Chapter 9 Downing Street

A/N: ok this chapter is almost 3000 words I was at a dilemma I could have made two chapter out of this like they did with the show but it would have ment a lot of filling in between since the more chapter I do with the Ninths era the longer it takes to get his own TARDIS, so I went with a larger chapter than normal instead, MC has already started to change a few things, but there is a limit dilemma as a mechanic with mechanical force he would be able to do what the doctor could not meaning at the end of Ninths era on satellite 5 where he wants to build a delta wave but did not have enough time, would theoretically be possible for the MC but that would mean no BadWolf, no immortal Jack and most importantly no Doctor regeneration, so far I am planning to keep that the same but I will leave it in the air for now see how you all think about it. Anyway enjoy the chapter.


After I finish the last device I put my spare materials as well as my tools back into the cube before looking at the small devices I made, they are the same size as a medal one would get, made this way using Dimensional Engineering to fit everything inside while also keeping the device small enough to carry, although it was tight since my knowledge on Dimensional Engineering was average at best it could improve, not surprising since I am quite young for a Time Lord hell even the Doctor is older than me might know more but not have the skills to implement it, the only reason I have enough knowledge to use it was because all mechanics are required to learn at least the basics of it before they are even allowed to work as an mechanics or engineers.

Anyway after observing my work I realise that I receive no notification from my system" does this mean I did not level Amy if my skills from any of that work I made these not repair that should come under creation right" say it out loud might make me sound insane but I did anyway, wanting to find out if my assumption was wrong i open call the system up to display my creation skill as well as my design skill.



LVL: 36


This skill allows the user to combine components to create something completely new or something that was based on a blueprint.


LVL: 4


This skill allows the user to create blueprints for new machines that can be later used to with the creation skill to guide in the creation of new machines.

Seeing that they had both indeed increased in level I sigh with relief, this still begs the question why there was no notification or indication they leveled up, looking around the system I found the notification options, to my suprise it's set to silent, my only thoughts were why was it set to silent was It on purpose or was that just default, maybe because other like me complained about the constant interruptions.

After a minute I set it to only show level ups nothing else since having to check every time would be annoying, with that sorted it's time to finish up I press one of the sides of the cube causing it to close and stink back to the small cube it was before .

Once it was done I put the cube in my pocket before heading to the control room, so I can leave the TARDIS and join the Doctor and Rose in Jackie's apartment. Once I arrive at the apartment I see the Doctor talking to Rose just outside the door.

Walking up to them I hear the conversation " it's a bit to human in there for me, history's happened. They're talking about where to buy dodgy top-up cards half-price. I'm only off on a wander" Rose's reply come fact "right. A spaceship on the Thames, and you're just wandering?"I know it's my time to intervene, since I was around the Doctor may not give her a key for the TARDIS.

With that decision made I walk towards them, it's not long before Rose sees me " oh hey Nick" I give her a look " sorry I am still use to calling you that no the mechanic speaking I was curious why that we're all mechanics call that back where you are from" I look at the Doctor before I speak " no these names The Doctor or The Mechanic are not names used as actual names but more of a promise to ourselves, it's more like a title, the name we choose reminds us of what promise we made, they usually relate to the promise" I pause before I speak again" there others who do this, it's something that is done by choice, some still use there real name after, however myself and the Doctor do not. When we chose our names and made our promises we chose these names to become who we are". My words cause silence the Doctor looks at me with a sad look knowing abandoning once own name was not easy.

I look at them before I motion to the Doctor, understanding what I was suggesting he takes out a key before doing what he did in the episode, giving it to Rose, seeing this makes me think about how it ends for them, not happy for sure one continues to run the other trapped on a parallel universe, it's theoretically possible for me to save her, however doing so would change the timeline far to much, the Doctor would never have Martha Jones join him, meaning the Master may succeed when he shows up.

I doubt Rose would be suitable for doing what Martha did, not to mention how would Rose react when Donna Noble appear in the TARDIS in a wedding dress, ok I have to admit that would actually be hilarious to watch play out, reason being Donna Noble has no filter in anyway she speaks her mind, in fact she attracts just as must trouble as the Doctor, makes sense though since she eventually becomes Half Time Lord.

