A New Skill

(Hey Sabastian?) Virgil asked lying on his bed


(Can you tell me if there are bugs in this room?)

{One moment...Yes there are multiple cameras and audio bugs}

(Thanks and what about my apartment are there bugs there?)

{Well with us here I can't tell but if we go back I could tell you} Sabastian replied

(I see now I have two more questions about my inventory?)

{Go ahead}

(If I wanted to could I go inside the inventory subspace since it's an actual portal that opens?) Virgil asked

{No. Time does not flow within that sub-space so to protect the host you can't enter the space}

(Alright I guessed that and for my second question can anyone see me reach into my inventory?)

{Well for other people it will seem like you're hand just disappeared then reappered}

(Good now for my last question are there any cameras or audio bugs in the bathroom?)

{Just an audio bug no Cameras} 

"Damn I should take a shower," Virgil sighed standing up and walking into his bathroom 

Inside he turned on the shower and pulled out the speel book he got from John. Once he did received the same notifications again.

[The Flames of hell have been sensed]


[Would the host like to purify the flames]

[Possible outcome: Primordial Flames]

[Possible outcome: Flames of Healing]

[Possible outcome: Fire of Origin]

(Yes I would like to purify) Virgil replied

[Begining Purification...]

[The Flames Of hell are resisting]

[New Analysis]

[Flames From the King of Hell]

[New Possible Outcomes]

[Fire of Origin]

[Primordial Flames]

(What why did it change and what happened to the flames of healing?) Virgil asked confused

{Well these flames were made by the king of hell so they are much stronger than what the books state. Only after a full analysis was it exposed}

(Okay but what is the difference between the two options)

{Well the fire of origin is a living flame that becomes part of the host soul. It can consume fire to become stronger. While the primordial flame can destroy anything that it comes into contact with}

(So the first has greater potential and the second is more destructive)

{Yes and the fire flame would be recommended for its ability to smelt any material. But the second one can destroy any material}

(I see but the way you said it means I can choose which one to use?) 

{That would be correct}

(I see...I will choose the Fire of Origin) Virgil said after a while of thinking

[Fire of Origin Chosen]

[Intitiating Soul linking to Fire of Origin]

Once Virgil received the notification he felt a sharp sensation in his chest which caused him to cough. To his surprise, he released a small breath of fire.

"What the..."

Before he could finish his sentence the burning feeling increased causing it to feel like his blood was boiling. His skin slowly turned red. But unlike an itch or rash, the red covered his body and began to glow a bright red causing him to become a beam of red heat.

This caused the water from the shower to evaporate. Even his clothing began to burn. the robe he had from the system was engulfed by a dark red flame. 

[Basic Magic robe has been consumed by Fire of Origin]

[Basic Healing Ring has been consumed by Fire of Origin]

[New Attribute added to Fire of Origin: Flame Body/Fires Rebirth]

As this went on Virgil could only struggle under the intense pain. He tried to scream but nothing left his lungs. While his body burned the center of his chest slowly started to give off a blue flame. This blue flame spread until he was a mass of blue fire. 

But as suddenly as it started the flames all disappeared. Once his body was exposed it had changed. His once-black eyes were now glowing a fiery blue. His pale skin is now tan. His skinny body was healthy and filled with toned muscles. 

Even as he breathed air he released small blue flames that released large amounts of heat. 

[Congradulations your souls has successfully integrated with the Fire or origin]

[New Skill: Fire of Origin[Lv.1: A flame that can melt anything and grows stronger as it consumes other flames]

[New Skill: Flame Body[Lv.1: for one second turn your body into fire negating all damage: Cooldown 1 hours: Passivly Negates all fire damage]

[New Skill: Fire Rebirth[Lv.1: The fire of Origin provides passive healing consume more healing items to increase effectiveness]

(Holy fuck you couldn't have given me a warning?) Virgil asked leaning on the wall

{Even I did not know that would happen} Sabastian said

(Whatever but I lost my robe now) Virgil

{Yes but you gained a boost in your stats. Check it out} Sabastian replied pulling up Virgils status


Name: Virgil Domini

Age: 19

Class: None

Level 2: 260/500]

HP: 500/500

MP: 1500/1500

Strength: 40

Agility: 55

Endurance: 50

Dexterity: 40

Intelligence: 45

Wisdom: 55

Free Status Points: None

Skills: Basic-Mana Control[Lv.12] Learner[Lv.10] Barrier[Lv.15] Shock[Lv.12] Body Strengthening [Lv.7] Fire of Origin[Lv.1] Flame Body[Lv.1] Fire Rebirth[Lv.1]

Equipment: None

(Damn that's a lot of points and those new skills make up for the lost items) Virgil said grinning from ear to ear

While leaning against the wall Virgil activated his Fire of Origin. Once he did a bright blue flame floated on his palm. Even though it was small with was bright and gave off intense heat.

(Hey Sabatian what is the current limit of the fire?) Virgil asked

{Right now the flame can reach a max temperature of 5000 Fahrenheit or 2760 Degrees Celcius}

(Damn that's a lot for a new level one fire)

{And this will only increase as you get stronger and consume for flames}

(What would happen if I were to consume a sun?) Virgil asked

{Woah let's not get ahead of ourselves and save that for later} Sabastian replied.