What happens when a man Save a young girl and dies.
Yet instead of the death he expected he wakes up in a void and told he will be reborn in Doctor who universe as the race of his choosing.
Of course as a doctor who fan who would settle for being Human when you could be a time Lord.
Watch as a man from our world travels the universe meeting many whovian villains and companions. Aiding the doctor in his seemingly impossible and endless quest to save the universe.
Disclaimer I do not own the characters or story of doctor who or it's spin off all credit goes to the respective owners.
The author here I am surprised many people actually like this I had only intended to write the one chapter but many of you have asked me to write more of this, Doctor who is one of my favourite TV shows so i am happy to do so, although I may change a few things to make the story better and example would be I felt that the time lord are said to be the most intelligent race in the universe yet there only ability was regeneration and none had any unique to them as individuals. to accommodate this I will add something called the Mechanical Force used by those who worked as technicians and mechanics. for those wondering if the cannon will change the answer is most likely since a second time lord on board the TARDIS will cause changes, i also think a companion for nick will be important since Time lords tend to be arrogant from what's shown on the show. having someone that's not one will act as a way to give growth to nick.
This story as a great start and, while it only has 2 chapters at the time of writing this review, I can't stop myself from wishing there was more. Please author release more chapters, just don't over tax yourself. I hope to be reading your work for a long time.
I'll be honest I'm liking the story so far, to be fair I am hoping for some time skips not a lot but I do want him to interact with amy pond
yes just yes there is nothing I could possibly say to try how good this is just yes all the way yes
It's really good, but grammer needs work and needs more chapters.
Good overall and I like the MC... only thing I don't like is the grammar in the recent chapters has been awful.
This is amazing and I'm truly enjoying it. Please keep up the updates. Looking forward to more
it is good, but it only has 1 chapter. Please add more so I can really enjoy it.
Hola autor espero que pueda subir más capítulos más seguido y que estando que el autor no la abandone porque lo que han dicho es que es difícil aser una historia de está serio de doctor 🙂🙂🙂🙂🙂🙂🙂🙂🙂🙂🙂🙂🙂🙂🙂🙂🙂🙂🙂🙂🙂🙂