
{So what are you going to do? Following them with your identity exposed is stupid?} Sabastian asked

"Can I purchase a mask from the store?" Virgil asked following behind the group

{What kind of mask are you looking for}

"A plan white mask that covers my face but still allows me to see," Virgil replied pushing through the crowd

{Alright simple enough but it will lower the number of cores you can buy}

"I'm fine with it just by the mask,"

{Very well but I will be purchasing a different one for the same price. It will prove more useful than a normal mask} 

[-100 Shop Points]

[Mask Of the Deep: A pitch-black mask that will cause anyone who looks at it to feel a sense of dread and despair. Limited by the viewers will power]

"Thank you; this should be plenty," Virgil said putting the mask on 

As he followed behind the group he could see the girl's small struggles for help. After a few minutes, they turned into an alleyway. Following behind them he didn't enter the alleyway but watched from a distance.

From what he could see there was a total of seven people. None of them seemed to have any large weapons on them. It's probably just pistols from what Virgil guessed.

Also inside the ally were two black vans. 

(Sabastian what are my chances of saving the girl without any injury to her?) Virgil asked

{Well if you can place her within your barrier before fighting she will be fine}

"Seems easy enough," Virgil said as mana coated his body

Dashing into the alleyway he created two shock whips. Grabbing the two closest people they began twitching as electricity ran through their bodies. 

Seeing this the others pulled their guns out and pointed them at Virgil. Seeing this he created a barrier around him, and before they could let a shot off they grabbed two men slamming their heads together and knocking them out.

"What the hell," One man said letting off two gunshots

As the shots rang through the air the girl dropped to the ground out of fear the bullets fell to the ground after making contact with the barrier. 

Not wanting to give the men a chance Virgil lunged towards them. As he reached the girl he activated a barrier around her. 

At the same time, he created a ring of blue fire around the girl and himself. 

"Who the hell are you? What the hell are you?" one man asked seeing the ring of fire

"Leave or die," Virgil replied in a cold tone with flames raging from his body

"Fuck man no amount of money is worth this," One of the men said running out of the alleyway.

Seeing that the other two also ran away in fear for their lives.

Once the men left Virgil released of breath of relief and extinguished the flames.

{That worked better than I thought} Sabastian said

Kneeling down Virgil looked at the girl who seemed to be in high school, she had long black hair a pale skin, and she looked terrified. Her body was shaking and her eyes closed shut.

"Hey it's okay now they are all're safe," Virgil said dispersing his barrier

After a few seconds, she slowly opened her eyes and made eye contact with Virgil. But when she saw the mask he was wearing her heart dropped and she started backing away.

"No no please d-don't hurt me," the girl cried

(Fuck the mask) Virgil thought taking it off

Placing it in his inventory he held his hand out again to the girl.

"Look sorry about the mask I didn't mean to scare you," Virgil said with a kind smile

"...w-who are you?" The girl asked after a few seconds

"My name is V... Magi you can call me Magi," Virgil replied giving a fake name

"Magi...I saw you at the cafe," the girl said slowly reaching her hand out

"Yes...I thought something was wrong when I saw that was happening and when I heard you ask for help I couldn't just do nothing," Virgil said helping her stand up

"T-thank you my name is Melody...I thought it was over for me I...I didn't think anyone would help me," the girl replied

"Well Melody let's get you home before your parents worry more," Virgil said with a smile

"Yes...thank you," She replied standing next to Virgil

Before they left Virgil went through the pockets of the men. He was able to find their phones and wallets. Then he checked the van where he found an envelope filled with money and a harddrive. 

Placing everything in his inventory they left the alleyway.

"Do you have a phone to call your parents?" Virgil asked

"No it was taken from me I don't know where they put it," Melody replied

"Alright that's fine do you at least know how to get home?"

"Yes I do, but it is an hour walk from where we are," Melody replied with a sigh

"I see...Alright we will get a taxi," Virgil said standing by the road

"So...are you some type of hero? I haven't heard of anyone like you," Melody asked

"I guess you could say that, and I'm a new at this so that's why you haven't heard about me," Virgil replied

"I you think you could show me those flames again they were so beautiful and made me feel safe?" Meldoy asked

"Maybe another time. Right now isn't the best time. But I need you to answer a few questions for me," Virgil said hailing a taxi

"You want to know why they took me," Melody said with a saddened look


"They took me because of who my parents are. They are the owners of Belmont Protection. A private para military and protection company," Melody explained

(Belmont...I have heard the name before but from where?) Virgil asked himself

"Okay, do you know who it could have been?" Virgil asked as they entered the taxi

"No my father has lost of enemies and my mother's family does not like her position of power so it could be anyone," Melody said clenching her skirt

"I see...well I promise to stay with you until we figure out what is happening," Virgil said placing his hand on her head

Feeling his hand he jolted before calling down and with a small smile replied.

"Thank you,"

[A/N: Don't worry this character will before like a younger sister to Virgil. I'm not with that weird shit Iykyk]