Chapter 2: A new understanding and vision

Unity, union, unification

Symphony, concinnity, harmony

I have a full memory of the places of the world, not of the world but through the eyes of one being. I can see history, but only through the eyes of the void. I dont feel hunger, yet have arms and lims. What is this dissunion. I dont have a past, yet i can see the world clearly, the small animals that found a life in the dirt where the light can not reach. Not just ants. Maybe not just ants, what if there were other creatures, that evolved through the myths known as dinosaurs. The air was a mixture of red and black and the atmosphere was dense yet i was not affected, but i had enough of an understanding of why it could affect one. I had the fluent understanding of language even if i was born today, those were the questions. 


I felt pain, the first pain in my life, i lost my arm the memories tell me, yet my arm was untouched. I could sense tears down my eyes, it was the worst feeling ever experienced. My mind was no longer in unity as it was before, but it was not the opposite of unity either. What is this?

I could see glass, but my reflection was almost like a ghost. Everything was metallic. I start running. Small cuts of pain, and i reach my polar opposite. The void that bound me here. It was unconscious after the battle that struck it down. 

Through myths told before under the metallic cage, i can recall the countless cities destroyed under one being. One story, was of one person writing a diary about how a whole city went under ruins, in a mere days.

Each pop was like a warning of the amount of explosions to occur. On day one People were falling down like the drop of water during rainstorms, not ticks of a clock because multiple people were falling down in a mere few seconds. The horrors were not the end. On day two people would die of suffocation. On day three the diary ends. 

What a weird three days, no union just disunion, no harmony just dissonance. The light is closed, and suddenly wind crosses my face as i have a stance and cover my face with my hands. I stand in a hallway of mirrors once more. 








WHAT IS THIS, i shout but not a spec could be heard from me. I remember the glass, and from the glass or mirrors that i am facing, i could not decide what to call them. I see reflection, of a young man. This man stabbed himself to not feel the burden of loneliness and so on the story would expand and worsen. The cycle of burden, and the leaving of burdens, is how i would describe his journey. Through the burden of his mind and the burden but also dependance of the girl. Depending on her more and more, turning into an obsession, did she love him?

Its like the story of two lucks or two lucky men. The story went like this, two people were lucky, but they would never cross paths. Because of the fear that one would be luckier than the other, this was like damage to the ego, almost like a burden to feel like you are freeing a burden. 

But this boy was still running, to be heard was his burden, he wanted it. Because it could release him from an already burden. 

"Tick, at age fourteen our friendship both felt deep but also one sided. I had a feeling. At the same time at this age my mind was in ruins. Not because of her, but it had a strong power over me. I always saw myself running, running to the mirror but i see nothing only a reflection of the ocean and its shine and the clouds up above. My mind made it so that i had lost my sight, first X on the people i hate or dont remember and then X on all and everything. Our conversations were the only things i could see, because she did not get beaten down by my mind. But later on i would understand truly why." 

But was his decision for pain genius, yes it was, to take pain away pain is needed. And for a decision, he decided what action to take to fit him. I would not do so, and would rather play dumb. Another burden, that put his teeth in shackles, hunger being another pain way worse. He could not eat, that was worse. 

But why do i get an overview of the life he has, his life is like a fairytale. 

"Tick, age 17. She still showed up, but later than usual and less talk. I had both grown an obsession with her and a burning hatred."

Yet, still went down due to her.

"I cut off my arm and for once i could see clearly something other than her, it was bloody and my pain would rush afterwards."

I could not believe, i was him. A part of him, a perspective of his mind. I was a fairytale, my life was worthless. I dont know what to say.

I return to the void, the one who is named Nanandrophite. I take gentle strides, i knew who i was and what mistakes i had done. Hope we can make amends. 

Will you make amends with me, i shout. I meet it, will you come back with me. But he screams at me. I shout again will you come back to me, i say. But he attacks me. Tho his bones are turned to ashes i am who he can not stand. First swings at my neck, then my face, it goes through me. But i look on, and say no word. 

I could only look on because it was my last moments. Fin.