What to do now

{So Virgil what is First?} Sabastian asked

(Right now I don't know. I can't ask for the materials I will need but I also don't have the money for it. Right now my best beats would be making a deal with someone who could provide those things)

{Who are you thinking of getting in contact with?} 

{I could probably work with Star Labs) Virgil replied

{Why them?}

(Well at first I planned to work with Luthor but he has too much attention on him. He may have the resources but it is not worth the trouble) Virgil explained while leaving the lab

{But that is where the flash is. How do you know that your work won't be reported back to batmna}

(It will be. I will only be able to keep these things hidden for a few months most before people find out. I don't have a secret lab I can work at.)

{That is true but what do you plan to make first if you want to keep the nano-tech hidden}

(The magic gun I want to find a way to make it so that it condenses energy the people have access to. But also a way to make it no-lethal so that the public can have access to it) Virgil said making his way back to his room

{That won't be easy the main part of the magic gun it the mana core that absorbs mana in the air. I would suggest not changing it} Sabastian replied

(What do you mean?)

{Well if you make the mana core the source of power no one would be able to replicate it. Mana cores are only available in the store so only you would be able to supply them} Sabastian explained

(I see that changes things. Seeing that I think I have a way to get Johns's attention) Virgil said sitting on his bed

(Also how can I get store points to purchase items?) Virgil asked

{The main way is quest but every time you reach a milestone you will be rewarded a large amount of store points}

("Okay and what is the first milestone?)

{Reaching level twenty. You will receive 20,000 store points and a new class based on you history}

(Well that's good to know but it there any way to receive points now I need mana cores to begin working?)

{One moment...}

{I know I should not be doing this and I'm breaking a major rule with this but I will provide you with 1000 store points. That will get you 10 E-rank mana cores} Sebastian said as Virgil received a notification

[+1000 Store Points]

(Thank you. But what did you mean you were breaking rules?) Virgil asked

{Well I'm not allowed to give you anything without the permission of the system but since they are busy doing something I took the chance to do it} Sabastian explained

(Wait what happens if the system finds out?)

{You let me worry about that for now you just focus on getting your other materials}

(...Alright if you say so,") Virgil sighed before leaving the room 

Making his way out of Young Justice Tower he was walking around the town getting to know the area. 

After some time of enjoying the weather, he stopped by a coffee shop. Walking inside he saw that it was mostly empty. Walking over to a table he sat down and began looking at the menu. 

After knowing what he wanted he placed the order and as he waited for he happened to look at the back of the shop at something that caught his attention. 

A group of men in suits sitting across from each other. One held a suitcase that was cuffed to his hand the other had a young girl who looked afraid sitting between them.

(Shit I hope that's not what I think) Virgil said watching the group

As he watched he was the first group to hand over the briefcase. At the same time, the second group handed over a briefcase and the girl was sat on the other side of the booth.

(Fuck it is what I think...) Virgil sighed

{Wait this could work in our favor} Sabastian said


{Simple that girl could be someone important. If you save her you are bound to get a reward. Like money is maybe a new business partner. Or you could take the money from the other group}Sabastian explained

{Damn...I know it's wrong but you are right. I have too much to worry about for me to let morals get in the way) Virgil sighed

Once his food arrived Virgil kept watching the group to see what else they would do. After another five minutes, the group with the briefcase left the shop. It wasn't until another twenty minutes that the second group seemed to move.

Standing up Virgil paid for his food and walked outside holding the door the the group of me. As the girl walked pasted Virgil he heard the smallest whisper that could have been easy to miss.

"p-pleas help me."

Hearing those words Virgil made the decision that he would save that girl no matter what. Even if he didn't get a reward for it.

[A/N: Sorry for the very late post I just started playing Baulders Gate Three and that game has me hooked]