[A/N: Final Chapter of the Trial by Seven. And it will be the final chapter of the rotation. I will continue updates here next week.
Patreon will still be updated until this week's rotation ends.
Have a great night/early morning]
(Third Person POV)
Trevor managed to push Baelon off of him and tried to thrust his blade at the Prince, "Is that so?!" He exclaimed, "You are naught but a boy! A Brat! What do you know of the grand scheme of things?! The plan of the Gods?"
The Traitor swung his sword fiercely at Baelon but missed wildly, the Heir was able to step to the side and was already spinning around for a counter.
Trevor ducked the sword swing and felt Daemon's boot on his back, stumbling him forward hard. This allowed Baelon to rush Trevor and swing his sword down hard. Trevor, due to having years of experience in battle, was able to survive a swing like this by simply throwing himself to the ground.
Blackfyre's edge was able to graze him in the back of his shoulder, a sharp pain shooting throughout his body. Trevor immediately tried rolling away as he heard Baelon's footstep as the Prince went for the finish.
"Gods?" Baelon said, "The gods do have their plan and it is to see you rot in the Seven Hells!"
Baelon missed the swing, Blackfyre bounced off the stone floor and Trevor immediately stood up to fend off the constant swings from the angry prince.
"Tch..." He said, "Everything has its reason, it's purpose! Do you really think I am the only one that thinks like this? The only one that wishes to see the Targaryens dethroned?! You hold too much power! The balance of the world must shift! We are Valyrian as well, to return our blood to its proper glory, sacrifices must be made! Your death is that sacrifice! Balerion is the key to that future, the Future where Old Valyria is returned to it's full Glory!!!"
"I don't give a shit!" Baelon said with a scowl, "Old Valyria is a thing of the past! I am not the Prince of a ruined peninsula! I am the Prince of Westeros and Heir to the Iron Throne! My Father rules the Seven Kingdoms! Forget the past, we must focus on the now and the Future. And my future? It is my fate to rule Westeros! You want Balerion? You cannot have it! He and I are intertwined by Fate!"
Baelon rushed Trevor and they both clashed yet again, the Traitor grimacing in pain as Baelon gave him a menacing glare.
As this happened, Daron was attacking Daemon, who was beginning to limp; his wound was already becoming too much to bear.
The Rogue Prince looked around as he parried Daron's attacks easily, seeing that the others were already down and out. He noticed that Gwayne and Aemond were still breathing, but losing blood fast. They were in no condition to continue as well as Lynn, who was groaning in pain.
"We have to end this...." Daemon said
"You don't look so good, Daemon!" Daron exclaimed
Daemon parried his swing and immediately went for a riposte, thrusting Dark Sister at him. Daron was able to step to the side but the Valyrian Steel edge was able to graze him, causing Daron to stumble a bit.
Daemon went for a finish but stumbled due to his wound, "Ghhh!" He groaned
From the stands, Laena Velaryon gasped, "N-No, Daemon!!"
Rhaenys, her eyes red with tears, clutched on her dress, "Don't die, cousin..." She said through her teeth, "I cannot bear another loss..."
Daron swung his sword, "You're finished!!" He said
Daemon ducked the blade and then swung Dark Sister upwards, cutting Daron in the chest.
"I think not." Daemon said as Daron stumbled back and collapsed to the ground
"Shiit....." Daron said as he clutched his chest, "This is bad...."
Daemon was about to go for the finish but he collapsed to the ground, his wound becoming too much. He could not put much weight on his leg without collapsing and he was losing more blood; he required healing assistance as soon as possible.
But because the Trial was still ongoing, nobody could interfere and aid the wounded.
"Baelon...." Daemon said as he winced in pain, "Finish this...."
Back to Baelon and Trevor, the two were swinging their swords against each other, sparks flying out as the steel clashed viciously.
While Trevor was a skilled fighter, it was quite clear that his efforts were far more than Baelon's. The Prince was a superior fighter, in terms of skill and talent. Everyone watching was able to tell that sooner of later, Baelon would be able to gain the upper hand and finish the fight, but they were in total awe....watching Trevor's vicious resistance.
The Kingsguard Lord-Commander, Ser Harold, narrowed his eyes, "Trevor was a better fighter than I gave him credit for..." He said, "His skill is notable..."
"Yes..." Ser Criston said, "But Prince Baelon is better. This fight won't last long, he just needs to finish it so we can aid the princes...."
"The moment either of them fall..." Otto said, "The King will declare the Trial over.....and you will go in and retrieve the wounded who still breathe....including the enemy, seize them. We have much questions for those Bastards."
"Yes." Criston nodded
Back to Baelon, the Prince was able to swing the sword down hard, missing as Trevor was able to jump away, stumbling slightly.
"You are a tenacious fucker..." Trevor said, a look of angry desperation on his face, "I cannot believe that no matter what I throw at you, you simply shrug it off. You were supposed to die at that wedding, we were supposed to enter a new era, a true era! But you ruined it all!"
"Shut the fuck and fight." Baelon said as he rushed him, "You murderer, you scum, you filth!!"
Baelon swung his sword hard as Trevor tried parrying it but was a bit too slow. The blade slid down Trevor's sword and cut up the side of his hand.
"Aghh!" Trevor shouted in pain
Baelon pivoted and went for another swing, "You killed your sons!!" He said, "A sin, no matter how you look at it!! I will personally ensure that your line doesn't continue, Trevor!!!"
Trevor smirked, "You don't have the balls, the heart to commit such atrocities!"
"Is that what you think?!" Baelon said with an enraged glare
"My daughter Aemma still lives and no matter how hard you try to ignore it, her children...should Aemond survive, will be my blood!!" Trevor said, "You may have taken my name but you will never be able to take away my blood from Aemma! And you are not capable of killing her because if you do so, your dear and beloved sister will never forgive you!!!"
Trevor swung his sword only for Baelon to parry it hard, staggering him.
"Well...." Baelon said as he went for a riposte
Trevor tried stepping back to avoid it, but Baelon was too fast. The Heir plunged his blade deep in his stomach, impaling him completely.
The Traitor immediately widened his eyes and the grip on his blade weakened, causing him to drop it to the ground.
Everything went silent, save for the clattering of Trevor's sword. Everyone watched as Baelon had Blackfyre plunged into him.
Aemma had her eyes widened, tears filling them as she could not help but raise her hand to cover her mouth.
Rhaenyra looked at this with pure shock, her face had gone completely pale and her entire body began to tremble as a single tear fell down her cheek.
Helaena was also looking at this with shock, "Baelon...." She said softly, "A crab cleaved in half....."
Baelon twisted Blackfyre as Trevor coughed up blood, "Guess you'll never find out what happens to your line..." He said with a slight smirk, "You'll be dead...your ideals will be dead....your comrades will be dead.....everything you cared about would be destroyed by your hubris. This is what you get, Trevor....for flying too close to the sun that is us Targaryens...."
"Y-You don't know anything...." Trevor managed with a weak smile, "I will die...but those who share my sentiments will still be alive....and they will come...because right now, they are angrier than ever..."
In a swift motion, Baelon swung his sword outwards, blood and guts flying out of Trevor's body as the traitor simply stared at him.
Baelon then faced away from Trevor as the traitor collapsed to the ground, "Let them come, whoever they are." He said seriously,
"I will crush them too."