Chapter 12 Slitheen For Mayor

A/N: Hello everyone I know what most are wondering why there were no chapters well I have been very busy dealing with things having very little time to even relax, this one chapter was done in what small window of time I had this is not even the first draft i rewrite this one multiple times since I was unhappy with it, he'll even this version still is not perfect but I have not put a chapter up in ages so I figured I would at least upload the best version I have otherwise I will not get to the fun parts of the story. Anyway I will try to make time for more and I am sorry for the long wait I hope you like the chapter.


While I am thinking about how lucky the Doctor is, my thoughts drift to why I am rushing, as well as what will happen when it is time to face the Dalek Emperor. If I end up on the station while Rose goes all BadWolf then I would be left with two choices, I could save her and allow this version of the Doctor to live longer since according to my memories and my system I have yet to regenerate, or I could let I play like in the show, no matter what I know it will be my last trip with the doctor while I am a resident of his Tardis.


After thinking for a bit I decide to leave it by ear 'No point in thinking about it now' With my thoughts done I focus on the metallic bear I created thinking of what upgrades I could put on it since I know what is to come I could add some weapons or a shield but it would take space or cause me to increase its size, currently it looks like a metal grizzly bear with a strange antenna on its head.


Even with dimensional engineering it has limited space since more space needs a bigger power source 'For now just leave it is not worth the time god knows how much time I have used up after the first time the doctor left the Tardis and returned I asked his Tardis to stop informing me' my thoughts are interrupted by the workshop door opening revelling the Doctor, rose and another man I know from my last life to be Captain jack Harkness.


As if on cue Jack speaks "Well hello there" I roll my eyes at his words, I remember him flirting with anything that walks.


Ignoring him I look to the Doctor as I do the Doctor speaks" So how are you" As he speaks his eyes show a sympathetic look, I just shrug before replying" Fine I got the device done and as I am sure you can see I built an assistant of sorts" I mention my robo bear because I notice both Rose and Jack looking at it.


The Doctor gives a sad look when I mention I have finished the device" So when are you going to deploy it with the seed" his words carry a tinge of sadness to them as he speaks" Not yet I promised the Tardis I would not leave yet" heari8ng my words The Doctor signs in relief.


As I finish talking, I remember something "Oh right the Tardis need to refuel she mentioned it while I was building the device" the Doctor nods before speaking" Looks like a trip to Cardiff then". After he finishes, we all leave the workshop heading to the command room.


As we walk, I chime in" So has anything happened while I was busy aside from your new friend here", my comment makes both Jack and Rose laugh while the Doctor starts going over what I missed, starting from the Mighty Jagrafess of the Holy Hadrojassic Maxarodenfoe to the empty child, he also mentions what the boy from van statten's musium did.


By the time the doctor had finished covering what I missed we arrive at the command room once there, the doctor began plotting the course for Cardiff.


Once we land we start to talk about where to go next, the Doctor made a few suggestions while Jack talks about a few places he has been, just as I was about to chime in there is a knock at the Tardis' door.


Jack is the nearest to the door and goes to the door to see who it is with an annoyed look on his face, probably due to his story being interrupted by the nocking. I of course know it is Micky and after a brief argument at the door, Micky pushes past him heading into the Tardis.


Just like the cannon jack comments about the intruder being Micky and closes the door after a brief chat we all decide to get something to eat as despite the doctor's long life his cooking skills are average at best.


As we walk, I remember in canon or rather what we see after this is bad wolf, but it is emphasized that there were more adventures before that but never shown makes one wonder. Anyway, if I remember right what is going to happen, we will be dealing with the last survivor of the slitheen family that we stopped last time.


After a while, we arrive at a place to eat and order something to eat. Once the food arrives, we start eating. However, shortly after we begin eating, the Doctor speaks, " I was having such a good day." I look at him to see he is holding a newspaper up showing a picture of a woman who I was very familiar with, and by the look Rose is giving, she recognizes her as well.


After seeing it I know what was going to happen, so I just stood up, as I do the Doctor bolts, I look at the others before following the Doctor the others do the same following us.


It does not take us long to arrive at the town hall where our resident slitheen is, once inside Jack just like in the episode from the show starts giving orders with one minor change since there is an extra person Jack sends me with Micky.


And just like the episode the Doctor goes with his plan. It is actually quite funny watching how Micky was in the episode falling over the trolly and getting his foot stuck in a bucket happen in front of me rather than through a screen.


As we chase after her we end up meeting up again in a side passage watching as the slitheen Margret uses a teleport, as she disappears Jack grumbles about how unfair it is before Rose speaks" The doctor is good with teleports" I roll my eyes at her comment.


The Doctor just raises his sonic screwdriver and activates it causing Margret to reappear, and thus begins her constant attempts to escape with the teleport, if the whole situation was not about stopping her plan to use the rift to escape the planet it would be a good comedy skit.


After she finally gives up we escort her back to her office where the Doctor discovers her plot. As well as the fact that taking her back to her homeworld will mean her execution.


The atmosphere at that point takes a darker turn before I speak" it's not our problem you were planning to destroy an entire planet, and don't say otherwise, the rift would have pulled everything into it not just Cardiff" At my words the Doctor looks at me gratefully.


I knew that hearing it from the Doctor would be bad, Davros mentioned that he takes people and fashions them into weapons, it is moments like this that do it.


