Chapter 7 request from TARDIS and Dilemma

A/N: hey guys here's another chapter I did plan on writing this one earlier but I had something's come up, anyway I will be writing another chapter tomorrow, I plan on trying to write a chapter a day that way I can quickly get to the MC having his own TARDIS after that point I may slow down or not depending on how well I like the story, anyway hope you enjoy.


After the the Doctor starts the TARDIS he looks at the the Mechanic " so how is she" the Mechanic understanding what he was asking " I have fixed what I could with what was available however the parts I used had been on the TARDIS since you stole it, so they were not exactly brand new, as for navigation it's fixed but there are times you will be needed and not know, that's why your TARDIS has the final say" hearing the mechanics words the Doctor just smiles" fantastic".

Mechanic POV

Hearing his response I roll my eyes at the ninths favourite word, but what I said was true I know his future and his past, there are times he needs to appear, his TARDIS knows this.

With that done I move the talk to what they did while I already knew it moves the conversation to something that Rose who was looking between me and the Doctor in confusion before, now starts recounting what had happened.

When I heard that it was a Welsh maid that stopped the ghosts, I remember that her descendent would be a member of Torchwood, or more specifically Captain Jack's Torchwood, I suppose that despite the difference in centuries, they both had that spark of defiance, Gwyneth even in death still chose to sacrifice herself, while Gwen chose to give up her job in the police to join Torchwood.

I know most would not compare but if you watched all the Torchwood series you would know that they became hunted losing any possibilities of a normal life, yet she still chose to fight as Torchwood, even after the people she was suppose to protect betrayed them.

Once Rose finally finishes her long monologue of what happened I speak" well that's good but I do have a suggestion call Jackie let her know you are ok" I say this since I knew that despite the navigation being fixed, it was important that they return to Rose's time a year later in order to deal with the Slitheen, meaning that my suggestion was to ensure that Jackie would not be found out, preventing one from hunting her.

Hearing my words the Doctor looks at me, with a look that said he thinks I know something but said nothing to show it, probably because time lords can glimpse the future but it's not always certain and difficult to control, even the Doctor can not glimpse whenever he wants, only when he needs to know, heck it was the Moment that allowed the war Doctor to see his future.

Rose did as I suggested though, heading to a corner of the control room, taking out the phone that was very early 2000s, the same one that the Doctor had modified to what she refers to as a super phone, still find that funny since I now know the truth, it's TARDIS tech allowing the TARDIS to connect the phone through time, unfortunately if the TARDIS is destroyed the phone will no longer work.

" So you had a glimpse than"I turn to the Doctor " no it's common sense otherwise who knows what Jackie would think, and let me tell you no one wants an angry Jackie" he looks at me a little strange at that" she talks your ear out untill you just want to agree with her just so you can end the conversation trust me' the Doctor looks a little confused but shows he understands a bit.

Not long later Rose walks over apparently to her mother she had been away overnight, so she had told her mum she was travelling saying she was unsure when she would be back, Jackie was not exactly happy about it but somehow by some miracle Rose had calmed Jackie.

At least this ment no police involvement meaning no Jackie being hunted, so long as Mickie does not try to show her that the Doctor is an alien, as I was in though Rose realise something " I should call Mickie let him know as well" I look at rose with a strange look on my face, I had totally expected her to forget Mickie just like she forgot her own mother, but now I reminded her of one she remembers the other.

I just nod at her indicating it would be a good idea, the Doctor said nothing he was use to running and never looking back, he never mentions much of the companions he had to anyone, the only exception to this was Rose, during the Tenths era although that's probably because he loves her or rather that incarnation does.

After Rose makes one final phone call I look at them and suggest getting some rest it's been a long day for them, while for me it's been a long repair job, however unlike them I had a nice conversation with the TARDIS about my future knowledge, to my suprise she seemed already aware saying my connection to the Time Vortex was far stronger than any Time Lord she had seen throughout time.

Flashback Start*

I make my way throughout the regeneration room fixing the panels" a little more to the right " having the voice of the TARDIS in my head is convenient since no mechanic under 500 usually works with TARDIS repair, since one mestake can punch a hole in space, I am lucky I did not need to repair the eye of harmony.

