You forced Furina to stand trial, but ultimately, it was for the sake of protecting Fontaine, so I can understand that. However, after learning the truth about Furina's role as the Hydro Archon and her 500 years of sacrifice, why couldn’t you even offer her a single apology?
When the great flood submerged Fontaine, everyone in Fontaine was busy saving lives. But from the moment the flood arrived until the disaster ended, Furina was crying in the water the entire time. Why was there not a single person who thought to save her and take her away?
Furina endured 500 years of torment and and hardship, and in the end, what did she receive in return? A mere Vision? After all that, she returned to being nothing more than a human. In just a few decades, she will grow old and die! How can I possibly accept such an ending? Furina...
One of the best Genshin fics I've read.
Oh História maravilhosa, delicioso, divina. Que sua majestade divino lhe der todas as forças para continuar essa história que estou amando. Todo o meu apoio com o coração!!!!! FiGHT!!!!!
nice one. what's the raw name? (っ'-')╮=͟͟͞͞💌
I'm loving the story so far but can anyone share the raw rq
It's one of the best Genshin fics I've read.
The best fics that I have read. Overall, it's absoulutely cinema story. The way Felina acts, the way Furina thinks. It's the best. The Author knows how to twist the story in the name for Furina's happiness. To be honest, Furina is my favourite character and I really want she be happy. OMG, This fics really made me feel really happy....
Мені це було цікаво читати. Досить цікава ідея додати та посилити Фуріну. Тому тут заслужені мої 5 балів з 5-ти. Рекомендую це всім прочитати, особливо після китайських романів тут
Muy buena historia, me gusta furina asi que obviamente le dare 5 estrellas a la historia. Ojala esta historia no sea abandonada.[img=recomendar]
pretty good story, love the development. I'll give 5 stars since I love furina
I love furina, and i was mad At what happened in story, so 5 stars for this.
The story is really good. One of the best i've read in this site. Can't believe the powerstone is not higher, the story deserved it!
Good but not as the heavenly principles translation
Absolute cinema. Whoever wrote this thing. You cooked.
me encanta esta historia... por cierto... que paso con tu fic de kurumi? cayo? ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++