
{VIRGIL WAKE UP} Sabastian yelled to Virgil causing his eyes to open

(What happened?) Virgil asked looking around the room

{Nothing yet but you were speaking in your sleep and with this room bugged I feared you would say something that could cause unnecessary attention} Sabastian replied

(I see...I really need to find a way to deal with these bugs) Virgil sighed 

Now awake Virgil looked over at the clock which read 5:50 am. With a sigh, he got up and put his clothes on. 

Leaving his room he made his way to the empty training room beside a weapon rack filled with wooden weapons. 

Walking to the center of the training room activated his barrier and began trying to use dual casting. Using his barrier at full power Virgil tried to bring in mana from around him to counter the drawing from the barrier. 

{Virgil I don't know if this would help you but I would recommend learning to combine spells first before trying constant dual casting} Sabastian said

(...Maybe you're right I should learn to increase the shock distance. I have had an Idea but I don't know how well it would work) Virgil replied

{What kind of Ideas?}

(Well when I use shock my hand is coated in a small amount of mana before shock is used. So if I can condense the mana in the air into a rope and activate shock that should work right?} Virgil explained

{Theoretically, that would work but you haven't trained in controlling the mana around you expect when you absorb it}

(I have to start somewhere) Virgil said sitting in a lotus position

Closing his eyes he began absorbing mana. Even though his reserves were full it still allowed him to interact with the air around him.

As the small particles of mana began moving toward his body he tried condensing them into one section. 

It had taken him over an hour to be able to move some mana particles to a certain place. He was focusing on the small cluster of mana floating before him. He held his hand out attaching the mana to his palm.

Once he made the connection he slowly unraveled the mana cluster into a line of mana. Once a line a few inches long was made he activated his shock skill. Just as he predicted the mana formed by shock connected with the line and then became electrified.

{That's incredible it only took you an hour to get it} Sabastian said surprised

(I'm just glad it worked) Virgil replied lying on the floor his body depleted of mana

{Well you can stop now since you have a foundation increase the range will be much easier} Sabastian added

(Yeah I know) Virgil said sitting up

While in the lotus position, he refilled his mana and began training again until he ran out of mana. 

After another hour of slowly increasing the range, he depleted his man seven times and increased the range to three meters. Even thought it was not enough he could still swing around the mana as if it was a whip.

[Mission Completed: Drain mana 5 times: 5/5]

[Reward: +30 Status Points]

"Oh I forgot about the missions," Virgil said seeing the notifications

For now, he decided to save those points and focus on increasing his range. Once he finished collecting his mana he was about to start when the training doors opened and the team began walking in.

"Oh Virgil you're early," Dick said surprised

"Yeah wanted to get some personal training in," Virgil replied

"It's good to see you are dedicated," Kori added

"At least he is a hard worker. I have high hopes," Aqualad said

"Hey is it just me or is it much hotter in here," Wally said

"Now that you bring it up. It is much hotter in here," Zatanna agreed

{Virgil the heat your releasing from your body is causing this} Sabastian spoke

(I see how do I stop it? I don't need the questions?) Virgil asked

{You simply have to control your fire. It is a part of your soul command it to stop and it will} Sabastian explained

(Seems simple enough) Virgil thought 

Closing his eyes Virgil looked deep within the source of his mana and heat. With a simple thought of stopping the heat that was being released stopped and the room temperature cooled.

"What I don't feel the heat anymore," Wally said confused

"Me neither I should have the ac units checked out," Dick said making a mental note

"Anyways let's focus everyone pairs up and starts your stretches and light sparring," Kori said 

"Virgil you will spar with Connor again," Dick said

"Could I spar with Virgil today," Raven said surprising everyone

"What Raven volunteering to spar now I have seen everything," Wally joked

"Are you sure Raven?" Kori asked

"Yes, I am sure. I would like to spar with Virgil,"

"I have no problem with it," Virgil replied with a small grin

"Alright then...Zatanna you're sparring with me then," Kori said 

As everyone got with there partners Virgil and Raven made their way to the back of the training room away from the others.

"Shall we begin?" Virgil asked

"Yes...Tell me what you know," Raven replied with a stern expression