A demon hunter failed in the process of hunting the alien, and was thrown into the door of return by the alien with one of his companions, but unexpectedly came to the world of Attack on Titan and met Mikasa when he was a child.
How will the two traversers rewrite the history of the Attack on Titan world and save many people who instinctively survived?
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all the fanfic is 30-chapter ahead and you will get 1 chapter everyday
yup seen an self insert plus china in a fanfic which involves demon hunters eect eect plus attack titan yup bet it was 100% bot created china propaganda again welp you know many of them exist pulling fragrant shitsu in there name china to any fanfic they created when the main novel didn't even involved there own country in the creation pretty much china propaganda seed
This is 100% translated CN trash, god another attack on titan fic flooded with CCP propaganda, please give me a break... Waste of time. Also author please let everyone know its translated with a link to the original in the synopsis.
it's interesting but it's a bit hard to read, also you need to be consistent on the names, also try to paragraph it better that's all if i can see more