
"Well I'm glad to see you're interested," Virgil replied

"Stop wasting time and tell me what you know," Raven said launching two spheres of darkness at Virgil

But thanks to his new status boost Virgil was easily able to dodge both orbs.

"Well, first I know your father is Trigon the demon that existed before the big gang. I know that nothing on earth can kill him and that he is immortal," Virgil said dodging Raven's dark orbs and closing the distance

"Then you know he can't be stopped," Raven said launching a large dark raven 

"Yes he can...but first tell me how much do you know about your mother?" Virgil asked activating his barrier and blocking the raven

"She died when I was born I don't know much," Raven replied

"Well did you know that she was a human sacrifice to Trigon so that you could be born," Virgil said walking closer

"What are you talking about?" Raven asked confused

"Yes. Your mother's people chose her to be a sacrifice to Trigon they used to worship him," Virgil said charging at raven

"You're know nothing about my mother," Raven said flying up

"Really, have you never wondered where your magic came from? It may be similar to your father but that is because of how he taught you to use it but we both know it's not his," Virgil said jumping into the air catching raven.

"...But what does my mother have to do with this?" Raven asked as a black tentacle reached from the ground

"It's where your mother went when you were born that's important. They are the only ones with information that can stop your father," Virgil said 

As the tentacle reached Virgil he was unable to dodge in the air and it grabbed his foot and pulled him down to the ground.

"What do you mean my mother where did she go?" Raven asked confused

"Shit..." as he was thrown to the ground by the tentacle Virgil activated his barrier before he made contact with the ground

"After you were born your mother was brought to the one place she coudl hide from Trigon and raise you," Virgil said flipping backward to create distance

"Explained?" Raven said darting at Virgil

"It's a parallel world called Azarath the birthplace of your magic and the place with the knowledge to entrap Trigon. They were to first to Imprison him and the only ones with the means to do so again," Virgil said expanding his barrier and stopping raven

"Then why haven't they come for me or stopped my father?" Raven asked

"Because it was destroyed by Trigon after he escaped and now only a fraction of it remains," Virgil explained

"How do you know all of this?" Raven asked stopping her attacks

"Because I was born there the night Trigon destroyed it I was sent to Earth. I lost everyone I cared about during that attack," Virgil lied 

"...I-I see I'm sorry to hear that. Now I see why you wanted to stop my father," Raven said

"I want to but I can't that's why when I found you I knew I had to get in contact. You are the only one who can stop your father," Virgil added

"Fine but I need you to prove this to me Azarath and the truth behind my mother," Raven said

"I will but it will take some time for now you need to learn to fully control your power. I know you probably hate using his magic but you need to have full control of everything you can do if you want to stop him without things going bad." Virgil said

"...What will you be doing then?" Raven asked changing the subject

"For now I'm working on a way to get back to Azarath," Virgil replied

"Very well...I hope you are not lying I do not wish for false hope," Raven said

"I know you can't trust me but I also need this to work," Virgil replied ending the spar

Once everyone was finished with their sparring Dick and Kori gave then each training program to help them better their abilities. When it came to Virgil Dick was still unsure what to do.

"Virgil I still don't fully understand how your magic works and everything you can do but I am working with John to create something for you," 

"For now you can do your own training. if you improve well then we will allow you to continue but please keep us informed on any changes in your magic or any dangers we have to look out for," Kori added

"I understand...If it's alright with you could I train outside I prefer to train in nature," Virgil lied

"Very well make sure to not learn the tower's property to keep people from asking too many questions," Dick said

"Yup," Virgil said leaving the training room

Once Virgil left the training room Kori and Dick looked at each other. 

"Did you see it?" Kori asked

"Yeah...the last time he jumped the high his magic covered his legs but this time he jumped normally like it was his normal physical abilities,"

"And he changed so much. He was skinny and pale yesterday. But now he looks like someone who has been training for years. And the heat we felt was coming off him I left it last night while I was in the garden," Kori Added

"I will make sure to report this the kid I hiding more than we know," Dick said


{Virgil how do you plan to find or access this worl you spoke of?} Sabastina asked

(Well my best bet would be John he is the only world traveler with whom I'm on good terms) Virgil replied

{I see but he doesn't work for free how do you plan to get him to help you?}

(I think I have an idea but I don't know how well it would work) Virgil said rubbing the back of his head)

[A/N: I know some of you were worried that I dropped the book but I didn't I said the schedule would be 3-7 chapters a week and if would were fewer I would Inform you. This is a fun project for me and I still have things in my personal life to do. But thank you for all your support]