Trial By Seven IX

(Third Person POV)

Baelon held both valyrian steel sword and assumed a stance as he stared the four fighters down, "Where were we?" He said with a serious look on his face, "Come then....I am waiting." 

Daron smirked, "You intend to fight all four of us?" He asked the prince, "Adding another sword won't make a difference!" 

Baelon looked at him, "Do you not think I am mighty enough to wield two swords and handle you with them?" He asked, "Enough talk! Come at me, bastard!" 

Lynn lunged at Baelon, "I'll take him up on that." 

The bastard swung his sword, and Baelon immediately deflected it with Dark Sister as he spun around, tackling Lynn with his shoulder as Harwin was following up behind him. He blocked Breakbones's sword with both of his and kicked him away as Daron had rushed him, Trevor following a few steps behind. 

In a swift motion, Baelon had swung his swords at the bastard, forcing him to parry and jump out of the way. The Heir then immediately attacked Trevor who was also forced on the defensive, his sword barely able to block both blades. 

"Together!" Trevor said with a serious look, "Attack him together!" 

The four of them lunged at him from all directions and Baelon blocked all of their blades with the two that he had, spinning and pivoting away in the process. One-by-one, he blocked and parried their blades, thrusting and swinging as counters to force them away. 

No matter how hard they tried, they could not close in on the Prince at all, his defense was too iron-clad for them to even sneak in a cut or slash. Despite this, they continued their onslaught, trying to tire Baelon out as they forced him to the edge of the arena, towards the wooden barrier. 

"Tch!" Baelon said as he was bumped into the barrier

Harwin rushed him, "I got you now!" 

He swung his sword at his neck but Baelon ducked down. 

"No, you don't." He said as he swung Dark Sister up, nearly cutting him

Harwin had stepped back as Daron tried stepping in. Blackfyre nearly took his head off if Lynn hadn't pulled him away, Baelon had swung his blade so fast that only that bastard was able to see it coming. 

"Shit!" Daron said 

"I have to admit...." Trevor said, "You are better than I gave you credit for, Prince Baelon! To be able to keep us at bay for this long!" 

"Yea yea." Baelon said as he rushed Harwin, "Enough of this."

He swung both swords down, forcing Harwin to block them with his blade. As they clashed, Lynn tried to rush him but Baelon immediately stepped back and blocked his blade with Blackfyre as Daron had circled around and tried to rush him from the left. 

Baelon blocked Daron's blade with Dark Sister and stepped back, nearly bumping against the wooden barrier once again. As Trevor tried to rush him while he was momentarily distracted with regaining his position, Baelon ducked down and rolled past the three and immediately rushed Harwin. 

He thrust Blackfyre with his right hand, forcing Harwin to parry the blade. The moment that Harwin had done this, Baelon spun past him, swinging Dark Sister and cutting him in the midsection, drawing blood. 

"Aghh!!" Harwin shouted out in pain as he stumbled

Baelon then blocked Lynn's blade again with Blackfyre as the bastard had rushed him once again as Trevor was straightening up. 

Trevor took a single step forth and saw that Baelon had tossed Dark Sister into the air behind him, "What?" He said as he stared in awe

Dark Sister was then caught by Daemon Targaryen who had already mended to his wound and immediately rushed over, swinging his sword at Harwin Strong. 

Harwin was unable to react, the valyrian steel edge cutting his back. 

"Ughh!!!" He grunted in pain as he buckled down to his knees

"Take that, you cunt." Daemon said as he ignored him and rushed over to Daron

The Rogue Prince thrust his blade at the bastard, forcing him to parry. Despite being wounded, Daemon kept the offensive and forced Daron back as the bastard was pretty surprised by this. 

Back to Baelon, the prince had grabbed Blackfyre with both hands and forced Lynn back, swinging his sword yet again and nearly cutting his shoulder. As this bastard was stepping back, a bit surprised by this sudden display of skill and strength, Baelon rushed forward and punched him in the face with his left fist. 

"You're weak." Baelon said as he spun around and cut Lynn in his midsection, similar to Harwin

The wound caused Lynn to crumble to his knees, "Aghh!" He said, "Shit!!" 

Trevor was about to aid Lynn but Daemon suddenly took him by surprise, swinging Dark Sister at him with ferocity, keeping him in place. 

Baelon was going to rush at him, in an attempt to finish him quickly but he was met with Harwin Strong, who was still standing despite being wounded, a frenzied look on his face. 

"B-Baeloooon!!!!!" He bellowed as he swung his sword

Baelon backstepped and avoided the swing, immediately rushing him, "I remember now, Harwin!!!" He shouted as he swung Blackfyre, "You wanted her! You wanted my sister!!!" 

Blackfyre cut through Harwin's neck, cleaving half of it as blood sprayed out violently. It was a gruesome sight, Blackfyre leaving nothing but a rain of blood as Baelon had finished Breakbones off. 

As Harwin collapsed to the ground, dead, Baelon merely composed himself. He looked over to where Daron and Trevor were being pressured by Daemon. 

"But you could not have her." Baelon said seriously, "I suppose it all came down to lot could not keep your hands off the idea of power...." 

Baelon then stepped to the side, avoiding a swing from Lynn. 

"Tch....!!!" Lynn exclaimed as he stumbled

Baelon swung his sword at him, cutting him in the shoulder as blood flew out. This caused Lynn to trip and collapse to the ground with a serious grunt. 

"There you go...." Baelon said, "Two on two now.....don't get back up." 

He then proceeded to rush over where Trevor was. 

Trevor had pushed Daemon away successfully, "Back off, Prince Daemon!" He said, "Lest you wish to die!" 

"The only one who is going to die is you, Trevor!!" Daemon said with an angry scowl, "You spat in the face of House Targaryen, you will regret that!!" 

"I will be judged by the Gods themselves!!" Trevor shouted as he looked at Baelon rushing him

Baelon swung Blackfyre, causing Trevor to block it. Their clash was so loud that it gave everyone chills, seeing the vicious fighting that took place. 

"The gods have already judged you, Trevor!!!" Baelon said with an angry glare, "And they have decided; I am your punishment!!!" 

"You will die by my blade!!"