Chapter 5 Metal Spiders on Station

Once the Wheezing had stops I know we have arrived, as the Doctor and Rose head towards the door while I use my ability to see if the TARDIS is ok, after I just witnessed a site that would cause any other mechanic to commit murder, thankfully the TARDIS replys fast with it's fine but she did request I go over her body when we get back, since she has not had any true maintenance since the doctor stole her, to which i promise I would, suprising she ask me to leave her chameleon circuit, say that she likes how it looks.

I tell her I would before quickly following the Doctor and Rose out the TARDIS doors, once outside, just like the show we were on the station above Earth that was due to be destroyed by the sun.

I watch in silence as Rose looks on to the earth as the Doctor does his showing off, I had to roll my eyes at some of what he said, as they finish we move to explore the station ending up where in the room where the Doctor had to use his psychic paper.

Not long after we arrive a tall blue skinned man come up to use say we shouldn't be here and that the guests will be arriving soon, after a brief conversation and both me and the Doctor use our Psychic paper he walks to the podium near the door introducing us before beginning to introduce other guests.

After all the guests had arrived they start to walk around handing each other gifts, luckily for me I had taken the time to build a small device that could convert heat around an individual into cold air very quickly, I made enough for the guest, so while the Doctor was giving air from his lungs I gave a small device.

This device was also given for another reason as one of the guests died helping the Doctor turn the shields back on, my hope is that this device will help stop her death, as for why I am doing this it's because her death was so avoidable making it so unnecessary, so if I can change that I would be ok with it.

After we had given out the gifts the Doctor looks at me " when did you have time to make those" I just shrug before answering " I woke up early and remember I can talk to your TARDIS she warned me what you were planning so I made them just I case" it's not a lie either she actually did tell me.

He just nods before getting on to mingling with the guests, unfortunately Cassandra the Skin trampoline brought a dam jukebox filled with old records, deciding to put one on for the guest and its exactly the same one from the TV show,burn baby burn, one Song i suppose does fit the whole planet being destroyed by the sun but still abit cheesy.

While everyone was distracted I was looking at the sphere that was given to me as a gift, unlike others I know exactly what they are and I was not way in hell going to keep it active, so i use my ability on it allowing me to access its inner components before i use my ability to disable the activator, meaning once Cassandra activates them mine would not activate.

With that done I put the sphere in my coat pocket that was the same clothes I had when I was just nick, I really need to get a outfit that fits this version of me, like the Doctor has, I wonder if my tastes have changed from my last life otherwise I would look like a undertaker being in all black.

I look to the Doctor to seem him and Rose at the door talking to a tree women, before Rose walks off to talk to Cassandra, no doubt to have the conversation that would lead to her being locked in a room with the sun filter coming down, the question is do I stop that or not.

After a little debate I would let the Doctor handle it but still get involved if it's necessary, but for all the Doctors bad qualities of this incarnation he is brilliant when push comes to shove, he did handle it in the show but since it's real life now i should just be there ready to intervene if ot comes to hit.

Rose is important to the Doctor's growth from how he was after the Time War, till she gets stuck in the parallel universe, although I wanted to change that when I was given the option to be reborn here, I now know it's a fixed event in the Doctor's time line, meaning no changing it unless I want to have my own year that never happened.

Just as in the show Rose walks off after her heated conversation, not long later Cassandra's cloaked androids follow her, although I was the only one who knew they are androids at this point but looking at them it could not be more obvious.

After about thirty minutes the tree women returns without the Doctor " we found these metal spiders, they are sabotaging the station" everyone stops at, as everyone is processing this, the tree women takes out a small device using it before solemnly speaking " they have infiltrated the entire station" just after she finishes the Doctor walks in alone before nodding to me.

I understood immediately, he wants me to get Rose out of the room, although originally she was stuck in there still the end, I knew that the second scare she got was unnecessary, so I just nod before making my way to the location that Rose was trapped.

Once I arrived I call her name getting a quick reply, before I turn towards the control panel, using my mechanical force I was able to open the door once she was out and explosion went off, knowing what that ment I grab Roses hand and run back to the main room, as I get there I see the small chair that had ones had the small blue man now had ashes on them. The glass at the far end of the room had cracks that look like they are slowly repairing.

