He remembered that the Maesters mentioned that the Plague had started in Claw Isle, all of a sudden, and eventually spread to King's Landing. Baelon had thought it was strange that only Claw Isle, Driftmark, and King's Landing and not much anywhere else. He didn't think much of it because the shock that came with the Plague took those thoughts out of his mind. 

His nephews had died and it was not something he had expected. 

"Wait..." Baelon said as he parried the sword strikes

Gwayne tried to aid Baelon by attacking Eryn from the side but the bastard was able to dodge and punch him yet again, throwing him to the ground. 

"Ah..." Gwayne said as his lip was bruised and swollen, "This is some shit..." 

"Uncle!" Daeron Targaryen exclaimed from the seats, standing up, "No!" 

Aegon grabbed his hand, "Don't be rash, brother!" 

"But....!!" Daeron looked at him

"This is a Trial....!" Aegon said as he had a serious look on his face, his eyes on the arena, "There is nothing we can do but pray that our family comes out safe...." 

"This isn't right...." Daeron said

"It is the will of the gods...." Aegon told him, "Sit down and watch the ending unfold...." 

Daeron reluctantly sat down and watched as Gwayne rolled out of the way as Eryn attacked him. 

"Gwayne..." Baelon rushed over and blocked Eryn's sword and managed to push him away as Daron lunged at him

He parried his attacks and proceeded to put pressure on him by thrusting at his thigh, forcing Daron to assume a strange an unorthodox footwork which was able to get him out of the predicament. Baelon then rushed and added more pressure as he noticed Eryn out of the corner of his eye. 

"You mean to tell me..." He said as he parried Eryn's sword, " caused the Plague...Trevor contacted you and.....Wait...!!" 

He parried both of them and swung back at them, forcing them back. Blackfyre was able to graze them, Daron on the shoulder and Eryn on his chest, causing them to bleed. Both bastards were taken aback by this sudden burst of skill as Baelon glared straight past them and looked at Trevor who was locked in combat with Daemon. 

"Trevor!!!!!" He shouted in pure anger, "Was it you?! Did you cause all of that?! Did you kill your own sons?!?!?" 

Trevor stepped back away from Daemon as the Rogue Prince stopped, surprised by the sudden bellowing. 

"What?" Daemon said as he blinked

Rhaenyra widened her eyes in shock, taken aback by this as well, "W-w-what?" She said softly, her face gone pale

Trevor stopped, facing away from Baelon at an angle, his eyes were down, "Hm..." He said

"Answer me!!!" Baelon bellowed

Trevor raised his sword and looked at Daemon, "I did...." He said, "What had to be done." 

Baelon's eyes widened, anger and shock in them, "Y-You...FILTH!!!!" 

Rhaenyra's eyes were full of tears as her lips quivered, "N-No.....i-it can't....." She managed, her voice fading

Viserys stood up with an enraged look, "TREVOR!!!" He bellowed, "EXPLAIN YOURSELF!!!" 

"The gods are overseeing this Trial." Trevor said with a slight smirk, "You cannot interrupt it." 

Viserys clenched his fists as his breathing become labored, "Y-You....!!" 

Daemon glared at Trevor, "You have no heart...." He said as he spat on the ground, "You murdered my nephews?!" 

"I did no such thing." Trevor said as he looked at him, "I didn't touch them." 

"It was you that was behind the Plague!!" Baelon shouted as he tried to rush past Eryn and Daron, "It was you!!!!!!" 

The two bastards attacked him, to keep him from getting past him but Baelon was able to parry their attacks and force them back. Blackfyre was swung so fast and hard that it was a blur, Baelon's movements were so fluid and rapid that even the two fighters were surprised by this. 

Suddenly, Lynn appeared from behind Baelon and tried to go for a backstab. 

"Brother!!" Aemond called out

Baelon blocked the sword by immediately turning around and raising his sword. He pushed Lynn back as Aemond was rushing over while Yohn Royce was being pressured by Harwin. 

Before Aemond could get there in that short window, Eryn and Daron rushed Baelon alongside Lynn and attacked him. 

"Get him now!" Daron exclaimed

Gwayne Hightower then got in front of Baelon as he swung at Daron, nearly cutting him but the bastard was quite nimble and avoided it. Eryn, surprisingly enough, pulled Daron back as he thrust his blade at Gwayne, aiming for his stomach. 

"Uncle!" Aemond called out as he reached Lynn

Eryn's blade would have fully pierced Gwyane had Baelon not pushed him out of the way, as it cut through the side of his waist, drawing blood. 

"Agh!" Gwayne shouted in pain as he stumbled away

"Tch...!" Baelon said as he parried Daron's follow-up attack and got in front of Gwayne, pushing him further back

Gwayne fell on his ass as he began to breathe hard, looking up at Baelon fending off both Eryn and Daron as Lynn was fighting off Aemond. He looked down at his wounds, bleeding profusely. Everyone saw how his face got pale, the color leaving his body and anxiety crept on the Queen and the Hand of The King. 