After finishing my thoughts I see the Doctor was looking at me" if you are wondering if I am coming no I will stay with Rose, that way you have another reason to come back" he nods before running off" are all Time Lords like him" I look at Rose stifling a laugh " no the Doctor has and will always go head first into trouble it's what makes him The Doctor, and despite how most of our people view him as a Madman, he always tries to do what's right, even in times it's impossible to get things right" Rose just looks at me for my cryptic words at the end wondering what I meant.

With that I join her in the apartment Mickie unlike how he was seen in the show was not being isolated like he was originally supposed to be, probably because Jackie had not accused him of being responsible for Rose disappearance. I sigh knowing I had fixed an unfair situation that was caused by Rose not giving her mother a single call after they left their first adventure.

Not long later Rose started to notice the key that the Doctor gave her glow she gets up running out the door. Not far behind her was Mickie and Jackie, seeing this I get up and follow behind to make sure everything goes as I suspect.

We make our way to the same alley we arrived in. To see the TARDIS rematerialize, looking towards Mickie I can see a smug look on his face, Jackie on the other hand had a look of horror you would see when you see the monster in a horror movie right Infront of you, I can only sigh knowing exactly how this is going to play out.

Rose just runs straight into the TARDIS, Jackie and Mickie follow her in. Now this is something I should watch, while thinking this I was wondering if the TARDIS found this whole situation funny or not.

My answer was evidently answered the moment I enter I can hear the laughing of the TARDIS in my head, appears she forgot I was able to hear her but with how old the TARDIS is and know how few opportunities she would get to actually see such an amusing thing, I decide to say nothing that would give her away as I watch the Doctor go on about not making things domestic, while Jackie remains silent with a horrified look on her face.

After few minutes Jackie finally moved, running out of the TARDIS heading straight to her apartment I assume, which means she will be calling the cops shortly. The Doctor was talking with a hint of pride on his voice that he went to see the alien, stating that it was too perfect also pointing out he was right the alien was a fake.

I just ignore the rest theres only so much I can take, so glad that the later incarnations lose this pride and arrogance a bit at the moment he still has the feeling of victory over the Dalek, it will lessen when he sees the mutant Dalek in Van Statten's facility.

Back to what's happening on the TARDIS the Doctor finally stops talking before heading to the exit Rose, myself and Mickie following behind. After we exit the TARDIS I see it's empty just as it was before, however as me start to move a light shines on us from above and the unmistakable sound of police sirens can be heated, Mickie just like the episode runs away.

Mean while myself, Rose and the Doctor just waiting there, when the police arrive and get out their cars the Doctor had to say something that made me want to hit my head on a wall" take me to your leader" I think i have begun to do understand why he is labelled a madman by the council.

Not long later we are put into a a black car that has surprisingly comfortable seats as Rose makes a joke " if I had known that police cars were this comfortable I would have gotten arrested earlier" I shake my head " we are not being arrested we are being escorted" Rose looks at the Doctor before asking where, the Doctor grins before saying Downing Street.

The journey was very uneventful after that conversation as Rose was already in shock at the fact she was going to Downing Street, myself on the other hand did not say anything since I had the feeling that with the look the Doctor had been giving me that he thought I knew something, probably because I had yet to say anything about what was happening, since any other Time Lord would be excited since this would be first contact for non unit personnel since it was now impossible to hide anything, the ships had literally crashed into Big Ben making hiding it difficult unless there was anyway to make it into a hoax.

It was thanks to the Slitheen that it was able to be covered up there whole plan about weapons being aimed at earth was able to allow the fact that if the weapons were fake they could rope the entire crash landing with the fake weapons, making both apart of the same hoax.

Not long after we arrive at our destination, the Doctor is the first out followed by me than Rose, you could see the confusion on the crowd of who we are but we just ignore them well I did the Doctor on the other hand had to wave at them before we enter Downing Street.

Once inside it all starts how it did in the show the Doctor gets taken into the room with the other experts while me and Rose get told to wait outside, just like in the show we meet Harriet Jones who seems just as panicked as in the show before leading us to the room where we would inevitably find the prime minister.

