Chapter 4 Doctor and his TARDIS

3rd Person Pov

While the Mechanic slept the Doctor and Rose are discussing where they should go, the Doctor started with showing off by going ten thousand years, when Rose shrugged it off he Decided to go for the extreme, but first he thought she should get some rest after what they had been through, so he shows her to one of the bedrooms and tells her to get some rest while he takes the TARDIS to recharge.

After heading back to the command room the doctor begins the process of moving the ship to Cardiff one of the places that has a rift that can be used to charge the TARDIS, after what appears to be a bit of fiddling with the leaves and buttons to any ordinary person, the all so familiar wheezing begins after about five minutes said noise stops and the Doctor hits another button before he heads into the corridor heading further into the TARDIS.

Mechanic POV

My eyes open to my new room on the Doctors TARDIS, I say this because those with Mechanical Force usually bond with their TARDIS in ways no normal Time Lord does there was only one exception to this, and that's the Doctor no one knew how or why he was able to do it, but with my knowledge of the show it might be the fact that the doctor may have had this TARDIS for longer than this incarnation is aware of.

I say this because during the show Jodie Whittaker met another version of the Doctor one who was from before her but did not remember due to it being erased from her memory since the Doctor is the source of the Time Lords Regeneration.

My hunch is that this TARDIS has always belonged to the Doctor since he first ever set foot in it in his first set of 13 incarcerations which means that is possible for Time Lords can form bonds just takes time but once formed it, theres no way to break it, if the time lord dies the TARDIS Dies with them, luckily it does not work the other way but the TARDIS does release a Seed that's already bonded to the TARDIS previous owner,making it possible to avoid having to form a new bond.

With that in mind I knew I would eventually need my own TARDIS since this one will always prioritise the Doctor over anyone else,not only that I know for a fact that he has many companions in the future, not to mention the whole River Song stuff, that was not something I wanted to be around for, it gets very complicated fast.

With that in mind I knew two ways of which I could get a TARDIS one was finding one the other means getting a seed from this TARDIS but for that she has to give it willingly otherwise the seed is useless.

For now though I should focus on what is to happen I have plenty of time I have till the ninth regenerates before I absolutely need to come to a decision, so for now let's just enjoy myself with the shenanigans that the Doctor gets himself into.

As for a weapon or tool I will as the TARDIS if it will make me a screwdriver of some kind since having one will help although will have to return it when I get my own TARDIS, they are very temperamental about having their captain having a device made by them especially when it's bonded to its captain, a lot of engineers have been baffled by this since it makes not sense why they are like that but it's a fact that can't be changed unfortunately.

After that last thought I decide it's time to face the music as they say since I am pretty sure that my being here has not changed where we head next, although I may try to change a few destinations like letting Rose fuck time by saving her dad, I was never sure if the people who were killed because she had to save her dad remained dead after fixing what she changed or they revived so I refuse to let her waste life, I had died once I understand it better than anyone no one should die before they have to.

Not to mention that I think Roses dad had to die, as in it's a fixed point why else would time cause such a fuss over one man, that him being alive causes as the Doctor put it a wound in time, that shit had to be fixed for it to cause that much damage.

Just as that thought finished I reach the control room to see both Rose and the Doctor talking, after I enter they turn to look at me " looks like the regeneration energy has finally disappeared completely, so I know this is rude but I would like to know your age, I know it's your first incarnation but we age slower than humans" I just look at him before nodding in understanding since it's what most Time Lords will ask in this situation since younger Time Lords will be effected more by the war than older ones who had been around before the war started.

With that being in my mind I speak" I am 300 years old, so on the younger side of the spectrum although I never saw the war directly I was mostly kept in the citadel in the workshops, only time I went out was when the council needed a new TARDIS grown fast since my mechanical force allows me to expedite the grow period still took a few days but it's better than the normal couple of years at best and hundreds of years at worst depending on the state of the black hole they use for it's core" hearing my response the Doctor sighs in what I assume relief.

I knew why he was worried I would have had my mentality shift towards war" don't get me wrong I may not be a shoot first ask questions later but I am not a against holding and using guns but only in self defense, I have seen what war does killing for the sake of it is pointless killing for defense however is a basic part of survival" the Doctor looks at me although understanding my point.