"Yield...." Otto said under his breath, "You can't fight any longer..." 

Gwayne let out a sigh as he shakily got back up, holding his sword in his left hand, which was not cut. 

He spat blood on the ground as he looked at the fighting in front of him; Baelon was dealing with both Daron and Eryn simultaneously. 

"I guess....." he said weakly, "I guess this is it...." 

Baelon pivoted to the side as he parried Eryn's sword strike and immediately blocked Daron's, leaving an opening for Eryn to follow-up should he be fast enough. 

Eryn took this opportunity and tried to slash at Baelon but saw that Gwayne had lunged at him out of nowhere. 

"You...!" Gwayne said as he thrust his blade at Eryn's thigh

Eryn was unable to respond in time and Gwayne weakly thrust his blade halfway through his thigh, "AGhhh!!!!" He shouted as his body jerked in response, "W-What?!" 

Blood poured from where Gwayne had stabbed him and he stood there in place, pain overtaking his entire body. 

Baelon pushed Daron away and glared at Eryn, swinging Blackfyre at Eryn's neck, "Thanks, Gwayne!!" 

Blackfyre's edge cut through the bastard's neck and cleaved his head right off, blood spraying everywhere as a loud gasp was heard. 

"N-No!" Daron exclaimed 

Gwayne pulled out his blade and stumbled back to the ground, his breathing getting heavier as his eyes slowly closed, "Shit...." 

Baelon then looked over at Daron as Eryn's body collapsed to the ground and saw that he immediately lunged over at Aemond. 

"Watch out!!" Baelon called out, "Aemond!" 

Aemond had parried Lynn's sword as he saw Daron rushing him, going for a thrust. The One-Eyed Prince dodged the attack but Lynn had already swung his sword at his midsection, cutting it. 

"Aghh!!!" Aemond cried out as he collapsed to the ground

Alicent got up from her seat, "NO!!" She cried out with tears in her eyes

Baelon had already rushed over and got both Daron and Lynn off Aemond before they could finish him off and the Prince was slowly crawling away, holding his wound with his hand as blood poured on the floor. 

"Shit...." Aemond cursed as Baelon fended the others off

Daemon saw this and was taken aback, "No, Aemond...." He said, "Shit..." 

Suddenly, he felt a shoulder-tackle from behind which caused him to jerk forwards as Trevor rushed him, going for a slash at his head. 

He dodged it but Trevor stepped out of the way as Daemon turned and saw Harwin thrusting his blade through a gap in his armor, stabbing him in the thigh. 

"Fuck!!!" Daemon cried out as he saw Yohn Royce on the ground, "W-What?!" 

Harwin had defeated Yohn Royce, seemingly, and the Knight was on the ground, bleeding out. 

This was not a situation that was in the favor of Baelon's side. 

Daemon pulled himself away and parried Trevor's blade as he stumbled back and tripped on Eryn's head, falling to the ground. 

"Dammit!!" He said as he hit the ground, "Not this shit...." 

This left Baelon Targaryen the only fighter on his own side to be standing as Daemon and Aemond were wounded as well. Gwayne had passed out from his wounds and Yohn was seemingly out of the equation. 

Baelon immediately pushed away his attackers and got in front of where Daemon lay, clutching his wound. 

"Uncle...." Baelon said without looking at him, "Are you well? Can you stand?" 

"You're going to have to give me a bit, nephew." Daemon said as he began to rip a piece of his cloak off, "I'll be up in no time. How is Aemond?" 

"I hope he is well....his wound is not pretty....he's out of it for sure." Baelon said

"Just you and me." Daemon said as he grimaced

Trevor and Harwin stood next to where Lynn and Daron were, looking at Baelon as he raised Blackfyre in a defensive stance. 

"What, should we finish the rest off?" Harwin asked as he wiped blood off his chin

"They're not a priority." Trevor said as he cracked his neck, "Kill Baelon first then we focus on the others." 

"Very well." Lynn said

Baelon glared at them, "Who the fuck do you think you are talking about?" he said, "I am not some guy you can gang up on...." 

"Four of us." Daron said, "One of you. Can you survive these odds?" 

From the seats, Helaena was holding her hands together in front of her and looking at this with an anxious expression. 

"Three dead dragons and a cleaved crab...." She muttered, "Baelon..." 

Daemon was wrapping his leg up as he looked up, "Baelon." He said 

Baelon glanced at him, "What?" 

Daemon tossed Dark Sister up at him, "Give me a second." 

Baelon caught the blade with his left hand, "Alright." He said with a serious nod, "Thirty Seconds. Be up by then." 

Daemon smirked, "You got it." 

Baelon let out a sigh as he faced the others down who began to slowly step towards him, "Alright...." He said seriously, 

"Where were we?"