Chapter 13 plans for BadWolf and planning changes

A/N: hello again here's another chapter I thought one chapter was a little small since I have not uploaded in a while to I spent some time writing this so hope you like also i plan to write some more chapter this weekend so hopefully I will have a few more for you guys soon, anyway enjoy.


Once in my room, I head to the desk that's next to my bed, sitting on the desk is my Vault cube, its at that moment I remember something I had put into it when I left Gallifrey.


Opening the cube I take out a small device that looks like a futuristic USB drive, I had literally downloaded the technology database of Gallifrey, the reason being they were using me so why not benefit from it, It was one of the reasons they sent me out of the citadel they wanted me safe but also away from the very database that housed there greatest secrets.


Unfortunately for them, I had already taken all the tech knowledge from the database with them none the wiser.


At least this knowledge was not lost in another universe thanks to me, I never even got a chance to look through all the tech data before the shit hit the fan, as for why this is useful now it's because this data has the chance of not only aiding me but also the Doctor.


Thinking this a reach out to the Tardis using my mechanical force with my intentions and my idea, it does not take long for the Tardis to respond, as the wall next to me opens up revealing a place for me to insert the USB to which I do.


It does not take long for the data to copy the Tardis is after all alive, I kind of feel sorry for the Doctor not being able to communicate with his Tardis it would make things so much easier, well at least for newer models since they actually had the ability to fly themselves so long as they had a destination.


Although mine will not be the latest Tardis it will be a generation after this one since the seed came from it but I do not have much knowledge of that generation since it was before I was allowed to work on a Tardis.


I remove the USB and the wall closes again, pressing a hidden button on my desk causing a monitor rises from the desk using my finger to touch the screen. It starts up showing files that the Tardis copied from the USB looking at them I see a few files about devices for personal shields that were not fully developed.


They were, however close to completion, given the unknown amount of time till we are taken to satellite 5, this is my best option for giving those who chose to defend satellite 5 a fighting chance.


According to the data it will take at least 5 shots from a Dalek to break the shield, I know it's not enough but it should at least buy time not enough time to calibrate the delta wave but it will give Rose enough time to open the Heart of the Tardis.


I do not trust events to be exactly like the show, that would be absurd this is reality not a show made by writers anymore, so any advantage is an advantage even if it means letting the Doctor regenerate it's better than the alternative.

I ran every possible outcome in my head after finding out I can actually change things only to find that the way it happens in the show is the best outcome.

All others lead to worse outcomes one being having an entire Dalek fleet descend on Earth, which is not an option the only option that involves anything better is me looking into the heart of the Tardis, which will lead to me regenerating and I am sorry but 9th was not given enough screen time in the show to actually make me form an opinion of him as a character.


Even now I am still on the fence even after meeting him nothing against the actor he did a great job its just he needed more screen time to show how the 9th Doctor was.


So I will not risk regenerating as the doctor said it's a lottery even if I am the same person I will have slight changes, I would rather have my first travels in my Tardis with this version of myself.


That reminds didn't the Doctor develop a shield for his Tardis, looking back at the monitor using my finger to scroll through the files until I found a file with the label Experimental Tardis modification Shield, this is it.


Using my mechanical force I ask the Tardis to send this file to the main control room for the doctor to see, it does not take long for the Doctor to come running in with Jack and Rose.


"Where did you get the file on the Tardis shield" I just look at him with a deadpan look before speaking "Citadel database of course they thought they were smart trying to filter what I knew so I took matters into my own hands, unfortunately shortly after I was sent away from the citadel and you already know the rest" Rose and jack look at me than at the doctor since as I said the last words both our faces show sad looks.


Mine because I know what really happened to Gallifrey, the Doctor will not find out till the Day of the Doctor, I say the episode name because the date means nothing to someone who travels in time he could visit that date multiple times, just at different locations, with one exception Trenzalore.


As the Doctor says no one should visit their own grave, but what most don't realize is it's not just the Doctor's grave it's also the grave of his Tardis.


The doctor starts asking about what else I got, to which I tell him it has all been copied to the Tardis Database, I also mention that he should probably put the shield upgrade on as soon as possible, and Jack speaks up offering to help.


