Chapter 8 The Vault Cube

Waking up after a long rest is very refreshing, I get out of bed stretching my arms and legs, my mind however focuses on what comes next and how I will handle it, even though I believe Jackie should learn about the doctor, I need to make sure she is not the one to call the police otherwise she will be hunted by one of the Slitheen family.

With that in mind I begin formulating a plan, after thinking about it I realise I could help the Doctor guarantee that rose would be saved this time, by making a stationary shield this would not stop a missile explosion but the shockwave it generates should be fine, if they end up in the old cabinet room with it's steel walls it would guarantee they all survived.

The issue is ensuring that everything goes how it should, after thinking there are many ways that end the way I want but the easiest was the events of the show, that makes me wonder if the shows depicted the easiest routes of events, if so that's interesting since how could the show writers know this.

After a few minutes back and forth I decide Jackie will find out about the Doctor causing the events to play out like the show but I will speed up the finding how to kill them, by telling them the moment of the call in the cabinet room.

I just need to get Mickie to remain with Jackie since hopefully Roses phone call stopped the hole Rose missing for a year, I begin to realise how both River and the TARDIS feels right now even if this incarnation is not as bad as some that come after for being energetic and attracting trouble.

If I had to say an incarnation that met these it would be eleven, hell by that time the silence were hunting him with his best friends daughter, so complicated although the Doctor never had another Time Lord helping him at that time, the master was his enemy, as for Donna Noble I could save her allow her to keep her memories but she would still have to stop traveling since while in the TARDIS she would have glimpse like any other Time Lord, that would case her human mind to burn. As for how I can make a machine that stabilise her but as they say it's a fine line, one mestake could make it worse, not to mention the time it will take to design and build it.

So much to fix, I really need my own TARDIS, anyway with what's going to happen with Jackie decided before I go on an even more of a tangent I should go to the control room see if the others are up, with that decision made I make my way out of my room and to the control room.

As I arrive I see what I was not expecting to see, Rose was next to the Doctor talking as the doctor was telling her it's only been 12 hours, the Doctor however after saying that was focused on his screen looking at something, with a look I recognise he had a glimpse of the future.

" Something wrong Doctor" my words catch his attention as Rose just runs out of the TARDIS just heading to see her mother I assume " yea I just saw something I should not have" hearing this only one thing pops into my mind Trenzalore, the one place the Doctor should never go.

Although he goes there in the future seeing it now, oh right during the Day of the Doctor Tenth asks where he was going in the future, eleven days Trenzalore tens reaction was not good is this how he knew or was it from classic who, I can't be sure since I never watched classic who but if this is how he finds out than it makes sense with tenths reaction to the planets name.

After my thoughts finish and ABIT of silence I speak " it's fine it's the future no ned to worry about it now, it's in the future hell it might not be this version of you being there so focus on here and now" he just nod theanbgrins running off to catch up with Rose.

With a sigh I just follow, however just as I was about to leave the TARDIS she sends a thanks to my mind. I just smile and leave closing the door behind me, before turning and walking slowly to Jackie's apartment.

On the way I keep my eyes out for any missing person posters, luckily there are none but as I get to the door I can hear Jackies signature yelling, I sigh before going in. As I enter I see both the Doctor and Rose being yelled at just as I was about to announce my appearance Jackie slaps the Doctor.

I have to hold back a laugh at that " Jackie I think that's enough" she turns to me still fuming with anger before she just signs sitting down on the old couch. At this point I remember something " hey is Mickie staying in my old apartment if so know if he is in" to my question she looks at me before speaking" yea yea" .

Hearing this I tell them I am going to my old apartment for a second, making my way out of Jackie's apartment making my way to my old ones door I knock on, not long later Mickie answers " hey Mickie before you ask they are in Jackie's apartment right now" hearing me he looks from me to the direction of Rose and Jackie's apartment " you can go you know I only came to get a few things so just leave me the key I will give it back to you when I am done" he just nods giving me the key before running off.

I walk into my old apartment that Nick the human version of myself once stayed, I make my way to the main bedroom after I close the front door, as I enter the bedroom I look straight to a certain spot as I had managed to bring quite a bit of stuff from my old workshop on Gallifrey but to stop my Human self from selling any of it I hid it in a small Time Lord safe.

I walk over to the wall put my hand on it and part of the wall opens up to reveal a small cube big enough to fit in my palm, it may look small but it contains alot of parts equipment, it's like the prison ship from the Darlek and Cybermen episode, with something miniaturisation tech, that those like me were told to make during the final days of the Time War.