I realise something at that point this is right after the time war, during this time he was willing to use a gun to save Rose, killing the Darlek that had mutates thanks to it absorbing some of Roses DNA, so my opinion is acceptable to him at this point although he may have issues with it intl the future when Rose causes him to change that, but still I think he will accept my point of view as long as I stick to the fact I only harm in self defense.

I myself want to stick to that that's why my time lord self choose this name, as a promise to himself, and I intend to keep that promise, ironically it's similar to the Doctors except it includes an extra bit to only cause harm in self defense, other than that he has a few rules as well but most lean towards being a good one rule was even about using his gift to make weapons like the moment, since he learnt is was made by another like him while looking through the history database.

Apparently it's creator wanted to make something that could be better used to help future generations unfortunately his mechanical force had worked to well causing his creation to gain the abilities to gain intelligence and the rest was the same as what was shown in the show .

After that awkward conversation the Doctor broke the silence " well let's get going oh right I have always wanted to ask what do TARDIS sound like when you communicate with them" I sigh remembering just how eccentric this incarnation was but I answer his question using the knowledge I have " well it's a little more complicated but all TARDIS are female the reason is because males are well aggressive by nature,so it's no surprise that a ship that trys to cater to her captain would be female, a male would not careless as long as it functions" my response shut the Doctor up causing Rose to laugh.

I knew i should point out his own TARDIS was different " your TARDIS while female leans towards being a over guiding mother, which in your case is good,  since from what I learnt about you from the council and the database on Gallifrey you are brilliant but extremely reckless" my words causing the face of the Doctor to look like he was pouting which looks hilarious, although I know what I said to be a slight lie,since I knew the connection was more close to a wife and husband, but telling that the doctor now would be a bad idea.

I just finished what I was saying and I could feel the TARDIS was in agreement with my statement" she never takes me where I want to go" he says in a way to try be the victor" she takes you where you need to be Doctor that's what's important and I doubt you will ever be allowed another TARDIS this girl will never let you go and you know it" my words cause Rose to look at me in confusion, however the Doctors eyes go wide with both realisation and confirmation " I see you had a feeling about it right so let me confirm this TARDIS has formed a bond with you, it by no means a weak one" at my words he gulps realising what I had ment.

I realise I may have broke the Doctor a bit with my confirmation of his situation, so I decide to help him" for now let's focus on showing whatever you have planned for Rose first trip" I knew I could change thing here but I knew she needs to see the earth as she did on the episode to show that anything was possible, nothing screams she could go anywhere or anytime than seeing your home planet more than a billion years later getting destroyed by your solar systems sun right.

As I was thinking a compartment on the control panel opens revealing a screwdriver and what I recognise as a psychic paper, after seeing them I get the sensation from the TARDIS indicating that she was lending them to me till I get a TARDIS of my own, I knew that she is directly liked to the time vortex meaning she just confirmed I will eventually have my own TARDIS, I use my ability to send my thanks and promising I will return them in future.

Seeing the TARDIS giving me the items The Doctor was smiling and nodding I ignore him and look at Rose to ask if he told her where the Doctor was taking her, Rose just shakes her head, to which I just sigh before turning to the Doctor with a look that says move on to whatever Shenanigans he has planned, although I already knew.

Also I had decided to let the Doctor and Rose go through this one as they did in the show and just observe although i will step in if either are in danger that neither can fix, since i know Rose gets trapped in a room but the Doctor saves her in the end.

I look at both before speaking " I won't get involved with this I will observe if anything happens that The Doctor can not deal with I will step in, as for why this is the Doctors suprise for you he should take responsibility for everything that happens on this trip after this one though i will get more involved" the doctor gives an appreciative nod clearly worried i would take his thunder.

Guess this means he had already been interested in Rose before he decided to bring her along right now, though it may be just his need for a friend or as I like to think a caretaker since he tends to get into alot of trouble.

With that conversation over I nod to the Doctor, seeing my nod he begins to set the destination into the TARDIS before I wince, since I know he leaves the break on all the time causing the sound it makes every time the TARDIS moves, as a whovian I love that sound, unfortunately as a mechanic it makes me want to hit him with a sledgehammer, at how he is treating this beautiful machine as we set off to our destination.