I could do it for him but it involves diving into the central hub of the Tardis, usually, this kind of stuff is done by the permanent onboard mechanic, since it's essentially the Tardis equivalent to nerves, and not a single Tardis likes a random mechanics touching them. The last guy to try ended up being forced to regenerate.


I can bet if I even try my fate will be the same so best leave that to the Doctor that way no one gets hurt. So I spend the next few minutes explaining why he has to do it and no one else.


After explaining what happened to the last guy who tried Jack visibly shuddered before suggesting the Doctor do it himself causing both myself and Rose to laugh, I know they could go the same way they went in the show but I did the calculations this one is more powerful since it was designed for you against the Daleks themselves.


After showing the Tech files to the Doctor and him asking what would be beneficial for his Tardis, he and the others left the room to get some sleep themselves. Once they have left, I stand up and stretch, looking at my bed to my side. I decide I need to sleep myself since I was unsure when I would get the best opportunity to get sleep for a while.


3rd person pov

In space above the Earth, sometime in the future, in a station, a woman who is hooked up to the station's systems via strange tubes is using the scheduled maintenance of the station's network to hide what she plans to do to destroy her masters.


Using the very database her master's connected her to, she makes modifications to the transmat beam to allow it to pull things that are moving in what her master's call the time vortex. Her plan is simple, to bring the one her masters fear.


She is well aware that she will die, but at least she will have stopped her master's before they get too powerful, unfortunately, she has to do the modifications in steps while maintenance is being conducted since her connection to her master's is disconnected during these times.


Despite this, her efforts over the years have allowed her to go unnoticed by both the staff of the station and her masters. All that's left for her now is to locate the one her masters call the Doctor, for he is the only one who can stop them.


Bak on the Tardis, no one aside from the mechanic is aware of what's to come for them as they all get up, heading to the main control room. As everyone arrives, they start talking about the next destination, with Jack talking about places he has been obviously trying to show off.


Mechanic pov


I look around at the eerily familiar scene, it's the exact same as what was seen during the episode when the doctor was remembering how he got on to the satellite 5 during the two-episode season finale of the first season of the reboot.


Guess this means its going happen soon well after the sleep I have made up my mind I am not getting sucked into the games to much effort, and while the Doctor is do what he does I can try to change a few minor things like trying to hack into the dalek network that way I can get not only the time lord tech but dalek tech too.


As for the reason for this its not just for the tech, its because even I found the Daleks to be a monstrosity, at least with their tech, I can find a way for humanity to stand a better chance against them, since we all know the daleks will eventually steal earth but ultimately be stopped by the doctor but making it difficult for the daleks just seem right.


I think my timelord life is affecting me, but hey, they deserve to struggle a little. As they say, know thy enemy. As I was thinking, I remember something, right, this whole thing was caused by the woman the dalek connected to the station, unfortunately, she never got to see her master's defeat, should I save her or let her die I know she will die anyway those tube are not just connecting her to the station they provide her body with what it needs to survive.

It was a miracle she was able to move during the episode since she has relied on the tube since she was a child, it was highly likely the organs responsible for food digestion would have stopped working, considering she would be between 60 to 90 years old as well as the method of sustaining her she should survive after being disconnected long enough to watch her masters die.


She deserved that at least instead of the quick death she had in the show after all the effort she put in because no way does a normal transmat beam have the capability to take people from a moving Tardis in the Time Vortex.


She must have been a genius, it explains why the dalek chose her in the first place, as no normal mind can handle all that data, I would try to save her, but even I don't know what they have done to her to make her compatible with the satellite systems, I will have to settle for giving her a change to see the fruits of her labor.


After I finish my thought, my mechanical for reacts to something, I quickly use it to shield myself from the transmat, as I a bright white light envelopes the inside of the Tardis, as it does, I feel my energy start to deplete quickly.


I hope my mechanical force has enough energy to sustain the barrio long enough, I do not want to be taken. Luckily, just as my energy is about to deplete, the white light dissipates, I look around, seeing everyone gone, and I can feel that the Tardis is no longer in the same place.


I move to the monitor on the console and turn the display to see the outside, and just like the episode, the Tardis has appeared in the same location it did in the episode, now I get to work with my plan.