Unlike the others I had succeeded, unfortunately it was too late, I am not sure why but the Time Lord me was saved from the fate of the rest of The Time Lords by the one who was suppose to destroy it all the moment, it never said why just that I had to survive, anyway with this cube I would have everything I needed to actually use my skills, repair work does not give much for my skills hell I doubt I have leveled up anything.

System: status

Name: The Mechanic

True Name: (Hidden)


Incarnation: 1


Strength: 50.

Constitution: 100.

Dexterity: 40.

Intelligence: 500 .

Wisdom: 450.

Charisma: 300.

System: Skills and Abilities.



LVL: Max


This skill allows the user to pull apart any machines into it basic components without causing damage to said components.


LVL: Max


This skill allows the user to combine components to create a machine or create new components for use.


LVL: 35


This skill allows the user to combine components to create something completely new or something that was based on a blueprint.


LVL: 2


This skill allows the user to create blueprints for new machines that can be later used to with the creation skill to guide in the creation of new machines.





The ability that all time lords have allowing them to cheat death, it has been weakened from its original giving a restriction of only 12 regenerations or 13 versions of yourself. Note regeneration will usually regenerate user to the same gender but has a small chance to chance gender,however with the system the user can ensure that chance is zero if they choose.

Limit: 12

Uses left: 12

Remove Limit: Possible

Time Vision:

LVL: Max


This skill was given to time lords who have looked into the time vortex through the Untempered Schism, allowing them to see events throughout time. Note this skill would cause other beings to burn their minds after a few minutes.

Mechanical Force:

Lvl Max.

This skill allows the user to connect with any kind of machine or machine components and manipulate them in any way. Also this ability is a requirement for the creation of Mechanical Life forms such as AI or A TARDIS.


Allows communication with any intelligent machines.

Allows for absolute control of any machines by simply thought.

Allows one to send there Mechanical Force to check a machines condition or the condition for certain components.

All intelligent Machines have a high favourable Opinion of the user.

Limitation depends on user and Thier creativity

Yea just as I thought Repair is covered by my assemble and disassemble skills both are already max since that was I did most of the time, the only thing I ever created from scratch was this vault cube nothing else, well now I have this I should be able to do some more work done on my creation skill, since I will be making somenextra protection from the missile just hope things play out like the show.

With the cube I left the apartment as I lock up I see the ship from the show glide over head making it's way towards Big Ben, seeing this I knew I did not have a lot of time to work with I make my way to the TARDIS to start my work.

As I arrive I see the Doctor making his way back to Rose's apartment with Rose in tow, I know from this that they went to the bridge to have a look, seeing this I know the Doctor will come to the TARDIS since he thinks this was too perfect.

Once inside I make my way to the workshop, once there I put the cube on the workbench before putting pressing one of the sides in the cube expands to the size of a large cardboard box, once it's done expanding it's size the top face begin to slide open disappearing into one of the other sides.

I know the appearance looks like it would not fit much but one a few words can justify it Dimensional Engineering baby, so wish this was a thing in my original reality just so I can have so much space in one room but nope no such luck in my last life, this one though my Time Lord Self had access to it and made this.

I took some metals out of the cube with some of my old tools, looking at them reminds me on what other people in this fanfics have trouble with the fact that they have replaced someone else, for me though it was different it was a similar scenario to what the chameleon arch does it's actually still me but with false memories not sure how the being did it, but once I put my self in the watch the false stuff just disappeared and when opening the watch my true self was freed, I kept the real memories wile the false stuff was destroyed, it's rather terrifying when you think about it.

How one being was able to bring me hear and arrange all this, without a single person knowing, not that I have anything against it all it just goes to show that there's always something unknown out there that can achieve the impossible.

With that thought finished I start to make the four devices for the protection from the missile shockwave since I highly doubt one can compare an earthquake shockwave to one of a missile that was as close to you as it was in the show, like sure standing under a door way would help in a earthquake but for a missile hell no that made no sense at all, sure the metal walls stopped the heat of the explosion, but no way it blocked that much of the shockwave to make Roses solutions actually viable.

With that I continue to take the parts and tools I will need to make the device with my assemble skill being max each device will take me ten minutes at max, so four will take me forty minutes, which means I should be done by the time before the doctor goes to investigate the alien, since it was night when he did so, dam even knowing the events from show is difficult when the show is filled with small time skips that are never stated how many hours passed