A new team

"Now that the duel is done, I must get back to Metropolis. Virgil, I wish you luck," Superman said before leaving

"Yes, I must also return to my duties. The best of luck to you young man," Diana said following behind Clark.

"Alright let's head back he has already been gone long enough," Dick said walking towards a large platform 

"Oh wait Virgil before you go I have to talk to you," John said placing a hand on Virgil's shoulder

"About what?" Dick asked

"Don't worry I'm just holding up my end of something I will send him over when we are done," John said

"I see then Virgil we will see you soon. For now, we will get a room ready for you," Kori said 

As the team stepped on the platform Virgil felt someone intensely staring at him. Moving from each member his eyes landed on Raven who looked at him with cold narrowed eyes.

(Good I have her attention) Virgil thought 

While the team stood on the platform a beam of light surrounded them and the next moment they were all teleported away.

"Alright kid let's get going I realized that while you were fighting you lacked combat abilities. I should have a book that will help you," John said leading Virgil through the tower

"What kind of book is this?" Virgil asked

"Something I got from one of my trips to hell. I could never use it because of the evil nature it contained but I feel that your magic will be able to counter that," John explained

"I see then I can't wait to see that it is," Virgil said with a grin

Once the two reached an empty section of the tower John began drawing ruins into the ground with his knife. Once he was done he whispered something and like before both figures disappeared as if they were never there.

Within a split second, both appeared in a room filled with books plants, lab sets, and reclis from lost times.

"Welcome to my workshop," John said as they stood in the middle of the room

"Look at all of this...How long did it take you to get all of it?" Virgil asked 

"When you have done this as long as I have time no longer matters," John sighed

Walking through his workshop John went through his bookshelves until he stopped at a black book with chains around it.

"Here it is," John said grabbing the book

Walking back up to Virgil he pulled out a key from his pocket and undid the lock on the book. Once the chains fell the book released a dark oppressive aura that caused Virgil to sweat and his system to go off.




"Shit....what the hell is with this book?" Virgil asked nervously 

"This book was made by the devil himself I won it in a wager. It's said to have the flames of hell contained within it," John said with nervous laughter 

Grabbing the book Virgil received a surprising notification from the system.

[The Flames of hell have been sensed]


[Would the host like to purify the flames]

[Possible outcome: Primordial Flames]

[Possible outcome: Flames of Healing]

[Possible outcome: Fire of Origin]

(Sabastian what is all of this?) Virgil asked

{The system does not side with good or evil so it changes the flames into ones that have the same level of strength without having the chance of corrupting you} Sabastian explained

(I see can I select what kind of flame with changes into?)

{Not those are the possible outcomes that the system could change into. But each of them will only help to boost your abilities}

(Alright I will wait for now I don't want the change happening in front of anyone) Virgil said

"Thank you John this will help a lot," Virgil said putting on a fake smile

"Come one kid stop with the fake smile. I'm finished with my job I hope the next time we meet you put that book to good use," John said drawing runes onto the ground.

"Ha... I hope next time you have another gift like this for me," Virgil laughed

"Maybe if you get strong enough I will bring you to hell with me and you can get one yourself," John teased

"Well then I can't wait" Virgil replied before his figure disappeared from the lab

"Bloody hell I think this really is interesting he is the first person who didn't pass out when seeing the book," John laughed.


In the young justice tower, Virgil appeared out of thin air surprising Wally who was sitting don't the couch watching TV.

"What the hell man," Wally said almost falling off the couch

"Sorry about that I didn't think I would appear in the living room," Virgil replied

"It's fine. But since you are here let me show you around the tower and your room," Wally said standing up 

"Thanks," Virgil replied walking behind Wally

As they walked through the tower Wally showed Virgil the kitchen, living area, training room, garage, and other main areas of the tower. As he showed him around he told Virgil about the team dynamic. Like how Connor and Megan were together. How Zatanna was interested in Damian but would probably change since he joined. 

"Well, that's pretty much it for now any question?" Wally asked

"Just one. What can you tell me about the girl in the cloak her name is Raven right?" Virgil asked playing ignorant

"Yeah, she joined the team right before you. They haven't told us much about her she is a good fighter but she is quiet and stays in her room most of the time," Wally explained

"Oh I see thank you Wally I will find you if I need anything else," Virgil said walking into his room

To Virgil's surprise when he walked into his room he saw Dick and Starfire standing inside.

"Ah, Virgil you returned. I hope Wally gave you a good tour?" Kori asked

"Yes he showed me the gist of it," Virgil replied

"That's good. By the way, batman said that your lab would be ready in two days," Dick added

"I see thank you...If that's all could I have some time to rest," Virgil said

"Yes sorry about that...If there is anything you need don't hesitate to ask," Kori said with a small smile

"And here is the training schedule. Your clothes are in the closet please try not to be late I already have enough trying to get Wally to wake up on time," Dick sighed handing Virgil a piece of paper.

"Don't worry I will be there on time," Virgil replied

Once the two left the room Virgil laid on his bed and sighed.

{Virgil how long do you plan to keep this act of yours up?}

(As long as it takes to reach what I want. This world is filled with many problems, and I want to be prepared for it all) Virgil replied

{I see would you like to look over your missions}


[Daily Training Mission]

[Active your barrier at full power for five hours: 0/5 Hours]

[Increase the range of shock: 0/5 meters]

[Learn a new skill: 0/1 skills]

[Rewards: +30 Status points/+1 Magic Gun Bluerprint/+1 Nano Tech Blueprint]