Once in the room she starts talking about what see saw, after talking for a few minutes she walks over to the wardrobe size wooden cabinet, that opens like a wardrobe would however as she opens it something or rather someone falls out.

A man rushes into the room one I recognise it's the secretary that was killed in the episode, the man looks at the body on the floor " that's the prime minister he should not be here" just as he finishes speaking a women who was on the larger side walks in closing the door behind her.

The man hears it and turns " the prime minister was seen leaving Downing Street he can't be here" the woman just laughs " and who told you that" a few awkward seconds of silence later she speaks again" me" after saying her peace she puts her bag on the table then mover her hand to her head before she moves it across her head.

As her hand moves a strange line of light appears where her fingers had moved, I knew what was coming I grab Rose and Harriet and ran I would make things easier I ran to the room where the Doctor would eventually lock everyone in.

Once there I engaged the defences of the room sealing us in, than making use of something River had done,  I send a message to the Doctor using his psychic paper as the receiving address, how I did it is rather strange really, it requires knowing the individual and having some item that can be associated to them, that individual also had to have a psychic paper or they would not get the message.

My message was simple, aliens in Downing Street. Hiding in old cabinet room. If the Doctor was as smart as was seen in the show he would understand although at this point he way already be aware of the first part.

Not long later I felt his presence close I open the defence to see him running from three Slitheen, it was a rather comical scene to witness first hand but he was faster not surprising since all he does it's run.

The once he made it to the door things started to go like the show, that being the Doctor threatening the Slitheen with the alcohol and the monologue about the cabinet room before locking us in again.

Now came the bit I had prepared for, Rose phone rings picking up Mickie talks about Jackie being attacked and asking the Doctor if there is anyway to stop them, Jackie tries to get the Doctor to promise her daughter is safe. I know it's my time to buy in  " Jackie I know most of the time the Doctor's life is not safe however I already know what must be done, I made precaution this time she is safe i can guarantee that but other I can't, no one can guarantee that with the Doctor's life but just this once i can. Oh by the way it's Raxacoricofallapatorius meaning their weaknesses is vinegar make sure to have some ready just in case Mickie" once done I pull four small devices out and throw one to everyone in the room.

I direct Jackie to where she can find the vinegar in my old apartment, once she was done she gave the phone back to Mickie who says what now. I just turn to the Doctor who has a large grin on his face knowing his worry that he may lose Rose was gone, just like the episode he instructs Mickie to use his password to launch a missile directly at Downing street I active the four shield devices after about five minutes an explosion rings out, causing the room to move and shake causing us all to fly around like rag dolls.

Thankfully my shield devices hold up ensuring no one gets a single injury, not long later the room stops moving, looking around it was rather obvious the room had tuned upside and we were all lying on what was suppose to be the ceiling.

After getting up we make our way to the exit before simply pushing the metal bulkhead that was once able to stop a Slitheen simply fall at the slightest touch. Making our way we are greated by a solder asking us if we are ok.

Harriet just does the talking before telling us some has to fix this mess, not long leaving to tell everyone the crisis is over, the Doctor and myself share knowing glances at each other before the Doctor speaks" I knew I recognised her future prime minister of great Britain leading it to a golden age" after that Rose makes a quick call to let Jackie and Mickie know she was fine.

We head back to the TARDIS however the Doctor and Rose head to Jackie's apartment to talk to her and so Rose can get some clothes, I was not going to be there for that I may have been able to guarantee her safety this time but I can not do that forever.

Not long later they all return surprisingly with Jackie who just runs up to me giving me a hug, than thanking me" it's no problem it was luck really I got a glimpse of the events so I thought I should at least tilt things in our favour" my reply does nothings but make Jackie confused " ah right never told you did I, me and the Doctor are from the same race only difference is unlike me he did not get changed to survive the end of our race" still confused I had to explain the chameleon arch to her, of course in a more dumb down way.

Eventually she got the idea but asked me to try keep Rose safe, all I can say is I will make sure I do what I can before she would leave, with a sigh I nod at the Doctor who I already know had made the emergency protocol program that would send Rose home incase of emergencies.

The Doctor quickly began the TARDIS before setting us on our way to where ever we would go, although I already knew and I was looking forward to it, since I was curious on how my mechanical Force would interact with a Dalek.