" So I was wondering TARDIS have you ever thought of having a secondary body that can be used for actual communication" my word suprise her but she quickly replies " yes I have but not for the reasons you would think, seeing his future knowing what he will do, what he must sacrifice, at some point in the past I have thought about it but it would not change things for the better, I am tied to time, I travel it and help my captain do the same but I am nothing more than an observer, not everyone is as lucky as you" hearing this in my head I wanted to know what she ment by lucky as me.

After that she never mentioned it again no matter how I ask so I just continue with the repairs as I finish I ask something else something that was just as important " TARDIS would you be willing to give me one of your TARDIS Seeds" the silence after my question last for a few minutes" I would be willing to give you one however I want you to promise to help the Doctor in his times of need" the look on my face as she gives me that requirement, not because it was something i was against its where the Doctors path will lead him, to where the Doctor who should live with twelve faces gains more.

As for why twelve no thirteen, all I can say is the Tenth and his hand, as for the the face that does not have a incarnation, that would be the war Doctor, these should have lead to the Doctors death at Trenzalore which ment i may have to be there when he was suppose to die.

As I finish that depressing thought I reply I would give the condition some thought and will have an answer for her when the Doctor regenerates, than continuing with the repair job making sure I follow what I am told I need to do.

Flashback End*

After finally convincing the Doctor and Rose to get some rest I stayed in the control room where the TARDIS started giving me flying lessons stating that if she was to trust me with one of her TARDIS Seeds,I should at least be able to pilot the TARDIS it will grow into, that how I spent the rest of the time of the day or night depending on where I was, I was surprised to know that I was a natural it took me only a few hours I think, to my defence being a being that can literally live for thousands of years and cheat death makes worrying about how long it took me to do something pointless.

After the TARDIS said I was good, she told me to put it on auto pilot, hearing this I was actually a bit mad till the TARDIS told me auto pilot only works for landing in areas deemed safe it will not work when heading to places that the TARDIS deems dangerous, which in the Doctors case is everywhere he goes, only one place was actually safe to land with auto pilot in the eyes of the TARDIS, the place we originally left from.

With that out of the way it was time for me to go get some rest I will have to help deal with the Slitheen family when we arrive trying to go nuclear, turning earth into essentially fuel for profit, so I need to be well rested with that I head towards my own room thinking about what i actually wanted to do here on this universe.

Once in my room I ask my self was I happy with how things went in the show?, was I willing to let thing play out the same or should I try change thing one things for sure i would stop the universes destruction that happens in thirteenth era, it was a plot that was bad and made anything i change pointless if not stopped, so I had to change that but the rest.

Was it worth it sure as a fan I should help the Doctor but although I agree with something's he did his view on now harm was a little overboard, he watch the angels take Rose and Rory right Infront of him yet did nothing, if it was me I would have hunted down every angel I could till I found away to break the lock they had on the time period they sent them, hell I may have even commited genocide, wow did I just think that, I never thought I would think that but to protect those I care for if I have to be come a monster I would.

Guess I learnt something about myself today I am not to be messed with when It comes to those I care for hell if it was back on my earth I would not have the idea, but unlike other I know weeping angels are something that is just wrong no being sould feed of time, wait is it because I am a time lord I find their very existence a disgrace or because what the TARDIS said.

I should let future me handle that,I have enough to worry about now, thinking about something that's a long time away is not best use of my time, as for if I should help the Doctor, i want to see what my being here does to change his choices, if he does as he does in the show sends Rose back home in an attempt to save her than i will help him, if not than I will look for an alternative for getting a TARDIS, as for why i think this way it's because this is my reality now not some show written for viewing pleasure, anything can change the outcome being a Time Lord seeing time the term butterfly effect come to mind, I am not sure if normal Time Lord see what I see when I try to glimpse into time but I see all time can change due to the smallest thing, only fixed points don't change for the most part.

With all this in my head I decided I should gets some sleep maybe some rest will give me some enlightenment and help me think what I should do, i have time since I am not sure if what was shown were the only adventure Rose and the Ninth Doctor had, but I have till I wake up in a game show right.