Although I know I am being a hypocrite since my mind is just as affected by the time war, but at this point he is still filled with emotions about how his choices not only ended the war but basically destroyed his home.


Thankfully he gets better later but still, I can see it is affecting those around him both now and in the show, so if I can at least stop some of it from influencing Rose or Micky it's fine to take the brunt of this.


After the somber moment, we take Margret to the Tardis, where Jack begins to huck the interdimensional surfboard up to the console, while Margret does her speech about us being her executioner and says about looking her in the eye.


However, to her surprise a do just that without flinching like the others, causing her to look away instead. I am not the Doctor I have no problem putting someone down if they deserve it, hell this woman essentially wanted to destroy the planet that was my home in my last life I may not be human in this life but that does not mean I have no attachment to Earth, as they say, you never forget your roots.


Rose and Micky leave the Tardis just like in the episode, leaving the rest of us to look after our prisoner. To pass the time I head to the workshop and bring a few last-minute minor projects to do while I wait for things to play out. Nothing important just a few things to stop some needless deaths and some insurance.


The reason for this is I discovered something in my memories that appears to have been suppressed. Not from my past life but from my time on Gallifrey. I know this because I had unlocked it while I was going through what I was going to do during the battle with the Daleks.


(start of memory)

A man stands in front of me talking but his expression seems worried as if he is doing something he shouldn't." I know you do not know me kid but what I am about to say is important ok" I just nod at his words.

" Time is not like one would believe normally most timelords know this but the council do not like those with your gift knowing, that fixed points come in two forms ones that have already happened and ones that must happen for time to continue" the man stops catching his breath.


After a while, he continues "Time that's already happened can be changed but events that time need to happen for time to continue cannot "The man crouches down for this next part looking me directly in my eyes before speaking again "You are different, if it was just the mechanical force that you had you would not be kept in the citadel, you are singular in time, you can influence it" the man turns his head looking at the door before looking back at me.

" the war is lost, and the council will want to use you, to do so they will make you forget this so I will do something to protect this memory, the protection will only disappear when you need this knowledge you will remember and when you do never forget, although you can change time its not always the best thing to do so" with that the man puts his hand on my head.


I stand there dazed for a bit as the man stands up and walks away, later some guards rush it the room and look around in a fashion that mad eye moody would be proud of. After seeing me they take me out of the room.


(end of memory)


While I am tinkering I open the system to check something I received earlier after getting the memory back.


System Status : Abilities





The ability that all time lords have allowing them to cheat death, it has been weakened from its original giving a restriction of only 12 regenerations or 13 versions of yourself. Note regeneration will usually regenerate user to the same gender but has a small chance to chance gender,however with the system the user can ensure that chance is zero if they choose.

Limit: 12

Uses left: 12


Remove Limit: Possible




Time Vision:


LVL: Max


This skill was given to time lords who have looked into the time vortex through the Untempered Schism, allowing them to see events throughout time. Note this skill would cause other beings to burn their minds after a few minutes.




Mechanical Force:


Lvl Max.


This skill allows the user to connect with any kind of machine or machine components and manipulate them in any way. Also this ability is a requirement for the creation of Mechanical Life forms such as AI or A TARDIS.



Allows communication with any intelligent machines.

Allows for absolute control of any machines by simply thought.

Allows one to send there Mechanical Force to check a machines condition or the condition for certain components.

All intelligent Machines have a high favourable Opinion of the user.

Limitation depends on user and Thier creativity .


Singular Entity In Time(LV.MAX). Passive


LV Max.


The owner of this ability only exists in the present of time, this does not mean the owner disappears from the past it means that two of the owner cannot exist, This means that there is no future self as his timeline follows him directly, allowing for direct influence over the events of the future as if they have never happened, or change events that must happen( note that changing events that must happen need to be changed to have something of equivalent size happen in its place to maintain the balance of time.)



I get a general idea, unfortunately, it means that I will never meet a future version of myself, or that's what the system's description of the skill is implying but something tells me that there is more to it than what is described but I will find out eventually.


As I finish my inner monologue I look to see the door of the Tardis open and Rose come in, putting down what I was doing I wait for the events to unfold.


Just like in the episode, the interdimensional surfboard starts sucking power from the Tardis and Marget quickly rushes over and grabs Rose, seeing this both Jack, as well as the Doctor, try to approach but Margret starts making threats, however, unlike the other I know full well that the Surfboard cannot outsmart a living machine and the Tardis is just putting on a show.


As the Doctor tries to talk to Margret I just lessen at the point the Doctor stops I see the segment of the console next to Margret start to open as the Doctor yells for Rose to look away.


Margret on the other hand looks directly at the bright light that is coming from the opened segment of the console letting go of Rose, Rose quickly runs over to us as she arrives Marget looks at us and speaks" Thank you" before she disappears, and her skin suit falls to the ground.


Jack quickly rushes to the surfboard disconnecting it, while the doctor goes over to where Margret was closing the console and crouching down looking through the skin suit. After finding something he starts pulling something out of the skin suit, a large egg with tiny little tentacles coming out of the top.


Rose is the first to speak" is that" before she finishes the doctor confirms that it is indeed Margret. After inspecting the egg the Doctor says we should take it back to her homeworld and give it to a family to raise in hopes she becomes better.


After that I excuse myself saying I need some sleep before making my way to my room to think of what I will do when the transmat beam comes and takes everyone into the games should I just use my ability to prevent myself from being taken and wait in the Tardis or get involved with the games.