Confronting the team

Leaving the Belmont estate Virgil made his way through the town for the first time since waking up. Walking into a nearby alleyway he made sure no one was around before pulling out a knife and carving the runes to Constanties lab. 

Speaking the Latin words like before he was transported into the lab where a sleeping Constantine was awoken by something being knocked over.

Shooting away he launched a ball of light that hit Virgil but did nothing to him.

"Who the in the bloody h...God damn it, kid!" Constantine said seeing Virgil

"Constantine good to see you," Virgil replied

"Good to see you. Is that all you have to say after leaving for damn near two months. Do you know the shit I had to deal with because of you," Constantine yelled 

"I know it wasn't something I planned things happened," Virgil replied leaning on a desk

"What the hell happened that you just disappeared from the face of the earth? Was it a demon?" John asked

"No, and I won't go into any more detail because I can't Virgil answered

"Fuck...did you at least speak to someone in the league?" John sighed

"No, not yet. I knew that they would be bothering me for a while so I decided to get the information I asked you for," Virgil continued

"Info...what info?"

"About Azaroth and how to get there,"

"Oh, that. I was able to find it but the next time I will be able to get you there will be the next full moon in a few days," John explained

"I see thank you. As compensation here you are," Virgil said handing him a gun

"A gun? I don't need a damn gun," John replied

"Just test it out it's not a normal gun," Virgil said with a grin

Picking up the gun he looked at it curiously before pointing at a chair and shooting it. Once he made a bullet as large as a softball and as fast as a bullet hit the chair leaving a large smooth hole through it and the floor for a few meters.

"W-what in the bloody hell is this thing?" John asked

"Something I have been working on. I think it's more useful to you than my flames," Virgil grinned

"Damn right...alright kid everything else is water under the bridge just tell me how you made this?" John said 

"Nope, I can't do that. But don't worry that gun won't break easily, you won't have to maintain it and it will shoot over 500 shots," Virgil replied

"...well this is really amazing but I hope you know if the bat finds out about this,"

"It won't matter he won't ever get his hands on it, and if by a medical he does he won't ever be able to make it like mine," 

"Alright if you say so. Well here is the info. Next full moon follow the instructions carefully and don't miss the timeline or you will be stuck in Azorth for a few months," John said handing over a small notebook

Taking the scroll Virgil spoke the same Latin words and was transported back into the alleyway from before.

{Virgil why would you give him that gun? It could end up working against us}

(Don't worry every gun made has a kill switch applied that will shatter the core,) Virgil replied

{I see I forgot you added that. Very well but what do you plan to do now?} Sabastian asked

(First kill get to the Joker and kill him. Then get rid of the joker toxin) 

{How do you plan to do that? he is locked up in Arkham and if you break in and kill him that will be problematic}

(That I haven't fully figured out yet) Virgil replied

{Okay...Wait Virgil I'm monitoring the area and it seems like your team is fighting a large group of robots led by a small bald child, a large ugly behemoth, a woman with odd-shaped purple hair, a kid that can make clones, and another person with laser vision}

(Oh it's just H.I.V.E it's fine)

{Fine is an overstatement}

(What do you mean?) Virgil asked

{Well into to be rude but they are getting aggressively bitched. It also seems none of them have their gear they are dressed in normal clothing. The only two doing damage are Raven and Wally, blue beetle and Zantanna}

(Oh yeah you did say they were put on hold. They were probably caught off-guard) Virgil sighed

{Are you going to help them}


"To think we would get rid of you all like this," Gizmo laughed

"Zatanna, where the hell are the others?" Wally asked fighting Billy numerous

"See I told you guys we should have just stayed in the tower," Raven said releasing a wave and launching a group of robots

"We can blame each other later for now we have to hold off for the others," Jaime said flying around shooting down robots

While distracted Jaime was hit by a laser beam that caused him to fall to the ground. At the same time, Wally ran into Mammoth who now had him in a bear hug.

"Wow you guys are weak without your little toys," Jinx laughed hitting Raven with a disc of energy and knocking her over

As the army of robots slowly closed on to the team a zap of lightning could be heard before something moving at incredible speed began flying through the robot's heads breaking all of them.

"W-what the hell?" Gizmo asked looking around

The next moments large bullets came flying at them. But unlike normal bullets, each one froze everything it touched. Each of Billy's clones where frone along with him. 

While the team was disappointed more fast-moving objects broke Gizmos devices while the earth began moving holding mammoth legs in place and Jinx placed in a cage made from the earth. 

"Who the hell? Zatanna?" Damian asked confused

"Don't look at me this isn't my magic," Zatanna replied just as confused

"I'm out of here," See-more said running away

"Take one more step and lose you're head," Virgil spoke as his blade was next to see-mores neck

"W-woah c-alm down we don't have to go this far," See-more said fear in his voice

"y-you what are you doing here" Damian asked his anger in his voice

"You guys are really in a sorry state," Virgil sighed looking at the team