Just as I took Rose further into the room, the Doctor and to my suprise the tree woman can back both looking at me with appreciation, the Doctor realising I had know something about what was going to happen, since I had give a device that was perfect although there was one individual I did not give a device to.

The Doctor begins his monologue from the show , leading to Cassandra appearing back on the station as the Doctor looks triumphant as he points out she was creaking, not long later Cassandra the Skin Trampoline explodes causing bits of her skin to fly everywhere.

With that over it came time to leave saying our good byes, the tree women expressing her gratitude at the fact my gift had saved her life, she also hinted at the fact she knew what me and the Doctor are, I just nod as I see the sad look she was giving me" it's in the past neither myself or the Doctor can change what happened, but we survived we should accept that and move on do what we can", my words seems to suprise her but after thinking for a bit she smiles before taking her leave.

With that over we make our way to the TARDIS, once inside Rose goes off to rest why the Doctor looks at me" you knew what was going on" I look back " yea but I promised I would let you take care of it I am a man of my word" he nods " well despite you could have done nothing thanks for getting Rose out of that room before the explosion, she could have got killed" I nod " It's fine she would have been fine but better safe than sorry" to that he smiles and nods before asking what i was going to do, i just told him a promised the TARDIS i would repair her,trlling him it may take some time.

Hearing this he asks if I would be coming with them when they exit the TARDIS at their next adventure, I look at him telling him probably not since the TARDIS needs some heavy repairs, while also telling him she requested that I leave the chameleon circuit since she likes the look, this comment causes him to laugh, with that I walk away making my way to begin the repairs.

For the next few hours I spend my time going over what needs repairing, making a note of what tools I will need to make the repairs, one I had my mental list I made my way to the TARDIS workshop which due to the Doctor never using it was at the furthest point, however with the TARDIS giving me directions i was able to find my way.

Entering the workshop I look at what tools are available luckily there are plenty of tools, I quickly find the tools I need before leaving going to the place that needs major repairs than working my way from there.

It takes me a few hours to complete just the most important repairs but this TARDIS has so much damage is a miracle it works hell even it's navigator is busted, the only reason it's able to go anywhere is that the TARDIS itself is doing the navigation through the time vortex, although that's fine it means she burns more fuel than actually necessary, so I made the navigator a priority luckily, the Doctor stole this ship from a repair facility and all the parts had already been moved onto the ship.

The parts themselves were still in decent condition not perfect but you make do with what you got, I am just sure the TARDIS will be happy to be free from the stress but I knew I should also leave a backdoor for the TARDIS, since she likes to send the Doctor where he needs to be, so having a way to override the navigation was important for her.

After swapping the parts and asking the TARDIS to test if she can override it just to make sure, after getting the confirmation I move on to the next place for repair, which was something less important depending how you look at it, each TARDIS has a special room for regeneration, it was designed for those who had held of their regeneration which made the process explosive, the room was able to withstand that energy, however that one on this TARDIS was damaged it explains why the tenth doctor did not use it when he regenerated.

That room was bad and I mean bad the repair process will take me alot of time I was glad I had mentioned to the Doctor that I would not be able to go on the next adventure since this will take hours if not days with how bad the damage to this room is" oh well I better get to work" with that I start doing the repairs, swapping out the broken parts with the parts I had available, although i knewbit was not ideal this room with these new parts would only make this room viable for two maybe three if we were lucky.

3rd person pov.

While the mechanic was doing the repairs, the Doctor and Rose are talking in the control room" Mechanic said he would not be joining us on the next stop he will be staying in the TARDIS giving her some repairs" Rose looks at the Doctor " really thought he was going to join the fun this time" the Doctor just shrug before he begins to fiddle with the console before the familiar Wheezing starts.

A/N: right the next chapter will not have the MC, it will cover the blue ghost episode the events will be exactly the same since,the main character will not be present to change anything. Just thought I would give you a warning since I am currently writing it.